Blooming America

Chapter 960: Preliminary test and next step test

ish Chapter 960 Preliminary Test and Next Test

"It's not poisonous?"

Catherine looked at the solution in the beaker and the brush in Jenny's hand. ish

"Of course not. Silicides are generally non-toxic. Even the silicides formed in this way shouldn’t be a problem. Don’t worry. Besides, we’re just experimenting on the surface of the skin, not dissecting it. Open stomach..."

"Hey, don't let your eyes shine when you say this!"

Is it true that you will really have to cut your own belly at that time...?

Catherine was speechless.

"We have to see if there will be any adverse reactions first, so it is better to test it with the skin...well, if it can be effective..."

Lisa took out the alcohol, and then disinfected Catherine's right forearm. After disinfecting, she took the brush and brushed the solution into Catherine's hand.

At this time, they looked at Catherine's hand.




Catherine felt that her arm seemed to be itchy. After about ten minutes of patience, the feeling disappeared. Then she looked at her hand and found that it turned black.

"this is……?"

Catherine looked at Jenny strangely.

"Probably it was related to the design of Mr. House at the time. Mr. House believed that artificial skin should be different from human skin. Therefore, when designing, the original artificial skin will become black after condensation. Although the nature has changed. , But this characteristic can be retained. I really don’t know why. Is it because of incomplete absorption?"

Jenny touched this strange skin.

"Some are like latex...Well, judging from the color, it looks so smooth, it looks like latex, right?"

Catherine looked at her arm. This piece had become completely black, covered with this special material, as if there was an extra layer of black skin on her arm.

"How do you feel?" Jenny looked at Catherine curiously.

Catherine touched her hand.

"It feels good, but it seems that it has become more acute. I don't know if it is an illusion. The feeling of the covered part of the skin is also very comfortable..."

"Well, then I will take it down and continue to study."

As Jenny said, she was going to uncover the "skin" there.


This piece of skin seemed to be combined with Catherine's body and stuck to Catherine's body.


Catherine also pressed her tongue against her teeth.

"It should only be on the surface..."

Jenny was puzzled.

And Catherine was also a little scared.

It feels very comfortable, but if the consequences are serious, it will be bad.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she tore it apart.

But strangely, after the complete follow-up, the sharp pain disappeared.

"Strange, there is no difference at all on the skin..."

Jenny stroked Catherine's arm, it was smooth and smooth, with no abnormalities at all, and the artificial skin that had been formed was also a little strange.

"What happened just now?"

Catherine didn't know why.

"Let's talk about it later, maybe we should be able to analyze what kind of thing this thing is."

Jenny's expression became excited.

"Come and come"

Jenny pulled Catherine and headed towards the laboratory. It was already evening, and there were no people in the laboratory.

Soon, the two were there, and Jenny was under the electron microscope and began to analyze the material.

"Sure enough, it's different, but what is going on with this structure?"

Jenny looked at this "design" now, a little puzzled. ish

what on earth is it?

"What structure is this?"

Catherine looked at Jenny blankly. It was a pity that although Catherine had seen the things on the microscope, she didn't know at all whether it was a magical thing...

"The structure has changed. It is probably your cells that have affected it, but it seems that your body does not have a rejection response..."

Jenny tilted her head and continued to explain: "It is probably a material similar to skin... But to be more specific, I have to go through testing before I can get the final conclusion. If you want to do more in-depth research, just It's not just the arms, it's best to wear them all over."

At this time, Catherine suddenly thought of when filming "Soul Reaction".

At that time, in order to make a movie, I really wanted to go out for the movie...

"I don't know what happens when it comes into contact with muscles or bone cells... I don't know if we can get some bone cells. Maybe we can make better bones..."

"But why did I feel so painful in the first place? What's the matter?" Catherine asked strangely.

Lisa was silent for a moment.

Because everything she knows now has no theoretical proof at all, so at this time, Lisa can only guess by herself.

"Although this is the product of repairing protein synthesis and not the structure of the human body, this product seems to be able to fool your'recognition system', so at this time, your body will not reject this existence, but will think it It is a part of human organs, and the original altered protein in your body should be considered as part of the skin."

"As for why your sense organs are strengthened...I don't know this. Probably there are things similar to nerve endings in this product...? The reason why you feel the sharp pain is probably because of this. the reason."

Lisa pointed to what seemed to exist on the microscope—but Catherine didn't understand what Lisa was pointing at.


Catherine still felt a little strange about this word.

"Probably... But if you want to know more about it, you need more in-depth testing. This will definitely require you to cooperate."

Catherine's curiosity was also aroused.

"I will cooperate with this, but what's the matter with the bones you just mentioned?"

Catherine continued to ask.

"This is Mr. Hayflick's speculation. Because of previous research, he found that the properties of the final semi-finished product are somewhat similar to those of the skin. He guessed that it was probably because of the raw materials and experimental materials-Rebecca's skin cells. The problem of mutual effect between you. And in Kate you, it should be Kate’s cells that play a role, so at this time, we have a complete product, and this is it. Although I don’t know what this is..."

Jenny shrugged.

Then at this moment, Jenny seemed to think of something, and took out a glass bottle from the other side. Catherine saw that there was something like debris in it.

"This is the semi-finished product we made with bone cells. But as before, most of these bone cells disintegrated in the second half of the experiment. We only have these debris, but Mr. Hayflick has already discovered this. Although the hardness of the material is not as good as that of bone, it is more flexible in terms of flexibility. If it is used as a human bone, the effect is also very good."

Jenny became very excited.

This is indeed a perfect material.

Similarly, this also means that your next goals will be easier to achieve.

"Well, but this is not perfect. The main elements are calcium and silicon. I didn't expect such a wonderful change... But unlike organic matter, this material can only be called a polymer material. It's a dead thing..."

"That's it."

Catherine nodded.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"This material is easy to age, but according to Mr. Hayflick, this material has strong maneuverability and also has great potential. He speculates that this material may not be used by Mr. Smith. Rejected by alternation protein."

"That's why you need a lot of replacement protein?" Catherine asked.

"Yes, the result is the same as we thought, but we still have some situations that may need to be verified..."

Jenny put down the scraps.

"It can act on silicides instead of organics. In my opinion, the effect is great in terms of man-made objects. We can use this method to make puppets that can be preserved forever without headaches and replacements due to aging limbs. This is very Convenience."

The human body is a complex machine. It is almost impossible for people today to simulate human metabolism in an artificial way.

But the products they produce now are different. This product has excellent effects and is as stable as mechanical parts. Although it is easy to age, if you change some configurations, you may have other effects.

At that time, it was not bad to find one that could be replaced as a mechanical part.

At this time, Catherine really felt that her "tech tree" had taken a step in another direction.

In Catherine's view, some of the technology in "Ghost in the Shell" is still good, and I might be able to absorb some of the creativity now.

"So, in this way, can there be alternative products for eyeballs and internal organs?"

Catherine asked with interest.

"Probably maybe...but not all products are effective, but we should experiment one by one, and finally there should be a perfect result...but before that..."

Jenny's gaze turned to Catherine.

Catherine nodded: "I understand what experiment will be done next? I must cooperate!"

It is the best to be able to develop new technologies.

If you can break away from your own influence and synthesize a new repair protein-like existence alone, it will be a great innovation for Catherine.

This also means a complete change in history.

It's not just a 1% change rate, it's 2%, 3%, 5%, 10% or more.

This may be more interesting...


2nd today

There is one more, one more




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