After the two of them had a close relationship, they had to wait for the next few days.

Lin Cheng took back the Time TV and said, "It's basically the same as what she said."

Lin Cheng asked, "An Jing, what do you think? Is this monster a human, a zombie, or some other mutant animal?"

The Time TV uses the area near Xu Ruoxi as its field of view, and the monster maintains its human form from eating to changing.

Lin Cheng is very willing to learn about the information about the end of the world from An Jing.

"It shouldn't be a human, right?"

An Jing said uncertainly: "Although we can't completely rule out the possibility of a human, a high-level zombie that has reached level 2 can also have the potential to simulate human behavior."

"However, simulation is simulation after all. You can tell from the expression, just like what we saw on the time TV just now."

"But we can't rule out the possibility that this person himself is 'expression paralysis'..."

Although An Jing didn't rule out the possibility that it was a human, Lin Cheng could also hear that she thought it was very likely to be a zombie.

Lin Cheng was silent.

Ning Qiang, who was standing next to him, thought he was worried, so she said:

"Senior Lin Cheng, don't worry too much. Don't we have Sister Feili? She has the ability to see through the effects of other people's superpowers."

Lin Cheng thought for a moment and said, "In fact, in addition to Feili, I can also confirm what other people's superpowers are. For the time being, I will remember her appearance. When I act later, I will try to act with Feili and I present."

"Senior Lin Cheng, can you also see other people's superpowers?"

"Maybe my basic ability is very high, so I also have the ability to observe other people's abilities."

Lin Cheng's words made An Jing frown. She had never heard of such an ability appearing with high basic abilities. However, An Jing turned and felt relieved. After all, in the previous life, there were no humans like Lin Cheng who had low superpower levels but exceeded the basic ability.

After Lin Cheng and the others discussed it, they returned to Xu Ruoxi's side.

Xu Ruoxi had sorted out her thoughts and greeted them formally: "I am Xu Ruoxi, and I am also a freshman this year. But I am not from a local university. I made money by shooting videos online before the blood rain. This time I came to Liudao City to make a video, but I didn't expect..."

Xu Ruoxi's expression turned bitter as she spoke, and she was obviously very embarrassed about her current situation.

"Do you want to act with us?" Lin Cheng asked.

Xu Ruoxi seemed to have considered it, and she said, "No, although you are not the monster in disguise now, you can't tell when the monster will mix in. I would rather act alone."

Lin Cheng said, "Then we'll see each other again."

After Xu Ruoxi walked away, An Jing came to Lin Cheng and said, "Master, this is a large supermarket, but she is not interested in the food or other things in the supermarket. Instead, she wants to take a video outside... I feel that it's not just because her thoughts are still stuck in the pre-apocalyptic period."

"I can see that." Lin Cheng said, "If her thoughts are still stuck in the pre-apocalyptic period, she should not choose to act alone. It seems that she should have the confidence to survive on her own."

"Do you want to force her to stay?" An Jing asked. She felt that Lin Cheng should be very interested in turning Xu Ruoxi into a maid.

"No, I'll mark her on the map in the virtual vision and I can track her whereabouts." Lin Cheng said.

An Jing nodded.

Lin Cheng's virtual vision and the time-lapse TV can help him track the whereabouts of anyone he has met.

"Take a break, and then we'll go into the supermarket."

Lin Cheng recalled the scream just now and asked, "An Jing, if you encounter that mental shock again, can you deal with it?"

"It's difficult." An Jing shook her head and said, "When the level is low, the effect of mental power is also top-notch. When the level is high, the effect of mental power will be relatively less powerful. However, that will also be at a high level, and at present, except for the master, the rest of us have no means to deal with it."

"You can't isolate it with your power?"

"No way. Space operation itself is still at the level of 'material interference'."

Lin Cheng looked at the map in the virtual vision.

After Xu Ruoxi left the point marked, there was only a black dot left in this large supermarket.

Lin Cheng pondered for a moment, and then said, "Then when you enter the supermarket later, be careful and try not to get close to this black dot."

Others responded, and when everyone was about to set off, they heard a bell ring.

Xu Fei

Li said apologetically: "Excuse me, I have to answer the phone."

After Xu Feili answered the phone, a low female voice came from the other side: "Feili, are you okay?"

"Mom, I'm fine."

"Are you at home now, or in the shelter prepared by the military?"


"Then hurry to the military shelter. We are also in the military shelter. Although it is not a city, we have rice distribution here, and you should have it too. Also, Li Qiang's family has a background in the Liudao City military. At this time, you should be nicer to him, don't be indifferent like before."

"Okay, Mom."

Xu Feili responded.

"You promised me so readily, do you want to ignore it like before? Listen to mom, you..."

The person on the other end of the phone kept nagging for five minutes before ending the call. During this time, Xu Feili kept responding to the person on the other end of the phone with a perfunctory attitude.

Xu Feili said, "Sorry, I delayed you for five minutes."

Lin Cheng and the others didn't say anything, but went into the supermarket.

As soon as they entered the supermarket, they saw scattered carts and some scattered goods.

Lin Cheng said, "Anjing, take the others to collect things in the supermarket."

"Yingxue, come with me, let's go check out the other light spots. If they are zombies, we'll deal with them."

Lin Cheng brought Dong Yingxue with him because she had a high equipment drop rate after killing zombies.

"Anjing, check the map and avoid other light spots."

"Yes, Master."

After Anjing confirmed the map, Lin Cheng took Dong Yingxue and entered from another fork in the road.

This area is not a snack area or an area where fruits and vegetables are piled up, but a place where kitchen supplies are piled up.

Lin Cheng turned over the map in the virtual vision and confirmed that there were more than a dozen light spots nearby, two of which were blue.

Going around the display cabinet in front, Lin Cheng saw the light spots themselves.

There were more than a dozen humans.

Lin Cheng's eyes met theirs.

The other side pulled the cart back cautiously, and several figures blocked the cart.

However, Lin Cheng had already seen clearly what was in the cart, which was some snacks.

After confirming that the other side was human, Lin Cheng took Dong Yingxue back and left.

The other side didn't want to provoke Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng then contacted other light spots one by one, but in the end he had to regretfully discover that in this huge supermarket, except for the black spot that had not been confirmed, there was not a single zombie.

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