"Let's go, Li Li!"

A woman named Xiao Furong tugged at Li Li's clothes and said with a friendly look:"You saw it last time we went to Ao Island, and we made more money than here!"

A few people on the side who had also been to Ao Island also said:

"Yes, yes, the people in Ao Island are much more generous than those in Shenzhen City. Tips are always 100,000!"

"Li Li, your conditions are much better than ours. If you go there, you will definitely make more money than us!"

"That’s right, you’re making money wherever you go, why not go with Little Furong!"


Li Li glanced silently at his best friend who came to Shenzhen City from the Northeast to work together.

Finally he shook his head and said:

"Little Furong, Ao Island is not the mainland after all."

"It's definitely not safe for us to go!"

"I won’t go, and I think you should go less often."

Although she came out just to make money, Li Li also knows what money can and cannot be made.

Going to Ao Island is like walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, something may happen.

Although the Shenzhen market is also chaotic, you can still call the police if something happens..

Australia Island is different.

She heard that in the past few years, there were people throwing grenades on the streets in the chaos in Australia Island.

Even going through regular channels in that kind of place may not guarantee personal safety.

What's more, she also knew.

Her best friend left It was not the regular way, but through the channel of people and snakes, and drove a small boat over.

Hearing that Li Li never took the bait, a trace of cruelty flashed in Xiao Furong's eyes.

Now she has owed a lot of debt on Ao Island, if she didn't move more The money is definitely not enough.

She has heard of the ruthlessness of the debt collectors in Ao Island.

For someone with her appearance, she will definitely be given a shot and left in the building to pick up customers.

Her mind is in a thousand Although she was thinking a lot, Xiao Furong still looked like she was thinking about Li Li and said:

"Li Li, I know you are worried that the method of smuggling is unsafe."

"Don’t worry this time!"

"I found a big customer!"

"He is willing to help us take the formal customs clearance channel"

"And he was willing to pay 1,000 yuan to walk on the catwalk for three consecutive days!"

"In other words, you can earn 3,000 yuan just by going there once!"

"And the client has said that all the expenses there will be covered, so just go with us!"

"You also know this person, he is the big man from Australia Island who came to see our catwalk a few days ago!"

Although Li Li didn't want to make quick money, he couldn't bear the persuasion of the others.

Because according to Xiao Furong, the big customer was actually mainly interested in Li Li.

Her clothes best match the customer's latest style.

If If Li Li doesn't go, then this event will not be held.

In order not to disappoint the little sisters.

In addition, Li Li thought that there would be a total of four people going with Xiao Furong.

Even if so many people went to Ao Island, what happened? We can also help each other with things.

After hearing Li Li's promise, Xiao Furong was relieved.

She was indeed right.

The customer really liked Li Li.

But this customer was not a clothes seller, but Aodao Nightclub Mama Sang.

Let Li Li go to Ao Island not to do a catwalk, but to sell her to a nightclub.

As for the other two people, although the price is not as valuable as Li Li, they are also good-looking goods.

Three people plus It was barely enough to pay off all the gambling debts she owed on Ao Island.

There was even some wealth that allowed her to go to the casino to play a few more games.

It was still a bit troublesome to go to Ao Island through formal channels.

Several people submitted all the materials. Finally, the staff asked them to come back in three days.

In order to make everyone wait patiently,

Xiao Furong kept describing how prosperous Ao Island was and how generous the bosses and customers there were.

In short, the other two people wished they could fly there now Ao Dao......

Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Foreign Trade Building.

The two have changed their names and no longer help Section Chief Jin to remove stamps.

Lin Yang, who has rich experience, was eloquent and was telling Ms. Wang interesting stories about his movie shooting.

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly came from outside the boiling water room:

"Boss, we have selected a suitable factory"

"Would you like to come out and take a look?

Stretching, Lin Yang smiled and said to Miss Wang,"Xiao Wang, do you want to go and see with me?""

Miss Wang glanced at the stamps scattered nearby and then at her watch.

She couldn't help but be confused.

"Oops, why is it almost eleven o'clock!"

"I haven’t finished taking off the stamps that the master asked me to take off!"


"I won’t go, let’s go get down to business!"

Lin Yang looked at Miss Wang who was purring.

Subconsciously, he reached out his hand to lift her hanging hair and gently put it behind her ear.

Before Miss Wang could react, Lin Yang had already turned away.

Dumbfoundedly Looking at Lin Yang's back, Miss Wang suddenly realized that she was hungry.

But looking at her favorite rice balls on the table, and thinking about Lin Yang's departure in a few days, she felt that she had lost her appetite.

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