Pushed up his glasses.

The uncle, who was wearing a straight Chinese tunic suit, said in a calm tone:

"Do you know Mr. Lin and go down to greet him?

Abao looked at his uncle in confusion:"What about us now?" ? ?"

"Eat meals."Uncle no longer looked downstairs, but went directly to the dining table.

Now that people have arrived, the next thing will be easy to handle.

He glanced downstairs unwillingly, and A Bao felt uncomfortable in his heart, but in the end he still He sat down with his uncle. After thinking for a while, he finally said:

"Uncle, why don't you let me go down to greet you?"

My uncle was picking up some tea to moisten his throat.

He put down the tea cup and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, then looked at Abao and said:

"You need to have an accent when you are a person, and you need to have a way of doing things"

"Who is Mr. Lin?"

"Who is the person following you all the time?"

"Who are you?"

"Mr. Lin is a compatriot from Hong Kong Island"

"He was followed by people from the Foreign Affairs Bureau!"

"Where is Nong? Nong is just an ordinary businessman in Shanghai!"

"If we continue like this, what will we gain?"

"I tell you, not only will there be no gain"

"It may even give people the feeling of having ulterior motives!"

After saying this, my uncle picked up a pair of chopsticks with a silver tip on the front and a wooden tip on the back.

He tapped the salt and pepper king snake in front of him and said to A Bao:

"The appreciation of noble people is like this big king snake"

"If the heat is too low, then it will be undercooked."

"If the heat is too high, it will be even worse, it will burn directly!"

As he spoke, he picked up a chopstick and put the king snake in his mouth.

After chewing it slowly, he nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Only the best heat and the best time"

"Only then can you get the most satisfying taste!"

A Bao also picked up a chopstick of the king snake and ate it, and then said speechlessly:

"Uncle, what can I do?"

Putting down his chopsticks, my uncle slowly took out a notebook from the briefcase on the side.

Seeing this scene, Abao's eyelids jumped involuntarily.

He had only read this notebook once.

That time he provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked. When he came back, he told his uncle the name of the person.

He saw that his uncle was silent for a while.

Then he slowly took out this slightly yellowed notebook from his briefcase.

His wrinkled hands turned over the pages of the notebook. A few pages later.

Then he picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers in the book.

That night, when he went out to inquire about news, he unexpectedly learned that the man told the public that everything was a misunderstanding.

From then on, Abao He was extremely impressed by this book.

One day, he couldn't help but asked his uncle about the origin of this book.

His uncle didn't hide anything, but said in a very calm tone:

"This is a phone book."

Now seeing his uncle take out the phone book again, Abao couldn't help but said in a slightly excited tone:

"Uncle, do you know Mr. Lin and have his phone number? ? ?"

My uncle was looking down at the phone book.

Hearing this, he raised his head and adjusted his glasses, looking at a fool and said:

"Ah Bao, have you forgotten that when Mr. Lin became famous, was Ala still in Tilanqiao?"

"How could I possibly know Mr. Lin?"


Po picked up a piece of king snake and put it in his mouth to cover up his embarrassment.

Then, as if he had forgotten what he just said, he continued to ask:

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

My uncle started flipping through the phone book again and said without raising his head:

"When I was young, I once went to Xiangjiang and met a lawyer by chance."

"I read in the newspaper some time ago that this lawyer now works in Mr. Lin's company."

As he spoke, he flipped through a name and a series of numbers. He looked up at Abao and said,"Give me the phone number."

Thanks to the development of science and technology, Shanghai introduced 300 program-controlled switches three years ago.

With these machines, telephones in Shanghai can make direct calls to Xiangjiang, Shenzhen, Guangfu and other places.

Although the call charges are extremely high , but it also facilitated a lot of people.

Soon my uncle’s phone was dialed.

At the door of Jin Meilin Restaurant.

Many people were curious about who was riding the Crown.

When Lin Yang stepped out of the Crown, many people on the scene showed their faces. There was a confused expression on his face.

Because Lin Yang didn't often appear in newspapers, everyone didn't recognize him.

On the contrary, there was a car behind and Jinhua got out of it. Everyone was shocked.

They were all curious about who Fang Sheng was.

He was able to invite the section chief of a foreign trade company to dinner.

The moment Lu Meilin saw Jin Hua, she felt like she was about to fly.

What is the most important thing in opening a restaurant?

Customers are the most important.

And customers are divided into three, six, and nine grades.

The section chief of a foreign trade company like Jinhua is already a very important figure for Huanghe Road.

After all, no matter who wants to do clothing foreign trade, they have to go through the hands of the Jinhua section chief of the Textile Ministry.

However, when Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the golden flower, known as the flower of the Textile Department, standing next to Lin Yang like a minion.

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