Blooming America

Chapter 976: Black eyes

"This reinforced film is really a must-have for 007..."

Hayflick is developing his thirst for knowledge, while the experiments of Jenny and Catherine are also going on in the isolation belt on the other side of the laboratory. -

After listening to Jenny's words, Catherine couldn't help but sigh.

This thing can instantly explode several times the power, for the average person, its practicality is not big.

But for certain groups of people, this kind of thing must be very suitable for them.

——Just like what Catherine is feeling now.

For the agents, such equipment is simply wonderful!

Multiple senses can make it easier for them to discover the secrets, powerful explosive power and enhanced stamina, it can also allow them to quickly complete the transfer work, and it can also allow them to enter some places that ordinary people are unlikely to enter.

All of these have become a reality under the effect of strengthening the film.

"Although Hayflick no longer intends to synthesize this protein, we still have to find a way to synthesize this protein... Well, we can find I to cooperate, but this must be after we have been able to synthesize this protein The basis of synthesis, otherwise the source would be unclear..."

Although it was I who falsified Smith's identity to come forward to help, it does not mean that they would not doubt the following things.

If it can be artificially synthesized, then there is no need to continue to explain, and this is the best way.

"Well, it would be great if we can cooperate. I also know some people in I."

Jenny is also cooperating with I. The cosmetics such as human skin masks that I use now flow from Jenny's side.

"We can let I do our reinforced film at a high price... Well, as long as the problem of putting on and taking off is solved. It will be much more convenient."

Catherine glanced at Jenny's hand.

Fortunately, this situation cannot occur in one's own body. Although in one's own body, this layer of skin is also "combined" with the body, but it is not such a "replacement", so it is very simple to take it off.

But in case this happens, and the wearing area has exceeded half, I am afraid that by then I can only "skin" through an operation... Thinking about it, I feel cold on my back.

"Actually, it's nothing." Seeing that Catherine's eyes were focused on her hand, Lisa smiled: "It's equivalent to turning her hand into black. And I also got more explosive power. If I meet a bad guy, I will also I can punch him twice... well, 200kg of explosive power. I guess it should be able to crush the skull..."

At first, Catherine thought that Jenny was comforting herself, but after seeing the thoughtful look in Jenny's eyes, Catherine decisively retracted the foreword.

She probably really wanted to crush a skull or something...

"Perhaps I should put five steel nails on my face... well, but how do I put it?"

"Ahem... Let's do a new experiment... Now it's time to take off this suit...?"

When I found that Jenny's thoughts were leaning in a dangerous direction. Catherine decisively chose to change the subject.


Jenny's expression became feverish again.

Catherine really thinks she should buy an apple to distract Jenny... Hey, why is it an apple?

With the help of Jenny, Catherine took off her clothes.

After this skin was taken off. It was picked up by Jenny and put aside, which is also very important research material.

"Is there any experiment to be done next?"

Catherine asked.

"No. Not for the time being, I may need some special materials... If we can develop new materials. Maybe it will be better... This is much more convenient than looking for materials like our headless flies now. "

Catherine also nodded: "That's it. I have to attend a cocktail party during the month of the month. Because I have to meet with Rockefeller and the others, things may be a bit troublesome... Then it won't look good to wear a black film..."

Jenny nodded too.

"Our horse will also release the repair protein, and I happen to deal with this matter..."


July 1975 was definitely a month that shocked the world.

Because just this month, the Hive Laboratory, which belongs to the umbrella company, announced that they have synthesized a miraculous drug that can rejuvenate people, rejuvenate the old, and can also regenerate severed limbs and cure some modern medical treatments. Diseases that technology cannot cure.

As soon as this news appeared, the whole world seemed to stop.

what is this?


Yes, there is a drug that can make people immortal!

Although the researchers explained that this product can only keep the body in its best condition, but being able to live to 150 years old is equivalent to doubling the life span!

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that these people can live to that time as a youth!

This means that they will be able to enjoy the youthful years close to 120 years old!

Such news has attracted the attention of people all over the world.

