Blooming America

Chapter 936: School day

Chapter 936

In September, this is the school day. wwwhunhunnet /网/  full text txt download

The school district starts school at this time.

As soon as the school started, the number of students in the school district increased sharply, but the number of tourists was a decline in technology.

The school district itself is a very good place. It could have become a tourist attraction. Even before the school started, there were still some grievances. After all, tourism can make money...

However, this school cannot fail to open.

Not to analyze it from other angles, just to analyze it from the perspective of tourism itself, that's it.

If it wasn't for this place to be a school district, how many people would visit this place?

And on the first day of school, the school district came with a blockbuster news: Ark Group invested 100 million yuan to unite a number of bionics, mechanics, life sciences, and physics laboratories to carry out a major project. The name of this project was named "Cybertan".

The name of this cheating father, of course, came to Catherine's mind, this name comes from Catherine's "Transformers" series.

"Transformers" was originally used as a meal ticket by Catherine, but it has only been a year or two, and the value of the meal ticket has not yet been reflected, so Catherine did this probably to increase the popularity of "Transformers".

Originally, Catherine wanted to name it the "Terminator Project", but the name seemed unreliable no matter what she thought, so she gave up.

And this heavy project has indeed become a topic of discussion.

At the beginning, Catherine promoted that this is a study of alternative limbs. When someone loses a limb, this alternative product can be used as a substitute and start research.

In the laboratory, research on the human eye has also begun, and at this time it has been fully developed.

For Catherine's request, the study is very simple here.

If nothing happens, maybe even within half a year, some results will come out.


"School has started, there are so many people..."

Gates has been here several times, but the first time I saw thousands of students coming and going on the street, this scene is indeed very spectacular.

In the United States, a class may only have twenty students, and a school may have hundreds of students. Similar to the situation where thousands of students gather together, it is obviously very spectacular for them.

"Let's get the laptop first!"

Jobs took a look around and suggested to Gates.

"Well, okay." Gates nodded, and then he looked back at Hatsune and Otonashi, and said, "Let's get the laptop first. What are you going to do?"

"Let's go together! Anyway, it's just a report today. We've all visited here countless times." Hatsune said with a smile.

Gates nodded, which was agreed.

Then the four people got on the bus together, and then they arrived at Ark University.

When I came to the university, there were a lot less people.

The threshold of Ark University is very high, and there are exams when you get started.

Gates and Jobs were originally preparing for the exam, but then neither of them wanted to read it, so they gave up. Later, they were forcibly pulled in by Catherine, and there was nothing she could do.

And sister Hatsune and younger brother Otonashi came here because of a deal. Hormonal incident provoked by people from DreamWorks Xianggang Company. Although Otonashi didn't feel much about it, the company was still afraid of affecting its reputation, so it conducted such a transaction, and related matters became confidential.

So the four of them can be said to be "special enrollment", um, if it is a bit awkward, it is through the back door.

Speaking of it, these four people now live together-they share a villa in the suburbs of the Second School District.

Although on the surface it was arranged for teachers and businesses to live there, but in fact it did not exclude students from living there, so many wealthy second generations rented houses there.

Gates and the others didn't want to live in an apartment in the school district, nor did they want to bear the rent of the villa alone, so the four wealthy guys together, they simply rented together.

In the urban area of ​​the second school district, there is not such a luxurious place. Only the suburbs have villas, and the urban area is more of a simple life.

In the first school district where rich second generations and official second generations gather, this is not the case. The first school district was originally to please those rich second generations and official second generations, so the school district itself is a community of villas, and the consumption in it The level and utility bills are also several times that of the second school district.

Catherine obviously pitted these rich guys, but they still ran over and got pitted. If Catherine didn't pit them, it would be hard to talk.

Gates and his party here got on the bus after registering and receiving the laptop.

The buses here are very empty and large, and they have the same headlights as school buses.

"Is this a portable computer...It's so light..." My sister Hatsune hasn't seen such a computer.

