Blooming America

Chapter 990: These things

Mr. Li Jingwu almost understood what Bruce Lee wanted to do.

He is not just for Tai Chi.

But for... the way of Bruce Lee!

Jeet Kune Do!

At this time, Li Jingwu looked at Bruce Lee, but countless thoughts flashed in his heart.

In the process of practicing Taijiquan, different masters have different views on routines.

Some masters emphasized keeping the original routines handed down by masters, and believed that the boxing frame was fixed after many generations of boxers, and its scientificity and effectiveness were verified by history. Random changes may result in the loss of boxing and martial arts. Out of shape.

Some masters do not emphasize the authenticity of the boxing frame so much. They think that everyone's physical condition and cognitive level are different, and the boxing frame cannot be uniform. They think that the core mechanism of each boxing frame is more important. Why should it be so? Practice, emphasizing to achieve the core requirements of this mechanism.

But Bruce Lee, obviously has surpassed such a realm.

Now Bruce Lee is pursuing more core principles, and perhaps the routine is not that important at this time.

Just like what "Dai Shi Xinyi Quan" said: the form turns at will, the mind grows according to the heart, the heart moves with the spirit, and the spirit moves with the form. You can't pursue the so-called fixed moves, practice various fist postures, just practice various positions of strength. It's just force.

Bruce Lee once said that the easiest and most practical way to get rid of all the fancy. When he said this, he had been a cultivator for many years, and he was also very experienced in actual combat - of course, this was not something that a beginner could imitate.

Bruce Lee's deeper purpose is to become one.

Catherine wants to build a set of "essential martial arts" that can integrate all fighting skills.

therefore. Catherine also funded Bruce Lee a large sum of money.

And Bruce Lee's mind also broadened.

Not only Chinese martial arts, but also Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Aikido, Karate, etc. Bruce Lee wanted to see and understand the spirit. And turn it into your own use.

Jeet Kune Do, the three characters already include a high-level summary of Bruce Lee's martial arts, cut is defense, fist is offense, and the core of martial arts is offense and defense. Defending is also attacking, which is very important!

The reason why I chose China and Tai Chi at the beginning is because Tai Chi Push Hands is a typical embodiment of "offensive and defensive integration", when two people join hands to enter. Highly sensitive, always pay attention to everything, if the offense is over, the defense is not good. While others are defending, it is the best time to find your weaknesses, so it is often unaware that a master wins a low hand. Because defending is also attacking, because people like Wang Zongyue's "Taijiquan" don't know me. I know people alone.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move; if the enemy wants to move, I will move first; no matter what the form, I only practice the exertion and application of the body's limbs. Do not stick to rigid gloves.

Bruce Lee wanted to take advantage of a hundred families, not for tricks.

But for the "Tao" in these hundred schools. For the trace of philosophy and understanding contained in it.

Dao produces one, one life two, two produces three, three produces all things, and all things become one.

Hmm... It seems that Miss Edson also said that "One is all. All is one". Bruce Lee thinks this truth is in line with his boxing intentions.

The truth in this, the philosophy in this, may only be a simple punch, but this punch also contains the profound truth.

Well, Bruce Lee had absolutely no idea. The words Catherine told him were simply copied by Catherine shamelessly...


At this time, Catherine, who was unconscious, was also doing her own calculations.

How about giving Hawking abduction and swelling?

This is a perfect idea!

Catherine suddenly realized that she seemed to have some potential for human traffickers.

Hawking is a scientist who Catherine is more familiar with. If it is the other party, maybe he can be helpful to him?

Stephen William Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, England. He graduated from Oxford University in Meteorology and received a PhD in Philosophy from Cambridge University.

He was imprisoned in a wheelchair because he unfortunately suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease that causes muscle atrophy at the age of 21-that is, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which was cured in the hive laboratory. Only three fingers can move.

Ten years later, in 1985, he suffered from pneumonia and had a tracheal puncture operation. He was completely deprived of the ability to speak. Speech and question-and-answer can only be done through a speech synthesizer.

Three years ago, in 1972, he examined the quantum effects near black holes and found that black holes emit radiation like black bodies, and the temperature of the radiation is inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole, so that the black hole will gradually become smaller due to the radiation, and the temperature But it got higher and higher, and finally ended in an explosion. The discovery of black hole radiation is of extremely basic significance. It unifies gravity, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.

After 1974, his research turned to quantum gravity theory. Although people have not yet obtained a successful theory, some of its characteristics have been discovered.

