"What's going on with uncle?"

A Bao was originally in another room, talking to someone on the phone with his mobile phone.

Hearing that there was something going on here, he quickly hung up the phone and walked over to ask.

Uncle, who has been practicing Qi Kung Fu for many years in Tilanqiao, was already here. He returned to normal again.

He picked up the stainless steel tea cup, took a sip of tea water, adjusted his mood, and then said slowly:

"People from the Kirin Society."

Recalling the rude attitude of the doctor Qilin Hui just now.

Even my uncle, who is very good at nourishing qi, is still in a bad mood at the moment.

He knocked on the table lightly, looked at Abao and said:

"These so-called wealthy people have a really keen sense of smell. I just published the news in the newspaper that we want to collect treasury bonds."

"They actually found my phone number!!"

"He shamelessly asked me to tell him why I bought treasury bills at a high price."

"And also said that no matter what news we have"

"They can do the purchasing of treasury bills for you!"

"But there is one condition, that is, the acquisition news in the newspaper must be withdrawn!"

"The purchase price is 20% off and must be purchased from them! Hearing this, Abao frowned and said:

"Uncle, are those people kidding?"

"I admit"

"In the stock market, they Qilin will have the style to tell the truth!"

"But treasury bills are not something they can interfere with, right?"

My uncle said in a calm tone:

"They have no control over treasury bonds, but the people from the Qilin Association said so!"

"If we don't do what they say"

"That will snipe us in the stock market!"

"And the witch doctor also revealed on the phone several stocks that we have heavy positions in."

"Threaten me if I don't take down the ad"

"Then he will lower the prices of these stocks tomorrow."

My uncle's tone didn't fluctuate much when he said this, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

But Abao couldn't do it.

He wasn't good at cultivating qi. After hearing this sentence, his hair stood up in anger. Got up.

He slammed the table and said angrily:

"Look, Qilin will be robbing naked like this!"

"When bandits block roads and rob, at least they use knives and guns!"

"It would be better for them to just give him a phone call and we have to obediently give him money?"

"These people are worse than bandits!"

Under the protection of my uncle, although A Bao is not particularly smooth in the stock market, he has not experienced too many setbacks.

Now that he suddenly encountered such an unreasonable thing, he felt extremely unhappy.

Seeing A Bao Bao was so sad and angry that Uncle Ye's mood calmed down completely.

Once he calmed down, thoughts gradually came to his mind.

Before Bao could continue to speak,

Uncle Ye slowly shook his head and said:

"Po, don't let your emotions control your brain!"

"In fact, this matter does not have much impact on us"

"Think about it, what would happen if we ignore Qilin Society and still go our own way by advertising and purchasing treasury bonds?"

Because his emotions were rising.

A Bao's body felt hot, so he simply took off his suit.

After taking a sip of water from the table, he found that he finally calmed down a little, and then he answered his uncle's words:

"Uncle, didn’t the person at the Qilin Club just say that?"

"If we ignore him, they will attack our stock."

My uncle turned out the newspaper in his hand, shook his head disdainfully and said:

"Look at it with dialectical thinking"

"His Qilin will be able to make waves in the stock market"

"But what they rely on is just the money in their hands."

"No matter how hard they attack our stocks, will our stocks fall to the limit and eventually be delisted?"

A Bao has also been working hard in the stock market for a period of time, and he knows that no stock in the mainland has been delisted.

After noticing that A Bao shook his head, his uncle continued:

"The rise and fall of stocks still depends on the actual entity!"

"So which stocks do we hold heavy positions in?"

"Our most important items are vacuum electronics and Feile Audio!"

"Even if a company of this level is really attacked by Qilinhui, it will only fall for a few days at most."

"But under the influence of the general environment, these stocks will definitely rise again! After speaking , my uncle shook his head disdainfully and said:

"Qilin will be a bunch of stiffness"

"Are you afraid that you are out of your mind? Do you really think you can control the stock market?"

I have been playing in the stock market for so many years.

My uncle firmly believes in one sentence.

Whoever laughs last laughs best!

At the beginning, he was also annoyed by the threatening taste of the Qilin Society people.

Otherwise, he would not care at all, nor would he There was no trace of worry.

After hearing his uncle’s comprehensive analysis, A Bao felt reassured.

"Then uncle, should we proceed as planned?"

As long as no one else makes trouble.

Based on the estimates in the past two days,

Abao is confident that he will get a reward of 50 million!"

"kindness."The uncle nodded, and then there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

He murmured softly:"Qilin Club, if you really refuse to give up, then don't blame the old man for giving you a taste of hardship."

After that, my uncle sat down again, holding a pen and quietly thinking about the next plan.

Because this plan involves Lin Yang, he needs Lin Yang's help.

So he has to be cautious.

【ps: Thanks to the boss who started with 176 | The screen-swiping reminder and the reward of 1000 VIP points, the author shed tears.....In addition, ten more updates will be continued today!! 】

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