Gates explained at this time: "Although this kind of computer is light, it sacrifices too many things on the device, so it only has black and white, and its performance is not as powerful as a desktop computer, and the heat cannot be distributed in time. Go out, in short... it’s not very good. But for students, it’s just right. But I think it’s not as good as the guys in our studio... At least after we connect to the cloud network, we can start the super A lot of 3D production is performed on the computer data, but if you use this stuff... then don't think about it..."

Gates shook his laptop while shaking his head and sighed.

Indeed, although this thing is convenient, its function is too restrictive.

But Gates is still a little curious about such a system, such as this screen, which is so thin, how is it done?

By the way, the current handheld also uses such a screen. Why can such a screen be used to achieve such an outstanding picture effect?

In Gates' view, computer monitors are all big guys, and such big guys can actually achieve extremely good and extremely clear pictures, which is really amazing.

Looking at the time, it was almost 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone who hadn't eaten decided to have a meal first, and then go back.

So after seeing a Burger King restaurant, they got off the bus, and then they entered Burger King.

Everyone ordered a glass of Coke and a hamburger and started to eat.

"it's wired……"

After taking a bite, Gates instinctively noticed some strange places, but Gates couldn't tell where the strange places were.

"What's going on?" Jobs was also very strange.

"The taste seems to be completely different from the Burger King outside!" Hatsune exclaimed and told the truth.

"It's much better than the outside..., it feels like Kobe beef..." Otonashi murmured something, but Gates thought of something.

Gates said at this time: "I heard that the food here is a special product, I heard that it was provided by Miss Edson's laboratory..."

"That's it!"

Everyone suddenly realized, no wonder the food here tastes n times better than the ground beef burger outside.

"Is it just that?"

At this time, a student sitting next to them suddenly smiled, hearing his accent a bit like a Soviet.

"What's so strange about this?" Gates asked.

"I have checked a lot of relevant information. Many food manufacturers wanted to get involved in this industry at the beginning, and then they were all persuaded to come back. Although the prices they offered were low enough, the food they provided was It’s not so wonderful. Cows and sheep are born of hormones and antibiotics; vegetables grow under pesticides that can kill people. During the slaughter process, the flesh of those cattle and sheep are mixed with stool; and those vegetables have a huge amount of residue. Pesticides were sent to the supermarket... Such food was not accepted by the school district at all... Oh, yes, I also heard that Miss Edson’s subordinate named Drizzt was even killed by them. Driven out of the country!"

"real or fake?!"

Perhaps the Russian's voice was a bit loud, so that the students next to him could also hear it. They were all frightened by this fact.


The people at Gates' table are also speechless.

Gates himself was even more nauseous.

Because Gates usually likes to eat two hamburgers in order to solve his own food, not only convenient, but also very fast, but at this time, Gates feels his stomach is twitching.

"If you don't believe me, you can search on the Internet, and the relevant facts are all on the top! Both Yiwang and Dikai have quite a few..."

The Russian from the Soviet Union said in a serious way.

"I am full……"

Sister Hatsune and younger brother Otonashi are also pale.

Only Jobs was very calm.

"Didn't I say, our food is for special." Jobs took a bite of the hamburger safely.

"Oh..." At this time, the other three people calmed down.

"My name is Vladimir Vladimirovich, from the Soviet Union, hello."

"I'm Bill Gates, it's nice to meet you. I'm from Seattle."

Gates stood up first.

"Hello, my name is Steve Jobs, and I live in California."

"I'm Yuzuru this is my sister Yuzuru Nobu, we are from Japan!"

"It's my brother!" Yin Wu forcefully complained.

"I still have some things. I'm leaving now. There will be a period of time later."

"There is regret."

Vladimir said, and left.

But other students were whispering.

"Will this... be true?"

And Vladimir who left also smiled, maybe this can do some wonderful things...


The first update today, there are four more!

Blame Feng Yueniang, see her Iron Throne.


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