The back seat of the car.

Lin Yang looked at Zhou Runfa and said cheerfully:

"Because I want your photo to be printed on the drink bottle!"

"Make this drink your own personal fan favorite!"

"The price of ordinary drinks is one yuan and a half, but the price of your personal fan exclusive is two yuan!"

"The extra 0.5 points is half for each of us!"

"In this way, for every one million cans of drinks sold, you can get 250,000 for free!"

"Although your fans can’t be as crazy as Ah Lin and Ah Rong."

"But I drink drinks every day anyway, so why not drink yours?"

"Spend two yuan to have a drink and support your idol!"

"Look how wonderful it is to achieve multiple things with one stone!"

Not only was Zhou Runfa in front of him dumbfounded, but even Miss Wang next to him was confused.

What kind of operation is this!

Can a personal photo be printed on the drink???

There is no such thing as cutting leeks in this era, otherwise the two of them would definitely be together. I have to say something.

Are you not a pure fan?

But in Lin Yang’s view, he is reasonably guiding fans to pursue stars rationally.

You must know that last year, when Tan and Zhang competed for hegemony, thousands of fans from both sides gathered with each other. They started fighting directly on the street.

The young and Dangerous looked like they were trying to avoid the limelight, and in the end they both suffered a lot of damage.

If Lin Yang had launched personal drinks for celebrities in Hong Kong earlier, what would their fans have to fight for?

I want to support You brothers, it’s so easy!

Spend money on personal drinks to increase sales!

Lin Yang decided anyway. After the personal drinks are launched, he will directly leave a daily sales ranking of personal drinks in his newspaper!

Whose brother is more popular with fans? , let’s talk about sales!

If you have the energy to fight, wouldn’t it be nice to work hard and buy your brother’s personal items?

Nowadays, various star-chasing methods are too childish in the eyes of Lin Yang, who has experienced the star-chasing methods of later generations..

As soon as the sales ranking of personal models came out, he didn't believe that he couldn't inspire the fighting spirit of these fans.

Zhou Runfa didn't know Lin Yang's philandering, at this time he was counting money on his fingers.

At Shuangmu Film and Television Company in Lin Yang, Xiangjiang, Xiang Compared with TVB's stinginess, it is very generous to celebrities.

A star like Zhou Runfa has a monthly salary of tens of thousands, and the film remuneration is paid separately.

You can hear that your fans only need to buy one million cans of drinks. He can get 250,000, and Zhou Runfa is still grinning from ear to ear.

Not to mention too much.

If he can sell 10,000 cans of drinks a day, he can get seven more months of salary in one month.

What's more, Zhou Runfa He still knows his reputation.

No matter how hard he tries, he can't be reduced to selling only 10,000 cans a day. If the time and place were wrong, Zhou Runfa would be ready to learn from Wu Song.

At the moment, he is pushing the gold mountain and pouring the jade pillar. , bowed his head to Lin Yang

"Boss! You can rest assured that starting from today, as long as you say a word, I, Afa, will go up to the sword and go down to the sea of ​​fire without any hesitation!!"

Afa's allegiance, Lin Yang was very satisfied and nodded:"Okay, don't be too excited. You can prepare for this yourself slowly. You must adjust your condition!"

Here Afa is swearing allegiance to Lin Yang.

Not far behind their car, the atmosphere on a bus was extremely tense.

Li Li glared at Xiao Furong and said in a cold tone:

"why did you do this!"

Originally, Li Li was planning to jump out of the window when Huang Mao was teaching another woman a lesson.

After all, this place is not far from the customs. As long as he got out of the bus, he might have a chance to escape.

But as little Furong shouted, in an instant, Attracting the attention of another person.

Realizing that there was little chance, Li Li stopped making any extra moves.

When Huang Mao went to drive and Li Li sat with Xiao Furong, she couldn't figure it out. She couldn't figure it out. I'm not sorry for Little Furong, why would she treat me like this?

After hearing Li Li's words, Little Furong could only say in an apologetic tone:

"I'm sorry, I don't want this either!"

"But if I don’t pay back the money, I will be killed by them!"

"Li Li, haven't you always said that you are my good sister and want to share the joys and sorrows with me?"

"Then help me, don't resist and cooperate with them, okay?"

"Are you so beautiful? They will definitely choose a suitable wealthy businessman for you."


This sentence completely extinguished Li Li's only fantasy about Little Furong.

She looked at the sister who came to the south with her to seek life without saying a word.

At this moment, she swore that if she had the chance, This beast must be put to death!

As the car parked at the back door of an extremely prosperous hotel, they were all driven into a room by Huang Mao and others.

Looking at the heavily guarded hotel, Li Li's heart sank completely.

She I knew that once I entered this hotel, I would have no future.

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