Blooming America

Chapter 923: Clay's interview

Chapter 923 Clay's Interview

Seymour Clay sat in the seat of the guest, and the host sat opposite him, smiling on both sides.

This is the studio of Angel News News Channel, and Cray is here to participate in the show.

"Mr. Clay, you are welcome to our "News Room"."

The host is a middle-aged man, who seems to make Kray feel good about it.

"Hello there."

Clay also smiled at the other party.

"I think everyone here should be aware that today's supercomputers can predict the weather, design safer airplanes, draw dna maps, explore the universe, and so on. At present, they can even design new types of potato chips..."

Facing the host’s opening remarks, Clay smiled.

In fact, Cray decided to take a break because of hearing that someone used a supercomputer to design potato chips.

...Well, it was precisely because of this news that Clay, who had been selfless, recovered from that complicated research.

He decided to give himself a vacation.

At this time, the Angel News Channel contacted him, wanting to interview him about supercomputers.

"When I heard about this, I was also very curious, and I also found it very interesting."

In the past two years, P&G’s Pringles potato chips were not well-known, but the other party suddenly made a gimmick at this time, claiming that they used "supercomputers to design potato chips", which immediately attracted the attention of many people. Now it has become a popular food in the United States...

Although the gimmick was used at the beginning, it also shows that the taste of the potato chips itself is good.

"Supercomputers are really a kind of magical thing. We all know that Mr. Cray is the designer of the famous Galaxy supercomputer. I don't know what Mr. Cray thinks about supercomputers?"

Clay nodded, and then said: "Compared to the human brain, the computer itself is a revolutionary product, because the birth of the computer-even if it is just a microcomputer, it is already something that transforms the world. People can use microcomputers. It is very convenient to complete their own research and inventions. They can complete a complex report by themselves, and these can all be done with a computer."

"As for supercomputers-supercomputers are often used in high-end and complex scientific research projects." Seymour Cray said in response to the host's question: "Generally speaking, a subject needs the computing resources provided by the supercomputer. The more, the more the research and development results can represent the advanced level."

"Some topics-such as using supercomputers to simulate molecular dynamics models, developing new drugs, etc., can use tens of thousands of CPUs in one project. Supercomputers can concentrate their advantages."

"On the other hand-like our cloud system, this is another use of supercomputers. To be an analogy: supercomputers can support a large number of small projects at the same time. If you compare it to a power plant, this power plant The main purpose is to supply power to thousands of light bulbs at the same time. When applied to the advanced level, a power plant may only support a cutting-edge machine, that is, serve a super scientific research topic. These are mainly the two current uses of our supercomputers."

"Similarly, to make good use of supercomputers, it is necessary to develop special application software in each professional subject field-industry, fluid mechanics, structural simulation, life sciences, etc.. If such software has independent research and development capabilities Insufficiency is often detrimental to research. Therefore, the cooperation between Microsoft and us just made up for these shortcomings."

At this time, the host suddenly took out a book.

"This is Miss Edson's "Information Revolution". It was said that since the emergence of supercomputers, our society has shown accelerated development. What do you think is the impact of supercomputers on us?"

Clay said at this time: "Pringles potato chips are designed with supercomputer capabilities-to evaluate their aerodynamic characteristics so that they will not fly out of the production line during the production process and at the same time ensure the taste of potato chips. Well, to be honest. , This potato chip tastes really good."

Both Clay and the host smiled.

Then, Clay said: “Supercomputers allow researchers to complete tasks that they can’t do on ordinary computers in a few days, weeks, or months. As far as the supercomputers we are developing now are concerned, The speed of producing data is equivalent to inputting all the materials of the entire U.S. Library of Congress to the computer within a few hours."

At this time, the host was surprised: "You mean, it only takes a few hours to complete such a great and complicated job?"

Clay nodded proudly: "Yes, it's not just the supercomputer we are developing. It is not very difficult to do these things with our current Galaxy series supercomputers-it's just possible in time. It will be a little longer."

The host asked again: "Since the supercomputer is so powerful, what are you going to study next?"

"We are ready to further develop fast computing capabilities: With this fast computing capability, supercomputers can simulate the explosion of nuclear weapons-the entire process from pressing a button to the detonation of the bomb. In only a few billionths of a second, many complexities The system interacts with each other to simulate a nuclear explosion. In order to accurately reproduce this process, supercomputers must have high-speed computing capabilities."

In fact, this sentence should be Catherine's hair.

-She needs Americans to be more active in purchasing their own supercomputers.

Historically, the United States signed a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty in 1996. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the old nuclear weapons stored in the United States, which have been stored for 15 to 35 years, without actual nuclear tests, the Department of Energy turned to computer simulation.

But now there is no such condition!

However, for now, new supercomputers have been studied for more than half, and the Pentagon is definitely the best taker...Oh, it's the customer.

"If we use computer simulations, we can calculate the lethality of nuclear warheads without the need for testing, and we can calculate the power of the Tsar's nuclear bomb without dropping it-instead of using planes like the Soviets. To drop the largest nuclear bomb in the world."

Clay damaged the Soviet Union a bit.

There is no way, you have to step on people if you want to be in the upper position...Soviet, sorry.

"In the long run, this technology can greatly reduce the cost of the manufacturing industry. In the future, cars and airplanes will be designed and tested on supercomputers and then officially put into production. These are all good ways to save a lot of money and improve industrial efficiency. ."

Although it was her own intention to come here, Catherine explained some things about Clay. If she can increase her popularity through this interview, the next research will be more concise.

"I heard that the Tower of Babel project will also use supercomputers?"

"Yes, the drawing of dna also requires the help of supercomputers. This is revolutionary research for us."

Cray knew nothing about Catherine’s details, but Cray knew a lot about computers: “As far as I know, there are researchers in the school district of Divano who are studying amino acids. They use super The computer isolates mutant proteins that may cause diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and mad cow disease. If his research can find patterns or loopholes in these proteins, and find a way to fix these loopholes, then he can develop therapeutic drugs. "

Some things cannot be elaborated, they are commercial secrets.

"It's not just this point. Our supercomputers are indeed revolutionary from a macro perspective. For example, we can use digital images collected by ground-based telescopes to input supercomputers and turn them into movies. These are our latest research and development results..."

In fact, Catherine has the heart to make a pure 3D movie or something-it is not impossible. The "Star Wars" being produced has given Catherine a lot of valuable technicians.

"The telescope provides us with photos. We can't see the evolution of the past billion years, nor the evolution of the next billion years. We only see the moment the light leaves it. Use it. With supercomputers, we can see the evolution of the host sent between two photos. With this powerful machine, we can see a whole new world."

The other party exclaimed.

"Yes, supercomputers represent the future of mankind. This is the most necessary technology in the world. I personally think that such technology is very necessary for us."

As the father of supercomputers, Seymour Cray's enthusiasm for supercomputers is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

And such a supercomputer is also perfect for Seymour Cray...

"I heard that the Moon Eye project is about to start I don't know what Mr. Cray has to say about this? It is said that this project will be applied to supercomputers?"

"Well, I don’t know much about aviation, but our supercomputers can indeed help scientists learn more about outer space, and can help them deduce the trajectory, speed, etc. of stars... these It can be done."

The time was almost up, and the host smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Clay for taking the time to join our show this time."

"It's my pleasure……"

Then, the show ends...


It's over, just lost a chapter, I want to die now...

This is the third chapter. I changed it a little bit and put it in the second chapter. It might be a bit abrupt. I'm sorry everyone. I'll go to the code word right away.


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