The two of them were in a mess.

"Please help us, Lin Cheng!"

Li Xuefei pleaded with Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng looked at her and asked, "You want me to protect you."

"No... Lin Cheng, help Qingyou and the others. As a deal, I will become your man."

"..." Lin Cheng was silent for a moment and said, "Deal."

This accident made Lin Cheng more satisfied than he expected. After all, he could save even the pills. The only thing he had to pay was to kill these zombies that looked like zombies but were actually crystals and equipment.

Lin Cheng shouted to Ling Qingyou and the others, "Senior Ling, please take the people and retreat to one side."

However, Ling Qingyou and the others were in a very bad state at this time, and they could not hear what Lin Cheng said at all. She didn't even notice Li Xuefei running over.

Lin Cheng then said, "An Jing, Yingxue, go and help them."

"Yes, Master!"

An Jing had already prepared for the battle.

Although Lin Cheng did not help Ling Qingyou and the others, when Ling Qingyou and the others were defeated, the next target of these zombies would naturally be Lin Cheng and the others.

As for Dong Yingxue, it didn't matter. As long as she used her weak superpowers, she could enter combat mode at any time.

An Jing and the others rushed to the position of Ling Qingyou and the others in the playground, who were surrounded by zombies.

Along the way, the two of them were like two wild horses that had broken free from their reins.

Rushing around, they actually tore a crack in the zombie army.

At this time, Ling Qingyou and the others were already in a state of weakness.

Ling Qingyou's vision became a little blurry.

A zombie attacked Ling Qingyou from behind.

Ling Qingyou had lost consciousness, so she couldn't defend against the attack from behind.

But the next moment.

The zombie's head shattered.

This was what it looked like being penetrated by a cylindrical object.

Dong Yingxue's figure gradually became clear, and she said, "Qingyou, can you still stand up?"

Ling Qingyou noticed Dong Yingxue's face in her blurry vision, and she couldn't help crying, "Thank you for saving me..."

Before she finished speaking, Ling Qingyou knelt on her knees, fell to the ground, and fainted.

"Ah? This is troublesome?" Dong Yingxue looked at the fallen Ling Qingyou and other students who were also exhausted to the limit, and didn't know what to do for a while.

However, the next moment, An Jing next to her taught her what to do.

An Jing grabbed the student lying on the ground, and threw him directly towards Lin Cheng and the others.

Seeing this, Li Xuefei opened her arms and cried, trying to catch the person thrown over.

But Lin Cheng patted her shoulder and said, "Get out of the way, I'll catch it."

Li Xuefei stood aside and watched nervously as Lin Cheng stretched out his hand to hug the person.

She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Lin Cheng lightly hugged the person and put him on the ground.

"One... two... three... four..."

When An Jing threw only the last Ling Qingyou, Dong Yingxue reacted and threw Ling Qingyou over.

"The last one has passed, let's go back————!"

An Jing said, and together with Dong Yingxue, they wanted to kill back to Lin Cheng.

As people were thrown to Lin Cheng's side one by one, the attention of the zombies was also focused on Lin Cheng.

Ning Qiang swallowed her saliva and looked at the zombies that were making hissing sounds and drooling as they attacked her. She said, "Senior Lin Cheng, they are coming."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

A time-stopping dagger appeared in Lin Cheng's right hand. He gently waved the time-stopping dagger, weighing the strength he should use.

Then, Lin Cheng's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Then, the next moment, a Lin Cheng appeared in front of each zombie on the field.

However, these were all afterimages of Lin Cheng.

Each afterimage of Lin Cheng made the same action, which was to wave the time-stopping dagger at the zombie's abdomen.

The afterimage existed for about half a second.

Lin Cheng returned to Ning Qiang's side.

Ning Qiang blinked her eyes, and the next moment, her voice trembled, and she said, "All, all, all solved?"

"Yes, all solved." Lin Cheng gently waved the time-stopping dagger in his hand.

"Senior Lin Cheng, you are awesome!"

Ning Qiang jumped over and hugged Lin Cheng.

Perhaps because of yesterday's exercise, Ning Qiang was a little bolder when facing Lin Cheng today.

Lin Cheng's eyes fell on the blade of his time-stopping dagger.

The blade was as smooth as before.

Because the speed was too fast, the time-stopping dagger was not stained with the zombies' body fluids.

In addition.

The zombies were cut in half at the same time.

The upper and lower bodies were separated and fell to the ground.

Even though the zombies were cut in half, their hands and feet moved for several minutes before they completely lost their vitality.

Compared with supernatural powers, other means of attack will not make zombies lose their tenacious vitality so quickly.

Even if it is fatal to humans, the zombies still maintain their tenacious vitality.

Lin Cheng thought he needed to remember this point, otherwise he might be injured by the zombies who counterattacked before death if he was not careful.

Li Xuefei was so surprised by Lin Cheng's move.

Is this something that humans can do?

Is it really possible for humans to have such an exaggerated performance just now?

Compared with Lin Cheng's attack just now, Li Xuefei felt that the deep pit caused by Lin Cheng was not a big problem.

Modern weapons can also cause such deep pits.

However, even the fastest aircraft now can't reach the speed of Lin Cheng's afterimage.

Because of being too surprised, Li Xuefei's mouth turned into a circle.

Ning Qiang and Dong Yingxue have a certain understanding of Lin Cheng's strength, so they are not so surprised.

On the contrary, An Jing was shocked, and she was the most surprised among all the people present.

An Jing knew that Lin Cheng was very strong, but An Jing had always predicted that Lin Cheng's strength was about the physical fitness of a level 4 superpower.

However, the exaggerated power displayed by Lin Cheng at this time has far exceeded what a level 4 superpower can show.

In less than a second, moving at a high speed, and annihilating more than 3,000 zombies at the same time.

And it was still under the situation of not letting the zombies' blood splash as much as possible.

Even if these zombies are all level 1 zombies.

With such strength, An Jing couldn't help but say: "Level 5... No, maybe level 6."

Lin Cheng's performance was far beyond An Jing's expectations.

Lin Cheng, who was only level 1, had already shown such amazing strength. How exaggerated would Lin Cheng's strength be when he became a level 2, level 3, or even level 9 superpower.

At this moment, in front of An Jing, it seemed that the scene of their human empire fighting against the zombie emperor Lin Cheng in the end of the world appeared in front of An Jing. The extremely desperate power gap was once again presented in front of An Jing at this moment.

However, this time he was not an enemy, but became her teammate and her master.

In an instant, a thought emerged in An Jing's mind.

In this end of the world, because of the interference of An Jing, the reborn, the original zombie emperor Lin Cheng in the future may not become a zombie again.

And if Lin Cheng's strength is a potential strength, then compared to the seven heroes, maybe Lin Cheng is...

An Jing's eyes lit up, a blush flashed across her face, and her breathing became rapid.

'Master, Master, he will become the true savior of mankind. '

Except for Lin Cheng, An Jing doesn't think there are other humans who can compete with those zombie emperors in the future.

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