"Brother Li, Brother Wang, Brother Fan, I’d like to toast you."

The body that has undergone systematic menstrual cleansing is naturally highly resistant to alcohol.

Even though he has already consumed a pound and a half, he does not feel drunk at all.

"Hey, this young man like you can handle it! Just like this feeling at the bar, I, Lao Li, am really convinced!"

"Stop drinking. Stop drinking. If you drink again, you will really have to lie down."

"Hiccup, Xiao Qi, hurry up. The Chinese New Year is coming in February. Let’s try to get our brothers to decide on this route. It will definitely be no problem to make tens of thousands a month!"

Looking at the messy cups and plates, several people were already blushing.

Qi Tongwei said with a smile:"Don't worry."

"I am sensible and this line will not be broken. The goods you get in the future will only be better!"

Then he drank all the liquor in the cup, and then focused his eyes on the direction outside the door.

Abao, Miss Wang has appeared, so there should be Reiko's Night Tokyo not far away.

He can see that Miss Wang It's still Hina.

I don't know if Reiko has been eaten.

And the extraordinarily different boss lady Li Li has not appeared in Shanghai yet, which makes him very disappointed.

Who is Mr. A behind Li Li? ?

Forget it, let’s make our own money first.

Handong, as the origin of the first business, still needs someone to keep an eye on it.

His current status is not suitable for staying in Handong for too long.

According to From the memories that appeared in the TV series and were inherited, the Liang family is not easy to get along with.

After knowing the news of his resignation, they may have become angry and looking for their own business.

It seems that he can only give out a part of the profits to these Shanghai people. Come forward to maintain this road.

At the same time, you have to open up other ways to make money.

Before February, you must complete enough accumulation.

Haha, Abao wants to start a business with the 92 wealth certificate?

Then I will let you There is no chance to get involved in this situation!

He, Qi Tongwei, is not an easy person to get along with. How can a man who has been fettered by messy emotions so many times, helped Commander Cai resist the scapegoat of 414, and has no decisiveness yet

? Become Mr. Bao in Shanghai?

This time, with me, Qi Tongwei, you can only be A Bao!


Qi Tongwei still attaches great importance to A Bao's existence.

Now A Bao is not a threat, but Jigong behind him Uncle still needs to be vigilant.

A person who has taken root in Shanghai since before liberation, has a relationship with the Peace Hotel

, and is a person who graduated from Tilanqiao Prison.

From the following plot, it can be seen that he also has relations with Hong Kong Island. Contact, these old Shanghai natives really cannot be ignored.

It seems that the attack on Abao must be put behind the scenes.

He is already looking forward to the 414 market.

I believe that with Qi Tongwei here,

Abao will not How easy it was to cross this threshold!

After lighting up his cigarette,

Qi Tongwei called the waiter and signaled to pay the bill. This kind of order still needs to be purchased, and a long-term agreement needs to be reached with the people at the farmer's market in the future.

Then he motioned to the waiter to take care of a few people. The person turned and left, and he smiled.

Is pretending to sleep really useful under his keen insight?

"This kid is extraordinary, let me give you an extra 50 cents in profit from now on."

"Well, it looks like there is blood on your hands. I am very familiar with this smell. Do you still remember the few Taiyuan lone wolves we met before?"

"Okay, let's just do business honestly. As long as the quality of the things is decent, we can both benefit from our cooperation!"

Hearing the sound of Qi Tongwei going out, several people in the room tried their best to wake up from their dizzy state. It can only be said that there are no simple businessmen in this era. All those silly and sweet people have been wiped out in the great era of more than ten years. Got it···

After finding a clean and cheap hotel,

Qi Tongwei lay down and rested.

The net profit from the first wave of transactions was only more than 2,500 yuan, plus 300 yuan spent on dinner at night.

This meal ate up Qi Tongwei's monthly income. The salary is more.

The most prosperous city,

Shanghai, truly deserves its reputation! Then he moved his body a little and fell asleep according to the Bajiquan exercise method given by the system. At 6:30 the next morning, Qi Tongwei went out for a run for half an hour and had a sweet breakfast at a nearby snack bar. Then I borrowed a phone from the hotel owner and contacted Ding Peng from Guyingling Village and asked him to take the collected fungus to the train station, where someone would pick him up. Qi Tongwei is not stingy either.

"For every hundred pounds of fungus received, I will give you 50 yuan. If you run a trip at the same time, I will give you an extra 50 yuan."

In Guyingling Village, the villagers who were already poor and scared gathered around the village chief's house.

When they heard the village chief repeating Qi Tongwei's conditions, they all jumped up excitedly.

They have been poor for too long, and they can have a A good shipping channel is what they dream of!

The motivation of money is no worse than that of later generations.

Soon, bags full of fungus were delivered to the train station, here at the train station With Qi Tongwei's previous arrangements and gifts, the journey went smoothly.

Several trucks from the farmer's market also came to the train station under the command of Qi Tongwei to pick up the goods.

Looking at the trucks filled with goods,

Qi Tongwei and Ding followed the truck to Shanghai. Pengdu smiled

"Leader Qi, I will follow you from now on! I also brought a few young men, all of whom are good boys who can fight!"

Looking at the villagers brought by Ding Peng, although their clothes were simple, they were exceptionally strong, and he was still very satisfied.

"Let’s go. Don’t call me the leader anymore. Just call me Brother Qi."

"Hello Brother Qi!"

Several people quickly said in unison.

This voice was heard by the brightly dressed Shanghai people at the train station.

They looked over with disgust.

Why did so many outsiders come to their city?

Qi Tongwei didn't care about others at all. In his eyes, as long as his men are ruthless and loyal enough, he will give them enough money to work hard! He wants to bring a bit of Qi Tongwei's shock to the city of Shanghai! After getting a large bag of cash, Qi Tongwei settled the money with Ding Peng as previously agreed, and then gave each person one hundred yuan.

"Have everything been settled with your father over there?

Ding Peng came over and said,"Don't worry, Brother Qi." Several brothers in my family are no longer farming, and they are all working on this matter. We have already made an agreement with the nearby villagers. The price offered by our village is one cent higher than other places. Now the family is rushing to collect goods. Where’s the goods!"

"Well done. I'll take you all to pack up and change clothes later. We're going to go for a run in Subei next door."

Ding Peng nodded quickly.

Looking at the big cotton-padded jackets of the people in the city, he felt extremely envious.

However, the disgusting looks in his eyes made him feel a little angry.

However, by following Brother Qi, we can also become People are great!

PS: Dear adoptive fathers, can you give me a monthly ticket for flower evaluation? It’s the last day of 23 years!

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