Blooming America

Chapter 636: Special forces, digital, calm

In October, Yuwen began to gradually drop, but the temperature of the whole world was rising.

The vote within the United Nations on the restoration of permanent membership of the United Nations by China is also about to begin. At this time, Canada has also established diplomatic relations with China, and the changes in the situation are somewhat subtle.

However, this delicate situation has no effect on Sean Conte.


He was panting.

Although he is about to enter the future special forces academy, his training has not stopped so far.

"The Soviets will not show mercy to you just because you are not training!"

This is what the boss said.

Sean has already heard that the training at the Special Forces School will be a training that surpasses human limits in an all-round way.

This kind of training also refers to the training methods of some mercenaries, but it is more systematic than them.

And this kind of training is not for learning, but for competition.

Competition between countries.

Although I don't know who came up with this strange idea in the first place, for Sean Conte, such a thing is an opportunity for him.

After all, as long as you can enter that college, you will get an annual salary of 200,000 US dollars. If you lead the Americans to surpass the Soviet Union, you can also get a bonus.

In fact, Sean Conte himself did not just go for the bonus.

For a soldier, this kind of competition is the most exciting.

Sean Conte was a veteran who enlisted in the army in 1968 and then entered Vietnam.

After two years of service, he was selected because of his excellent combat performance, and then he was selected as a member of the special forces regiment.

Each country will send 20 to 30 elite special tenon soldiers in the special forces school, and Sean Conte is the captain of the US team.

Of course, such competitions are much more cruel than ordinary competitions.

He has heard that the rules of the special forces school set up are very cruel. Everything from eating raw meat to survival in the jungle, and so on, even includes driving skills, as well as the incredible combat requirements such as flying airplanes.

In addition, since it is a school, it must be graduated.

To graduate from such a special forces school, the conditions they choose are also very surprising. The graduation task will be set to dispatch the entire team to destroy an armed force or criminal organization, from Africa to South America, as long as it is a franchise country, is likely to be selected as the mission location.

In other words, the graduation journey in this school was a real battle!

And as far as the degree of danger is concerned, it is even worse than the Vietnam War!

After all, on the Vietnam battlefield, it was the Americans fighting the Vietnamese.

But if it is replaced by an international special forces battlefield, it is very likely that when one team is preparing to kill the enemy, it will be shot by the other team.

Therefore, in such a school, I am most concerned about. Should be his own "classmates" on the surface

That's it.

Because there has never been such a school in the past, no one knows what will happen. Because of this, there is Sean Conte's current training ~ anti-assassination training.


It's a mother, assassinated.

In such a school, a brick family immediately thought of such a possibility.

What if you are ahead of the opponent? They kill you with a bottle of poison. What use is it for you to lead?

This is not impossible, so after analysis, Sean Conte led his future teammates in various training.

"...When you feel unwell, you should grab your throat immediately and make yourself vomit..."

At this time, he was leading others to recollect what to do after food poisoning.

Food poisoning is undoubtedly a good method of assassination. Poisoning is more difficult to detect than cutting the throat. It is not impossible that a certain student suddenly "kills" suddenly.

In fact, it is very possible.

Because when the record was learning anti-assassination, Sean Conte was also learning how to poison people silently, or kill the opponent when it was most convenient.

But Sean himself is not used to such training.

This will make him feel more like an assassin than a soldier.

It doesn't feel good to be an assassin.

But for the benefit of the country, some things have to be done. After all, sometimes it is not necessary to kill the opponent, as long as the opponent performs abnormally. In this case, the method is actually more secret than the previous assassination.

"Hey, have you heard that the nsa has obtained the list of the Soviets participating in the special forces school!" Someone said after the training.

"The list of the Soviets? Really?" Sean was also surprised.

"Come on, maybe it's yù Gai Mi Zhang." Some people expressed disdain.

"And maybe it's a fake list. What do we want to know about this list?"

Sean is right to think about it.