For example, space-time is not flat on the Planck scale, but in a state of powder. There is no pure state in quantum gravity, and the causality is destroyed. Therefore, the unknowability has been improved from classical statistical physics and quantum statistical physics to the third level of quantum gravity.

Uh... For quantum mechanics or something, Catherine is completely the kind that ld can't live with.

For Catherine, quantum mechanics is like the feeling of "I don't understand it, but it looks amazing."

At this time, Catherine had already begun to figure it out.

Since 1970, Hawking has been in a wheelchair and has become a "frozen" Hawking. At this time, he has gradually stepped into that tragic fate.

However, Catherine was able to save each other.

At this time, Hawking was already a great scientist, and the other party was well-known, and if there were no accidents, the other party's discovery last year would have allowed him to win the Nobel Prize in 1988.

Maybe Hawking can't bring actual benefits to himself, but in other respects, what the other party can bring to himself is prestige far beyond imagination.

Try to think about it, if even a power like Hawking starts to serve himself and stays in the school district, what impact will it have for the school district?

At that time, more great scientists will inevitably come here, and those who have made outstanding contributions to history will appear in their school districts in the future!

Catherine was already extremely excited, this kind of thing also meant countless benefits for herself in the future!

Just do it!

Catherine immediately asked Pu Guanshui to inquire about Hawking's current situation, and Catherine also began to prepare to speak, ready to pull the other party over.


"Carbon nanotubes?"

Jenny looked at these materials interestingly.

Carbon nanotubes have a typical layered hollow structure. There is a certain angle between the layers of carbon nanotubes. The tube body of carbon nanotubes is a quasi-circular tube structure, and most of them are composed of pentagonal cross-sections.

The tube body is composed of hexagonal carbon ring microstructure units, and the end cap part is a polygonal structure composed of pentagonal carbon rings, or called a polygonal cone-shaped multi-wall structure. It is a one-dimensional quantum material with a special structure (the radial dimension is on the order of nanometers, the axial dimension is on the order of micrometers, and both ends of the tube are basically sealed).

It is mainly composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal shape to form a coaxial round tube with several to dozens of layers. Keep a fixed distance between the layers, about 0.34nm, and the diameter is generally 2-20nm.

In Jenny's eyes, this is definitely a material that humans cannot synthesize by themselves.

Therefore, additional provision must be made.

"So, can Kate's Alternate Protein be able to make such a material?"

The repair protein is hard to deal with this material.

But... what about altered protein?

"Moreover, are carbon nanotubes toxic to cells?"

Jenny is ready to use Rebecca for experiments. Although Rebecca now has a completely different identity and personality from before, she still cannot escape the fate of human trials.

It is known that asbestos is harmful to the human body, and its long fibers can pierce cells like an arrow. But scientists have never understood why cells are interested in asbestos fibers and other nano-scale materials, which are too long for cells to swallow whole.

However, when experimenting with Rebecca, Jenny learned about the fact that when the tip of the carbon nanotube is close to the cell, the cell will “misunderstand” that it is just a small sphere without knowing that it is a cylinder. When the ball is "too long" and cannot be swallowed at all, it is too late.

The nanotube is steadily rotated to a near vertical angle to be suitable for entry so that its tip is completely enclosed.

Both asbestos fibers and carbon nanotubes have a round tip with a diameter between 10 nanometers and 100 nanometers, which is in the cell processing range. There is a receptor protein on the cell that will gather and bend the cell membrane wall, causing the cell to wrap around the tip of the nanotube, and adjust the angle of the nanotube in the opposite direction so that the tip of the nanotube can enter at 90 degrees, thereby reducing the energy required for the cell to swallow particles. This behavior is called "tip recognition".

Now, when carbon nanotubes encounter such a situation, a strange phenomenon has occurred.

After that, Jenny joined the alternation protein and started the second round of testing.

This time the situation is still the same.

However, just after the cells were inserted, the alternation protein began to act. Because the small ball was "too long," the alternation protein began to catalyze the movement of the cell and corrode the surface of the cell, separating the cell from the carbon nanotube, and then Repaired the cells.

"It's really not a kind of'good' material..."

Jenny murmured.

The poisoning reaction of carbon nanotubes immediately left Jane's eyes on her mind.

This thing is not as perfect as Catherine said...


Will it swell without reining the cliff?


Suffocating stomach pain for five shifts.

There are double tickets now, please ask for ticket support~ (to be continued)

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