If this news is just a piece of news or a piece of news, I am afraid that the whole world will not pay attention to it.

But when Umbrella showed the limb regeneration and an experimental case of rejuvenation to the left and right people, almost everyone's eyes have gathered here.

However, the price of this medicine is also high.

To be one year younger, it would cost 20 million US dollars, and to be 30 years younger, it would also cost 600 million!

And if you want to resurrect from a severed limb, the price also needs to be around 300 million yuan.

And if it is to cure an incurable disease, such as cancer, it will cost about 20 million to 200 million depending on the condition.

For ordinary people, this price makes them prohibitive, but those dictators and capitalists have all paid attention to the results of this experiment.

At this time, the Rockefeller Consortium announced in a high-profile manner that they had spent 10 billion yuan to become the first batch of "crab-eaters."

Rockefeller's bonus is a sign that made this news attract the attention of the whole world.

The United States, or even the world's top consortium, spent 10 billion U.S. dollars!

It's so shocking!

The vitality of youth makes everyone coveted.

——Of course, in fact, Rockefeller only forgave Catherine's 10 billion loan, in fact, it is not that complicated.

Moreover, the idea of ​​this black-hearted 20 million one-year-old was also proposed by Rockefeller.

Catherine's original price was 10 million and 10 years old. In Catherine's mind, it was almost like that. She was a good person.

But unexpectedly, when Rockefeller heard the news, he was dissatisfied.

They insisted-the price is too low!

"This unimaginable low price will make us laugh at it!"

Someone was speaking to the board of directors.

Then, Rockefeller told Catherine that they were willing to dispense with Catherine's 10 billion funds in exchange for cooperation between the two parties. The requirements were not high, and everyone would be divided into 50-50.

After realizing that there was still a gap between herself and the real black-hearted capitalist, Catherine also felt that she seemed a bit out of date.

Compared to these being blacker than ink from the outside to the inside, Catherine was still too tender after cutting open the existence that could dye the sea black.

Catherine also realized the problem and fought hard with the other party. This changed the division to 6:4. In addition, if you encounter troubles, you also need Rockefeller to close the door and let the dog go. If you encounter any problems, they will have to solve them. Catherine was mentally balanced.

For Rockefeller 40%, Catherine definitely did not lose. In fact, at the beginning, Catherine never thought about selling money like this. She thought she was already very dark, but she never thought she was still too young and naive.

Moreover, the world's largest consortium serves as a refuge, which is already worth more than tens of billions. With Rockefeller, other people want to come to K, so let's weigh it up.

Rockefeller, who is armed with a big killer, doesn't care that other people head-to-head with them-there will always be people who want to make themselves younger.

Rockefeller will never give up their cooperation with Catherine until they can't get a complete method of making repair proteins.

But... can they get it?

These 20 million one-year-olds are actually not over yet.

The people at Rockefeller asked the laboratory not to sell this product for the time being, telling them, "The synthesis of this product is very difficult. It is impossible to synthesize it within ten and a half days. Now, all survival has been bought by Rockefeller. Now... and although we have permission, we don’t have an official market, don’t we?"

The black-hearted Rockefeller is now engaged in thirsty marketing again, ready to make those with big money wait ten and a half days in Now everything will be fine.

This matter has been invested, and Catherine is almost equivalent to having a big source of money. At this time, Catherine also safely put out one billion yuan of funds and invested in the research of carbon nanotubes. Now he has money. , I must develop this product in the shortest possible time. With FED and ED monitors, the following plan is easy to do.

And Catherine clearly knew that this FED display appeared within a few years of the discovery and development of carbon nanotubes. In about ten years, there has been mature large-screen technology, both in color and reduction. First class, absolutely good stuff.

Although it cost a billion, Catherine still intends to get it back, and the target Catherine is targeting is I and the Pentagon!

—— Nixon is now going to the UK to force the palace again. Before the aggressive Nixon went, he had already put down the cruel words — Don’t let the Brits sign the "Financial Terms", we won’t go back to China!


Four more... fell down...

One more! To be continued. .

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