Knowing the list of the Soviets, it doesn’t matter to me, right? What is the use of such a list? Could it be possible to rush to kill the opponent before the opponent kills?

This is obviously not realistic.

"I heard that Venezuela is in the tropics? I don't know what the weather is like over there." There were also recruits who hadn't suffered much to interrupt.

These recruits are not the same group of people attending the mercenary school as Sean.

They are reserves.

In order to prevent the temporary problems of Sean and this group of people, we have these people.

If Sean has no problems, then they will enter the school as special forces students next year.

"It seems to be on the Caribbean side, in our south, I think it should be in the tropics?"

Everyone answered like this.

"I hope everything goes well" Sean played a little in his heart.

There is not much time left until the official start of school...

Thunder Lab.

Catherine is here watching a video in front of her, this is a video of wild ducks flying from the lake.

"It's okay." Catherine nodded.

This video is only a few seconds, but the attraction to Catherine is very huge.

Because Catherine knew that this was a huge success.

"How should I reward you?" Catherine smiled.

Digitization has always been Catherine's wish. For now, such a digital video is the first and most critical problem Catherine set out to solve.

A digital TV. This is what Catherine is thinking of now.

To be precise, it is not digital TV, but digital video.

It seems that what is needed in current TV transmission is not just an ordinary receiving function.

In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in analog communication, it is necessary to amplify the attenuated transmission signal in time during the signal transmission process, and the noise inevitably superimposed on the signal during the transmission process is also amplified at the same time. As the transmission distance increases, noise accumulates more and more, so that the transmission quality is seriously deteriorated.

This is also known as Xuehuà point.

In the broadcasting of TV programs, this situation often occurs.

If you are more careful, after installing the so-called "digital set-top box", you will find that after using such a set-top box, the snow spots in the TV program will no longer be seen.

Of course, analog signals are not without advantages.

Take the phone as an example. The frequency band of an analog phone is 4khg bandwidth, and the digital phone occupies about 64khg. This is the main reason why analog communication is currently in the Holy Spirit.

For now, the hard disk storage space required to make a digital video is even greater. Don't look at Catherine's bandwidth now seems to be sufficient, but once the full range of digital signals is replaced, it will be different.

Fortunately, Catherine's optical fiber can also transmit analog signals. The signal loss of optical fiber transmission is also small, and the clear picture is very helpful for expanding users.

But if it becomes a digital age, one's own bandwidth will definitely become stretched, and at that time, it is already too late.

The transmission rate of digital signals is one megabyte per second. Of course, this is the domestic digital signal in the previous life that Catherine has learned and not the United States. The video effect of Catherine’s current video transmission is worse, even without analog. The transmission of such a large data stream ensures the high definition of digital TV and overcomes the inherent shortcomings of analog TV.

At the same time, because digital TV can allow several standard signals to exist at the same time, each digital channel can be divided into several sub-channels, so that one big data stream can be used... per second

It can also be divided into several streams, for example, each with a speed of 4.85mb per second, so that although the clarity of the image will be greatly reduced, it can greatly increase the types of information to meet different needs.

For example, when rebroadcasting a sports game the audience needs high-definition images, the TV station should use the transmission per second: while in the news broadcast, the audience pays attention to the news content rather than the announcer's Image, so there is no need to use such high definition, then only 3mb per second speed is enough, and the rest can be used to transmit other content.

But even so, bandwidth is not enough.

Looking at it, Catherine suddenly discovered that her Internet seems to be far behind, but as far as this problem is concerned, it seems that she has not been discovered now.

Computers nowadays do not have much requirements for download speed or anything, and there is nothing to download on the Internet. Even at this time, there are not many pictures on the website, and some are not at all. Therefore, the issue of bandwidth is completely absent.

But once it’s digitized...

Catherine thinks about it, this plan seems to be better temporarily.

"It's a long way to go." He was ambitious, but the reality calmed Catherine. Sometimes it is better to calm down. ! .

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