The Bund.

Lin Yang and his group walked slowly on the edge of the Huangpu River in a strolling manner.

Half an hour ago.

After Lin Yang negotiated the general cooperation with Uncle Ye and Abao at the Jin Meilin Hotel, they parted ways.

After Lin Yang's legal affairs and related investment managers arrive in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, they will sign another compliant contract.

Lin Yang and everyone else's attention was seen on the Huangpu River.

After Miss Wang pushed up her glasses, she carefully inquired with Qiu Shuzhen next to her:

"Miss Qiu, how many days will your boss stay in Shanghai this time?"

After taking a look at Miss Wang's careful look, Qiu Shuzhen showed a charming smile and said:

"Miss Wang, the boss, probably won’t stay too long this time. Do you want to go to Xiangjiang with us?"

Even if Miss Wang is a woman, she is still a little attracted to Qiu Shuzhen.

Her small face, angular jaw, and a pair of big eyes make her look even more feminine in the night.

At this time, Miss Wang is not as fussy as before, and is slightly He said awkwardly:"Ara, what are you doing in Xiangjiang?"......"

Qiu Shuzhen held the bag in her hand, stepped on her riding boots and said with a smile:

"Be the boss’s investment advisor?"

"After all, the boss doesn’t know much about the Mainland. If he accidentally thinks of something to invest in, can’t you help him answer it?"

"I heard that Ms. Wang is also a college student. How can she be more comfortable working on the 27th than being with our boss?"

Helping the boss pick up girls is a job that Qiu Shuzhen has set for herself.

If she can fool Miss Wang to the boss, Qiu Shuzhen estimates that the boss will definitely win her over.

As for jealousy or something, Qiu Shuzhen really has no such idea.

Xiangjiang has advanced But there is also a traditional side.

In terms of the relationship between men and women, Xiangjiang is very traditional.

In their view, it is most normal for a capable man to have three wives and four concubines.

In Qiu Shuzhen's view, Lin Yang is a capable person.

And for someone like her who was born in a bad way, it would be great if she could always be by Lin Yang's side.


Lin Yang, who was looking at the many buildings on the other side, didn't know that Qiu Shuzhen was like a pet in the game.

She was automatically helping herself. To fight monsters, that is, to defeat Miss Wang.

The Oriental Pearl Tower, the business card of Shanghai in this era, had not yet been built, and the place where he was was still blank.

Lin Yang looked a little uncomfortable.

After wandering around for a while, he felt a little bored and decided to He went back to the Peace Hotel to sleep.

He Aiguo on the side saw Lin Yang's thoughts and couldn't help but smile and said:

"Mr. Lin, there is nothing good to see in the Bund now, but if you come back in two years, it will definitely be very different. Section Chief Jin also smiled and chatted:

"Yes, my friends at the TV station said some time ago that they are planning to build a TV tower over 400 meters high on the shore!"

"When this TV tower is completed, you must come to Shanghai to see it!"

More than four hundred meters???

Qiu Shuzhen, who was standing behind, was dumbfounded. She said in disbelief:

"Leader, are you telling the truth? Is Shanghai going to build a TV tower more than 400 meters tall?"

No wonder she was dumbfounded, because the tallest building in Hong Kong is the Bank of China Tower under construction.

This building, which started construction in April 1985, has been appearing in major newspapers from the beginning.

Especially because it is as high as 360 The height of 17.4 meters is well known to all people in Hong Kong.

Now someone actually said in front of her that a building 100 meters taller than the Bank of China Building will be built in the mainland.

This completely subverted her world view.

Miss Wang slightly He said proudly:"That's right! This matter has been reported and should be built in the next few years! Miss Qiu can come and see us then!"

Qiu Shuzhen went to the Peace Hotel in a trance.

By the window.

Lin Yang held Qiu Shuzhen's hand with one hand, and patted Qiu Shuzhen who was still in a trance with the other hand.

He said helplessly:

"Ah Zhen, if you don't respond again, be careful I ask you to sing the song"Back Garden Flower"!"

Close to the glass window.

Qiu Shuzhen looked at the dark night scene outside the window and said in an unbelieving tone:

"Boss, is it really possible to build a building of more than 400 meters in the mainland?"

"Our Bank of China Tower in Xiangjiang is only over 300 meters long!"

Let go of those white tofu hands.

Lin Yang stroked Qiu Shuzhen's hair and looked out the window, saying with great emotion:

"Ah Zhen"

"Do you want to know how many people there are in Xiangjiang?"

"And how many people are there in the mainland!"

"People are wealth!"

"Therefore, the development of the mainland will definitely be faster than that of Hong Kong!"

Qiu Shuzhen suddenly naughtily moved forward, then turned and squatted down to look up at Lin Yang and said:

"Boss, isn’t it a bit strange to talk about such a national event at this time?"

"How about we talk about Miss Wang? After finishing speaking

, she suddenly widened her eyes and said speechlessly:?

"Boss, I just mentioned Miss Wang......."

"You don’t have to be so excited!"

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