February 10, 1992, the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, was a good time to get married, receive gifts, make alliances, offer sacrifices, and pray for blessings.

Avoid fasting, cutting wood, making beams, burial, and mourning

"ready to go!"

In recent times,

Qi Tongwei has not stopped.

There has always been a sense of urgency in his heart.

In China, capital is just a dish to officials. He must make himself stronger as soon as possible, so that he can become one of them from a leek. An unshakable tree! While opening up trade with Jiangsu Province, Qi Tongwei also continued to expand his workforce. More than ten veterans who had previously applied for jobs were selected to join the company. The salary he offered was directly higher than those in the same industry. Two times higher. The average trade salary in Shang Hai is around 150 yuan. Qi Tongwei directly gave him a monthly salary of 500 yuan per month with a stroke of his pen. As long as the performance is achieved, there will be a performance commission of more than 20%.! At the same time, in terms of daily life, he also rented a house in a nearby community as a dormitory for his employees. With a lot of money, there must be strong men. This made the newly recruited employees quickly identify with Tenglong Company. These well-trained soldiers quickly became friends with Tenglong. Ding Peng and others got into a fight. After hearing the story of their boss Qi Tongwei becoming a police officer, they felt even more admiration. The first-class meritorious service was considered a legend throughout China! Moreover, Tenglong also operates in a military style on weekdays , which makes them feel more at home. Following Qi Tongwei's order, everyone immediately dispatched in an orderly manner according to their daily training. No. 101, Xikang Road, at the intersection of Xikang Road and Nanyang Road, the whole journey is Hua The Jing’an Securities Trading Department of the Shanghai Trust and Investment Company of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. This is also the first securities business department of Shanghai in the new era. In June 1988, Nicholas Goldson, Chairman of the London Stock Exchange, visited the Jing’an Securities Business Department and wrote in Chinese I followed the words of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu:"The tree of embrace is born at the end of a millimeter." The small counter back then is now the"tree of embrace". Today, red flags are flying here, and there are huge crowds of people. The scene is quite spectacular. Qi Tongwei, who comes from later generations, naturally knows how to subscribe The value of certificates lies not in Shanghai, but in Shenzhen. Starting from the afternoon of August 7, 1992, the Shenzhen media reported the news that Shenzhen was going to issue a new stock subscription lottery table. Gold mining troops from all over the country went to Shenzhen to gather. The rule at that time was that one person could buy a lottery form with up to 10 ID cards. One day, the post office received a package weighing more than ten kilograms. When he opened it, he saw that it was all ID cards. Afterwards, according to statistics from relevant departments, there were more than 320 people nationwide in August. Thousands of ID cards were flown to Shenzhen. Later, the legend of Tang Wanxin, the owner of the Delong clan and a competitor for the hidden richest man in China, was that he took 5,000 fellow villagers from Xinjiang to Shenzhen and queued for three days and three nights. The money he earned nearly caused him a cardiac arrest. was sent to the hospital! This was the first time in China that the subscription certificate was issued in Shanghai. In this era, there was no Securities Regulatory Commission. The people in charge of the stock market in Shanghai were the Shanghai Branch of the Central Bank and the Office of Economic Reform. The original subscription certificate was only Limited to the citizens of Shanghai, the value of a 30 yuan subscription certificate is very high in this era, and the income of a top-level worker is only three to four hundred yuan a month. Starting from the lottery on January 19, sales have been A deadlock was reached. Officials believed that the issuance of subscription certificates would be very popular, but as a result, sales were very deserted. It was widely rumored that the subscription certificates were a way to cheat money. The sales department of the securities bank begged grandpa and grandma to promote it, and finally sold the expected issuance. 40% of the quantity, 2077665 servings. It wasn't until later that the experts in the stock market calculated that if the circulation volume was more than two million, and spread the subscription cost of the subscription certificate into each share, then the thirty yuan subscription certificate would become a wealth certificate! So today the entire stock market, no, the entire Magic City went crazy! As people in the circle, they finally realized what this subscription certificate meant. It was banknotes, countless banknotes! A group of crazy people waved banknotes and tried to squeeze into the crowd, but they made the road even more crowded. Inside the crowd, Abao, who was buying treasury bills in Anhui yesterday, was watching this scene anxiously. After hearing the news, his anxious heart became excited again. He saw his opportunity to become Mr. Bao! In his judgment, he would buy this subscription certificate for even one hundred yuan, let alone thirty! That night, he left everything behind and rushed back to Shanghai from Anhui overnight. When he arrived at the entrance of the market, he realized that he had underestimated the enthusiasm of the stock market! This huge sea of ​​people didn’t give him any chance to get in! Looking at the crazy crowd, Abao gritted his teeth and squeezed into the crowd regardless of his expensive custom-made suit! At this time, not far behind him, the investors who had already become red-eyed looked at the end of the road in shock.

Three black Mercedes-Benz roared over.

As the car door opened, more than a dozen strong men in black suits got out of the car one after another and respectfully greeted the short-haired man.

Then a man who impressed Abao deeply in his memory appeared in front of him!

Different from the Qi Tongwei he saw a month ago, today he was wearing a black suit, cropped hair, and a pair of black sunglasses.

Abao was stunned and felt that he was the country bumpkin!

"Abao, why are you still standing there? Come on!"

Commander Cai had already rushed to the iron railing door.

He saw A Bao stunned in the crowd and looked in the direction of his gaze.

"Damn it, the little red guy is so big?"

Commander Cai also stood there stunned.···

Qi Tongwei frowned as he looked at such a large crowd.

He had been purchasing subscription certificates in the market a while ago, but his results were average and he only got about 200,000 shares.

He knows that today is the highlight.

All the subscription rights that have been abandoned will be released here, which represents a huge amount of wealth!

Seeing Mr. Qi leaving, the men eating Tenglong rice on the side immediately helped him find a way out.

Looking at the tough group of men in suits, the crowd that had fallen into madness finally regained some composure, so, from high From every angle, among the dense crowd, a different passage opened for Qi Tongwei!

PS: Well, if there is no data, there will be no data.···Just take a look at it, foster parents, thank you!

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