"Bang! Lu

Meilin thought of her husband, gritted her teeth and slapped the chopsticks in her hand on the table.

Then she picked up her mobile phone and called her admirer.

"Red roots!"Lu Meilin said with a guilty conscience:"Is your hand rich?"

Du Honggen, who used to work in transportation in Taopu, actually doesn't have much money at all recently.

The disco that opened across industries just closed down last month at a loss.

But when he heard his old friend Lu Meilin calling for help, he still pretended to be confident. She said,"Arlene, what happened?"

Lu Meilin was overjoyed when she heard what Du Honggen said. I heard that Du Honggen lost money at a disco before, but she didn't expect that she could speak with such confidence. It seems that her old friend still has a good family background.

But thinking that she asked for help because of her husband, she couldn't help but He said with a little guilt in his heart:

"Honggen, Ala wants to borrow one million from Henon......" one million? ? ?

Du Honggen, who was resting his legs on the desk, his eyes nearly bulged out after hearing these words. He said in disbelief:


"one million? ? ?"

"What happened to Alinon?"

In his opinion, if the restaurants on the Yellow River Road don't make money every day, at least they won't be short of much money.

Why would Lu Meilin ask her to borrow so much money?

"It’s not my Lao Jin."Lu Meilin knows that some things cannot be concealed.

Therefore, even if she feels guilty, she still tells the truth:

"He was gambling on Hong Kong Island, and now he has been detained. They asked me to redeem him for 2 million yuan."

"But now I am scraping together everything. I have not given the money to the suppliers, and I have also deducted my wages."

"In the end, we got together one million"

"Now I have no choice but to count on you."

After Du Honggen heard this, countless complicated expressions flashed in his eyes, ranging from cruelty to regret to helplessness.

Finally, he sighed and said:

"Arlene, I don’t have much comment on your husband’s affairs."

"But it’s not that I don’t want to lend you this million"

"In fact, I don’t have any in my hands either."

"Have you heard about the disco thing?"

"I lost everything because of it, and now I still have a bunch of creditors demanding debt from me."

If this person was detained in a casino in Shanghai, Du Honggen would do anything to help him get him back.

But he was detained on Ao Island, and he was really beyond his reach.

After Lu Meilin heard this, a trace of disappointment flashed in her heart.

But she didn't mess around, she just said lightly,"I know" and hung up the phone.

Looking at Jin Meilin who decorated it with her own hands and feet, her eyes flashed with a trace of reluctance.

Although in the eyes of everyone, she Lu Meilin She has a bad temper and is mean.

But she is sincere to her husband, and she also values ​​her family very much.

For the current plan, Lu Meilin knows that if she wants to save Lao Jin's life, there is only one way.

Sell Jin Meilin. , collect money to save people!

Although her Jin Meilin is on the Yellow River Road and the location is not the best, there is no problem in selling it for several million.

But who to sell it to and how to sell it are also particular.

She does not sell the store to make money. But to save her husband.

Therefore, this store must be sold to a suitable person.

Finally, Lu Meilin thought of a suitable person.

Lin Yang, who came to her store for dinner that day.

No matter how you look at it, this person is the most suitable.

He has money, he is influential, and he is from Xiangjiang.

If Lin Yang can buy it, ask him to help him become famous and contact people on the island. My husband should be able to come out soon. Just do it if you think of it. , although Lu Meilin did not have Lin Yang's phone number.

But she knew that there was someone who could definitely contact Lin Yang.

Looking at the diners in the store, Lu Meilin called the manager and asked her to look after the store, and then took a taxi to the Peace Hotel.

Ah It is not a secret on the Yellow River Road that Uncle Bao and Uncle Bao have been living on the seventh floor of the Peace Hotel.

Lu Meilin wanted to ask Bao to help match up with Lin Yang to discuss selling the store.

She had just gone out.

The landlady of Golden Phoenix was holding a golden phoenix in her mouth With a cigarette, he leisurely chatted with the other families beside him:

"Mei Lin is a nice person, but what's the use of having this prodigal husband?"

"If she can't hold on, I will buy her Jin Meilin and get through it."

"It just so happens that my Golden Phoenix private room is a little short, and there are always customers who can’t reserve a seat.".........

Lin Yang, who left the ribs and rice cakes, had already arrived at the exhibition with Miss Wang and others.

He was wandering aimlessly.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a female translator wearing black stockings standing next to an island businessman not far away. hiss......

This guy looks so familiar?

【ps: Thanks to Mr. Zuo Hai for your monthly ticket!!! 】

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