Follow my uncle's advice.

From the beginning, Abao chose the Peace Hotel as his business base.

And it’s not an ordinary room!

The Fuguo Suite is one of the most distinguished Nine Kingdoms suites in the entire Peace Hotel.

The so-called Nine Kingdoms Suite.

There are rooms designed in the architectural styles of nine countries.

The construction area of ​​each room is as high as 178 square meters!

The interior decoration is even more luxurious and eye-opening.

Although my uncle didn’t say anything.

But Po knew.

The reason why his uncle asked him to rent the Jiuguo Suite at the Peace Hotel as a base.

On the one hand, it is used to express one's strength to the outside world.

That is, it is used to decorate the countertop.

On the other hand, it is to force yourself and give yourself the motivation to make money.

After all, the Nine Kingdoms Suite costs $80 a night.

Converted into RMB, it is more than 700 or 800 yuan.

An ordinary young worker today.

The monthly salary is generally only sixty or seventy yuan.

Anyone who opens his eyes every day.

It would cost an average worker one year's salary.

He will go crazy to make money.

After entering the door.

Abao greeted the familiar doorman at the front desk along the way.

At the same time, he also inadvertently revealed that he had just returned from a foreign trade company.

And successfully signed an order.

This is Abao's little thought.

When I have nothing to do, I will ask the doorman and front desk for information.

So he knew that all he had to do was tell them about it.

So..... he! Abao!

There are large foreign trade orders in hand, and there is also news of cooperation with foreign trade companies.

Huitong quickly spread around the Peace Hotel as if it had grown wings.

As long as the people at the Peace Hotel know.

Almost everyone in the Shanghai stock market who is qualified to know the news knows it.

Step into the elevator.

Abao greeted the white-haired elevator attendant politely.

Then close your eyes.

He wanted to sort out his thoughts for communicating with his uncle later.

The elevator attendant saw this scene.

After pressing the button on the seventh floor, he was very discerning and did not say any pleasantries as usual.

As the elevator rises.

The seventh floor arrived soon.

Abao walked out of the elevator and greeted the elevator attendant politely.

He walked to the door of Fuguo Suite in Room Zero 2 with ease.

After passing through the reflective copper door, he realized that his appearance was impeccable, so he pushed the door open and entered............. inside the house.

Extravagant decorations fill all the spaces.

Diamond ceiling on top.

Shining in the sunset.

Abao casually placed his leather bag on the coffee table nearby.

Stroll to the study.

One is not very tall.

But his whole person revealed a very shrewd old man.

Sitting upright on a leather office chair, he read the newspaper carefully.

I heard Abao's footsteps.

Grandpa didn't even raise his head, but said calmly:


"Shouldn't you be in the Foreign Trade Building at this time?"

"They haven't gotten off work yet, why are you back?"

He had just finished looking far away, and knew that it was only after three o'clock.

The foreign trade company must not be off work.

However, after waiting for a while, he found that A Bao did not speak.

Just when he was about to raise his head, he saw a familiar hand. , placing a receipt on the newspaper in front of him


There was a look of confusion on Uncle Grandpa's wrinkled face.

"Have you completed your foreign trade list so quickly?"

He couldn't understand.

Logically speaking, this trial order of 150,000 US dollars is not big.

Even if the newspaper said this year that the CPI index rose by 18.6%!

Even if the monthly inflation reached 26.7% after the government proposed price reforms!

Even if many domestic companies There is an extreme lack of orders!

But it is impossible for an uncertain order of only 150,000 US dollars to be approved before the year.

After all, all foreign-related orders in the country must be cautious, cautious, cautious!

The reason why he knew this, he still asked Abao to go I went to the Foreign Trade Building to find Section Chief Jin.

I was thinking more about honing A Bao’s mentality, and at the same time exploring the field of foreign trade.

Why was this order suddenly approved?

Could it be that it was my niece Jin ? Hua, looking at her own face, she helped her? She shouldn’t have done it.

My uncle knew his niece.

She was able to report her and let herself go to jail.

This is enough to conclude that she is not a person who does not distinguish between public and private affairs!

Ah! Bao also saw his uncle's surprised look.

He put down the receipt proudly, then tugged on the collar of his suit.

He said with a stinky look:

"That is!"

"I, A Bao, take action, if there is anything I can’t handle!"

【ps: Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes.......Guys, please give me some data. Ten chapters will be updated today! If the data is good, I will continue to update ten chapters tomorrow! 】

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