He Aiguo looked at Lin Yang curiously and said:

"Mr. Lin, why did you suddenly mention treasury bonds?"

He still knows a little about treasury bonds.

Because for a while, their Foreign Affairs Ministry was assigned a batch of treasury bonds to their heads by the superior department.

In the end, all this batch of treasury bonds were distributed to them in the form of wages.

It can be said that everyone is He accepted the treasury bills with the idea of ​​​​sharing the country's worries.

As for whether this thing can be redeemed, or even whether there is interest as advertised, no one knows.

Anyway, He Aiguo himself believes that given the current economic situation, it is probably enough to be exchanged.

Even He also heard that a new batch of treasury bills will be issued recently.

No matter how He Aiguo asked, even Jinhua and Miss Wang looked at Lin Yang doubtfully.

There were no surprises.

Their foreign trade building was also assigned a A large amount of treasury bonds.

Even because their wages were relatively high, their share of assessment was even larger.

Although Ms. Wang did not work in the Foreign Trade Building at that time, her father did.

And because of his special patriotism, Ms. Wang’s father believed that If he can buy more treasury bonds, he can help the country more.

He also specifically applied to his superiors to purchase an extra batch of treasury bonds.

As a result, during that period, Ms. Wang even skipped many meals of her favorite pork ribs rice cake.

Lin Yang also Without concealing anything, he looked at He Aiguo openly and said:

"Because I want to entrust my uncle and Abao to help me purchase treasury bonds."


Jinhua was dumbfounded.

She didn't expect that Lin Yang actually wanted to purchase treasury bonds.

What are treasury bonds?

In Jinhua's view, this is just a piece of blank paper that cannot be redeemed!

But Lin Yang wants to spend Using money to buy treasury bills, doesn't this just show his noble sentiments?

Thinking of Lin Yang's previous remarks that he was a businessman full of the smell of copper.

Jinhua suddenly sighed in her heart.

Mr. Lin is really too humble.

How can he be full of the smell of copper? A businessman, he is really what Xiao Wang calls a people's entrepreneur!

This patriotic behavior can be regarded as a model for all businessmen.

Lin Yang didn't know that Jinhua had already praised himself as a model.

He used He said in an extremely determined tone:

"What are Treasury Bills? Treasury bills are a way for the country and the people to borrow money!"

"As long as the national economy develops, the country will definitely return the money to the people with interest!"

"Therefore I am certain that the state will cash its treasury bills in the near future and the interest will be paid as usual!"

"At the same time, I also heard that some large investors are now purchasing treasury bills at low prices such as 50% off or 40% off."

"If that's the case, then why don't I follow suit?"

"Rather than being made by those big investors who are unkind to get rich, it would be better for me to make this money."

"At least I can guarantee that after I make money, I will not bury the money in the ground like landlords and old wealth, but will continue to invest it."

Actually, Lin Yang doesn't want to buy treasury bonds from ordinary people.

Because it is slow, and when the treasury bonds are actually cashed, his reputation will be easily ruined. What he wants to do is actually more about those banks. He has treasury bills in his hands and some large units that have not yet been distributed.

Because many treasury bills have been distributed to all parts of the country. So Lin Yang wants his uncle and A Bao to organize a team to purchase them from banks and large units across the country.

That's the only way.

Only then can he take advantage of this wave of benefits in a down-to-earth manner.

Lin Yang actually has a prototype for this idea.

In his previous life, he watched a documentary that showed the journey of the boss of Wanguo Securities.

The boss of Wanguo Securities was the first A person who received dividends from treasury bills.

At that time, there were only a few staff members of Wanguo Securities.

The boss took these staff members to travel to more than 250 large, medium and small cities across the country, and even some remote rural areas. Let it go.

With these treasury bonds, Wanguo Securities directly became the leader of domestic securities.

After listening to Lin Yang's words, Miss Jinhua Wang, He Aiguo and others were deep in thought.

But Uncle Ye's eyes were dazzled.

He actually saw it in May When I came to this policy, I was also thinking about whether to buy treasury bonds.

Because in my uncle's opinion, the interest rate of treasury bonds is high and there is no risk. As long as you buy it, you will definitely make a fortune.

The main reason why many people sell treasury bonds at a discount nowadays is It's because they haven't seen this kind of thing and don't know the way inside.

In addition, each unit forces apportionment, deducts the corresponding salary directly from the salary, and issues the corresponding treasury bills.

This kind of bundling and forced distribution behavior , making everyone treat treasury bonds like worn-out shoes.

But as an old mage, my uncle knows that treasury bonds are actually the country borrowing money with credit guarantee.

If the money is not repaid, the credit will be bankrupt.

Therefore, treasury bonds have great potential.


Ideas are ideas, reality is reality.

When the policy came out, both he and Abao's money was tied up in the stock market.

There is no way to take it out.

The idea of ​​buying treasury bills for this purpose also appeared in my uncle's mind.

【ps: Thanks 147.....The boss at the beginning reminds me of the 3,000-word update! 】

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