"Xiao Ai, wait a moment. Wait until I get back two bottles of good wine."

After talking to Zhong Xiaoai,

Zhong Xiaoai was leaning on the booth at this time.

She didn't know what happened and her face turned red.

When she heard Qi Tongwei's words, she responded like a little rabbit.

"Going back this time will be miserable. If grandpa knew what happened to him, he would definitely pull me to call Qi Tongwei back."

"With such a rebellious senior, I'm afraid things will get out of hand when the time comes.···"

Thinking of this,

Zhong Xiaoai felt a little more panicked, and nodded as Qi Tongwei went to meet the man on the other side.

She could tell that the middle-aged man beside her was obviously in a high position, but she, Zhong Xiaoai, had her own self-confidence.

If it weren't for the fact that Qi Tongwei was her senior and met her requirements in terms of dealing with people,

Qi Tongwei would have been worth nothing. No matter how much, he is just a small businessman in front of her!

Qi Tongwei naturally knew what kind of character Zhong Xiaoai was in the later world.

To put it nicely, it would be called aloof , and if it was said more unpleasantly , it would be called arrogance. But fortunately, Zhong Xiaoai is still the college student with a girlish air. He, Qi Tongwei, walked to the booth beside him while holding the wine. Seeing Qi Tongwei's arrival, General Da Lai's bodyguards were patrolling around. Although Sino-Ocean Group is far from reaching its peak state, it still has assets of several hundred million. After hearing about several recent robbery cases against wealthy businessmen in Xiamen, Mr. Lai was very conscientious and hired security guards from the Gangcheng Security Company at a high salary. Seeing these bodyguards with high professionalism, although their combat capabilities are definitely lacking compared to those of their veterans, they far surpass them in terms of experience and professionalism. After all, there are specialties in the art industry, and Hong Kong Island has not been stable in recent years. Gold diggers from the mainland and desperadoes from Southeast Asia have flocked to Hong Kong Island after seeing the prosperity of Hong Kong Island's wealthy people. Several major robberies in the world have made the rich in Hong Kong even more afraid of death, so various security companies were born accordingly. Thinking of this, Qi Tongwei suddenly had the idea of ​​opening a security company. In the future, there will be many more rich people in the mainland than in Hong Kong, and those people are the most afraid of death. After all, capital is the original sin. How can you make money as quickly as robbing it? According to Qi Tongwei's understanding, from 1990 to 2000, there were no fewer than thirty murders and robberies targeting wealthy businessmen in China! It seems that this time I can go back to Shanghai to think about this matter. The boss still gave me a surprise when he came up! However, opposite Qi Tongwei, those people from the Longbiao Escort Bureau, the best security company in Hong Kong, were not so calm. They were all martial arts monks and had a rough understanding of things in the world. Although the young people walking across the street were calm and relaxed, their aura and pressure on them had turned into actual pressure. After the experience of almost crashing the plane today, Qi Tongwei relied on Zhong Xiaoai and felt that his body had reached a condensation point, which was dozens of times stronger than when he had just obtained the system! Now I may be a rare opponent in individual combat, right? Da Lai, who was tasting the wine, could not conceal his joy. He had built the Sino-Ocean Group from scratch. Originally, there were several similar companies in Fujian Province. They were enemies in the same industry, and there was a lot of friction between them. big. But now, he can always beat them up one by one! In the future, he can embezzle their companies and shipping channels, so that he can spread his power throughout Fu Province and even the whole country! But no one can share this joy. The incompetent nephew accompanied his woman to the capital to participate in the rehearsal of the show. The other subordinates are not qualified to share such joy with him. The master is so lonely! At this moment, he heard the vigilant voice of the bodyguard,

"Boss, this man is very dangerous, do we want him?"

Hearing the bodyguard's words,

Mr. Lai showed curiosity on his face.

He looked up and saw a young man in his early twenties walking towards him with a bottle of wine.

He was as powerful as a dragon and as fast as a tiger.

At first glance, I felt that he was not an ordinary person! Only such a person is worthy of drinking with me, Mr. Lai! He waved to the bodyguard to step back and make room for him to come over

"Hello, sir, I'm sorry to bother you. Today, my girlfriend and I came to Xiamen because of an emergency landing. I just want to drink some good wine, but I just heard from the boss that the remaining bottles of Romanee-Conti have been contracted by you, sir. I wonder if I can buy a bottle from you?"

Listening to Qi Tongwei's words, the two of them looked at each other first, each having a very high first impression of the other in their hearts.

Mr. Lai's attention was all on the emergency landing of the plane.

