Regarding the rapid development of Beijing and Shenzhen,

Deputy Governor Wang of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee in charge of economic work felt unhappy.

At the National Economic Conference held in April, the total GDP of these two cities had exceeded that of the port city.

This It is extremely detrimental to his future development.

As the economic center of China, he must promote changes in the Dashanghai Financial Center.

But he also had a headache.

Although the economic foundation was good, the stock market and the market in Shanghai were like a pool of stagnant water.

It seemed like stagnant water, but in fact there was no motivation for development.

Looking at the development of Beijing and Shenzhen, he was filled with anxiety.

When I saw that Tenglong had won the title of CCTV Bid King with a price of 50 million and the ripples caused by the six walnuts in the city of Shanghai in the past two days, even the road in front of the municipal party committee compound was full of Tengkong When he saw the brand's truck, he immediately became interested.

After the secretary reported the news about Tenglong to him, he nodded.

This Lin Yaodong should be the person Qi Tongwei put on the front.

This Qi Tongwei, who started from scratch and was able to reach this point from a resigned policeman, is really amazing. Character!

"At the Shanghai"933" entrepreneur symposium held the day after tomorrow, tell them to give Tenglong a front-row seat."

"Make an appointment with Xiao Qi. Let’s meet tomorrow afternoon."

The secretary quickly took out his notebook and wrote it down.

"Okay, leader."

When Qi Tongwei received the call, he pressed down the cigar in his hand and sat on the spacious sofa with a smile on his face.

What a good time.

Mr. Zhu came to power to improve China's economy. Re-entering a period of rapid development, and the reform of state-owned enterprises starting this year, from a long-term perspective, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

But at the same time, some short-term pains are inevitable.

Some loss-making enterprises have been forced to Various external companies are engaged in mergers and joint ventures, and at this juncture, the prefect in charge of economics in Shanghai made an appointment with himself, which naturally showed that his Tenglong has entered their sights.

Thinking of the excellent assets in Shanghai city,

Qi Tongwei only felt that this business was a huge profit!

But he had his own pride in Tenglong. From Qi Tongwei in his previous life, he knew that the Chinese officialdom could not be trusted, whether it was from Handong or the current Shanghai officials, his Tenglong If you can't rise as soon as possible, then in the eyes of others, you will just be a piece of fat that is getting sweeter and sweeter!

"Go and inquire about the people around this prefect, starting with his secretary and driver."

"We just want to make friends, there is nothing else to do."

Under the offensive of money, some ethics can be forgotten.

Soon, information about Deputy Governor Wang and his cronies was placed on Qi Tongwei's desk.

Looking through the heavy resume,

Qi Tongwei had to sigh. , every Chinese official has something.

He was born in the hometown of a great man, participated in wars, and won countless medals.

He chose the right team in the storm, and worked his way up to the current level of prefect, and He is the governor of Shanghai.

For such a character,

Qi Tongwei must be very serious.

"Give his secretary, Secretary-General Liu, a gold card to Zhenyuan. This person will be a breakthrough"

"There should be no action from the driver's side. The two people now seem to be inseparable."

At three o'clock in the morning,

Qi Tongwei put down the file.

He had already recorded many judgments about the three people's characters in his notebook.

The secretary who was waiting on the side hurriedly ordered him to do things.

He must get the things done before tomorrow morning.

He took the Shang Hai has the highest salary, so they naturally have to do their best.

You know, in just a few months,

Tenglong has been called the most enviable company on Nanjing Road.

Super high salary, super good benefits and independence Dormitories, vehicles, these things are beyond the imagination of outstanding employees outside!

Therefore, when Tenglong’s public relations department and sales department expanded their recruitment a few days ago, the resumes received simply couldn’t fit on the table.!

They will naturally work hard, not to mention working overtime until three o'clock, even if it is all night, what does it matter?

At 6:30 the next morning,

Secretary Mao woke up from his sleep, and he was still sleeping beside him After kissing his wife, he got up, packed up, changed clothes, and got ready to go out.

He was originally a pen writer and had been working at the grassroots level for decades. Several selections were made by a hair

's breadth, causing him to waste the first half of his life at the grassroots level. Last year, his article on the need to relax regulations on the development of the market economy and promote market vitality was taken by Deputy Prefect Wang.

