peace restaurant. administrative level.

In a luxuriously decorated compartment.

Lin Yang picked up the delicately arranged snacks in front of him and said to the curly-haired Mr. Wei in a casual tone:

"Mr. Wei, do you know why I met with you alone?"

To be honest, Wei Hongqing, also known as Mr. Wei, really doesn't understand why someone like Lin Yang would meet him alone.

As a famous local Wei family in Hailin,

Wei Hongqing can put aside the shackles of the family and run to Shanghai alone. From running a street stall to being worth what he is now, he is not stupid but very smart.

But last night he thought about it all night, but he couldn't think of any use value to Lin Yang.

Seeing Wei Hongqing puzzled, Lin Yang Yang didn't show off.

Instead, Vukong tapped the fur he put aside and said:

"Because I like your fur!"


Wei Hongqing said in confusion:"Mr. Lin, do you like my fur? ? ? But Xiangjiang doesn’t seem to need fur. Lin

Yang nodded, then pointed at the fur in front of him and said:

"That's right!"

"Xiangjiang really doesn’t need it"

"But people in the furry bear country who lack warm clothing need it very much! Wei

Hongqing looked at Lin Yang hesitantly and asked cautiously:"Mr. Lin has an order from the Bear Country and wants to find me?" Lin

Yang shook his head and said:


"I don't have any orders in hand"

"And Furry Bear Country will not place an order with us."

Although in 1985,

Mao Xiong's country entered a period of material shortage due to a serious shortage of light industry, food and other daily necessities.

Countless Mao Xiong people protested that the food sold in stores was too expensive.

But by 1988, These furry bear people no longer protest about the price of food.

Because there is no food at all on the store shelves, it can even be said that there are no products!

But even in this situation, Lin Yang knows that there is still no official from the furry bear country who wants to negotiate with them. Doing business in the mainland.

Because at this time, the officials of the Bear Country are making money.

From the government to the military, everyone is trying to find ways to turn their rights into cash, and then find opportunities to defect to Western countries with the money to enjoy.

As for whether the domestic furry bears live or die, it has nothing to do with them.

Anyway, they eat, drink and play.

Mr. Wei touched the leather jacket on the side, looked at Lin Yang in confusion and said:"Mr. Lin, what about you? means? Lin

Yang looked at Mr. Wei opposite and said in a very relaxed tone:

"I wonder if Mr. Wei has ever heard of the term treacherous master?"

How could Wei Hongqing not have heard of the term"trailing master"?

When the mainland implemented dual price regulations a few years ago, there was a popular saying:"One billion people, 900 million are falling, and there are still 100 million who are looking for it!"

The most terrifying thing is.

There are one thousand tons of steel in Jinling, which has been speculated one hundred and twenty-nine times without moving.

The term"trailing master" should not be too popular in today's mainland.

Wei Hongqing gradually understood something at this time, and he said in a doubtful tone:

"Mr. Lin, do you want me to sell my furs to the Bear Country? ? ?"

Without answering his question directly, Lin Yang just gave an example and said:

"Mr. Wei may not know clearly"

"Nowadays, a leather jacket with a unit price of about 150 yuan can easily be sold for 1,500 yuan as long as you can bring it to the fur bear capital!"

"This is still just a regular jacket!"

"If it were replaced by this high-quality fur next to Mr. Wei,"

"I estimate that those old guys would definitely be willing to pay twenty or even thirty times the price."

Although Lin Yang's tone was very dull, what he said was not dull at all. It could even be said to explode!

After Wei Hongqing heard this, his whole body went numb.

His face was even redder, and he grabbed the sides with both hands. furs, and his eyes are filled with greedy bloodshot eyes!

Look at that!

I want him, Mr. Wei, to purchase goods from Hailin and set up a street stall in Shanghai to sell them!

One-stop service from manufacturer to retail, I don’t know how hard it is!

But it’s just a profit More than double the profit, and he had to share the profit with his subordinates.

Now Lin Yang actually told him that just by selling a piece of fur in another place, he could earn twenty or even thirty times the profit.

It would be wrong if he was not moved. The title of Mr. Wei.

But Wei Hongqing still has some brains. He quickly realized that there must be a threshold for being a gangster on the border!

Otherwise, people all over the world will know about it, and the thing will be worthless.

"Mr. Lin, I am just an ordinary fur trader. Even if I want to do this business, I have no channels."

Lin Yang couldn't help but sneered when he saw that Wei Hongqing wanted to play Tai Chi with him.

"Mr. Wei, you are not honest."

If Wei Hongqing still fights with him next time, then there will be no need to talk about it today.

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