Originally, he had made an appointment with the newly appointed couple that night. We were drinking together with the leaders of the customs and air traffic control, but after receiving the call, everyone on the other side changed their faces and hurried back to their jobs.

This incident shocked Mr. Lai, who thought something big had happened.

It wasn't until I found out that the daughter of a certain big shot with great hands and eyes was on the plane that I felt relieved.

Combined with the aura of the young man in front of me, the nobility of the woman sitting beside me drinking tea slowly was even more wonderful.

Mr. Lai, who can be called the smuggling king, is naturally discerning and immediately matched the two people with the person mentioned on the phone.

He laughed boldly,

"Brother, you've broken me now! When I do business, I just follow one principle: I have many friends!"

"I have a big happy event today, and you have saved the day. How about I join in the fun and buy you two a drink!"

"It’s rare to see Romanée-Conti in 1985. We won’t go home until we get drunk today!"

"Okay, excuse me then."

"this is my name card."

After the two exchanged business cards,

Mr. Lai looked at Qi Tongwei's business card with curiosity.

Qi Tongwei,

Tenglong Trading Company, this name suits him!

When Zhong Xiaoai came to the booth and sat down,

Mr. Lai was even more excited about this first meeting. Xiao Qi is full of admiration.

This Miss Zhong is not an ordinary person at first glance, but she is extremely docile around Qi Tongwei.

Such a man is really admirable!

Although Zhong Xiaoai heard Qi Tongwei introduce Mr. Lai's identity, but she didn't care at all. She just leaned on Qi Tongwei's body and gently smelled the man's scent on him.

"I wonder what Mr. Qi thinks about the import and export trade in Shanghai?"

After three rounds of drinking, the two gradually became familiar with each other.

Some of Qi Tongwei's ideas about the enterprise suddenly made Mr. Lai realize himself.

These understandings that spanned the ages made Mr. Lai wish he could record every word he said..

Qi Tongwei’s face showed a smile with unknown meaning,

"Mr. Lai, trade still needs to be compliant. I have also heard about Sino-Ocean Group, but I really don’t want to and dare not touch it in this regard." You're just kidding,

Qi Tongwei is crazy to engage in this beheading business.

The central government is already short of money, and you are still trying to make trouble on the most profitable overseas trade.

This is really asking for death!

This is the barbaric growth in the past few years. Given the opportunity, if it were ten years later,

Mr. Lai would not be able to gain momentum at all.

Hearing that Qi Tongwei was not interested in the olive branch he extended,

Mr. Lai was not angry.

It is always a good thing to have one less person to eat meat.

"I plan to enter the Shanghai business world in the second half of this year, so don’t bother me when the time comes!"


Qi Tongwei still approves of Mr. Lai.

This will pave the way for the overseas route of annexing Sino-Ocean Group in the future.

They can reach some cooperation that does not involve risks.

This can be regarded as a cooperation that benefits both sides.

"My nephew will go to Shanghai in a few days, and then ask him to visit you at home."

After making an appointment for the next meeting,

Mr. Lai left gracefully.

The first thing he did when he got home was to find Shang Hai's friend and ask about Qi Tongwei.

After hanging up the phone,

Mr. Lai pushed away The woman who came to seek sex said with emotion: What a terrible young man!

Although the scale of his company is not that exaggerated, the other party's grasp of policies and judgment of the future really put him to shame.

As for that woman, her identity cannot be found out. , several friends in the capital were hesitant and refused to elaborate, which made Mr. Lai even more wary.

If you can convince such a person who is a relative of the emperor, then why should you think too much about the future?

Mr. Lai came up with a plan for future generations. Countless people spent a lot of money to buy the contacts book, and two words were written down carefully: Qi Tongwei, Zhong Xiaoai!

"Senior, I'm going back···"

In front of the train station,

Zhong Xiaoai got into Qi Tongwei's arms.

"You have to promise me to come to Jingzhou to see me once a month! Otherwise I will find another boy to make you angry to death!"

Zhong Xiaoai's eyes were full of spring, and her little face came close to Qi Tongwei's ear.

"Okay, okay, don't worry. When I finish this round, I will bring you a gift"


Zhong Xiaoai seemed to have thought of something fun, with a smile on his face, and then ran towards the train with a smile on his face.

After seeing Zhong Xiaoai off, he bought a sleeper ticket and went straight to the train

There are too few available people in Tazhai.

Although the people he brought are very loyal, how can he expect a group of people who just came out to do good business?

Uncle Dong, no,

Xiaodong, here I come!

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and a woman he didn't expect called.

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