After a half-year inspection period, he finally got his wish and moved to the office on the third floor, directly responsible for the work of the Prefect Wang. Daily work.

The more he sat upstairs, the more ambitious he felt in his heart.

Looking at the documents one after another, there was only a small signature added. Internet!) can get millions, tens of millions.

Mao Yu only feels that his heartbeat speeds up every time, and he will lose control of his hands in the next second.

But he doesn't dare, this reaching out is a world-shaking difference [ ]

He rinsed his face with cold water, put on his executive jacket and prepared to go out.

The leader woke up early every day, and he had to go with the driver to pick him up at home.

This had been going on for half a year, and he felt , he may be like this in the future.

When he is forty-five years old, that is, eight years later, when the leader retires, he will also go to the county below to exercise, and finally he will be promoted to half a level and retire.

He smiled bitterly and prepared Go out.

When you open the door, you see two young men in black suits standing at the door.

They look like they have been waiting for a long time, but their waists are straight and they don't feel tired at all.

"Hello, Secretary Mao. I heard that you are from the Northeast. Our President Qi specially asked me to send you a souvenir. This is a gold card for our Zhizhen Garden."

"If you need anything, you can call the number on the business card"

"Don’t worry, they are all worthless souvenirs. We came here very secretly and no one will see it....."

In Qi Tongwei's judgment,

Secretary Mao's character is the easiest to break.

If he is timid but wants to be greedy, then he must let him accept these things without any psychological burden.

Secretary Mao looked at the suits they were wearing,

Fan Xizhe's, this Tenglong is really rich!

But yes,

I heard that one of their beverage brands shipped more than 30 million yuan a day, more than 30 million yuan!

His salary is now only 396 yuan!

He hesitantly opened the box in front of him.

There were several ginseng roots placed in the box.

Judging from the color alone, they must be at least 30 years old!

What kind of worthless local product is this?

Just a piece of ginseng could be auctioned for at least 1 million!

But ginseng was easy to get out, not to mention that her mother had been suffering from colds for many years and urgently needed a ginseng to survive.

There is also the golden card of Zhizhenyuan. He has also heard of it in the municipal party committee compound. I heard that there are only thirty-six private rooms, but it is hard to find one now! There is no chance even if you take money to go! It stands to reason that there are so many restaurants on Huanghe Road, and in Shanghai City, there are even more high-end hotels opening one after another. But the bigger their wallets are, the more they want face. The more money can’t buy a place in this place, the more others flock to it. Is there anything more honorable than setting up a table in Zhizhen Garden? What is even more awesome than setting up a table is the upstairs private room in Zhizhenyuan. I heard that there is the best service and the best food in Shanghai. As long as you go there, you will never be dissatisfied. of! He hesitated for a moment, his hands shaking a little. As the secretary, there were naturally many people who wanted to send him money. But seeing Secretary Mao’s hesitation, the young man in the lead smiled slightly and said,

"I heard that Secretary Mao is very knowledgeable about the paintings of Mr. Qi Baishi. Our Mr. Qi recently received a painting by Mr. Qi Baishi. I wonder if 0.5 Dao will have the opportunity to appreciate it with Secretary Mao?"

Secretary Mao's eyes immediately lit up.

If he said this, he would really not be sleepy anymore!

He used to be addicted to seal cutting and painting, and

Mr. Pingsheng's paintings were his absolute favorite!

"Which pair is it?"

"The sound of frogs comes from the mountain spring ten miles away."

Hearing this,

Secretary Mao took the box from the young man's hand without any hesitation and said impatiently:"Please wait for me, Mr. Qi. I'll see you in the Zhenyuan in the evening!"

Seeing Secretary Mao leave, the young people who came to do the work were filled with emotion.

Mr. Qi is really so lucky!

What they don't know is that this Secretary Mao will be the deputy governor of Ji Province in later generations.

When he was arrested, more than a dozen authentic paintings of Mr. Qi Baishi were found in his home, and the one he treasured most was"The Sound of Frogs Leaping from the Mountain Spring Ten Miles Away"!

That night, in the Tianzi No. 1 private room,

Qi Tongwei drank a lot of wine.

After sending away the guests, he took the note in his hand and wrote only five words on it: The mechanical and electrical plant went bankrupt.

5.55 million, buy these five words, it is worth it!.

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