After everyone left the box, Lin Yang patted the seat next to him and said to Li Li:

"You sit here with me!"

"In addition, you can make any requests now!"

As he spoke, he paused and then said seriously.

"Remember, all requests are welcome"

"No matter what the request is."

Looking at Lin Yang's elegant appearance, and then seeing the groveling look of the person in charge of the Sanse Casino opposite.

Li Li suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"Mr. Lin, is it okay if I want Little Furong to die?"

"As long as she dies, my life is yours!"

To be honest, the person she hated the most when she jumped off the building was her best friend Xiao Furong who betrayed her.

Li Li thought that she had always taken good care of this best friend.

In fact, Lin Yang already knew about Xiao Furong, and the boss hadn't revealed her just yet. When she came, Li Li told her own experience.

Lin Yang was not surprised by her request.

There was a saying during the war:"Compared to enemies, people hate traitors more!"

The same thing applies to Li Li. In her opinion, that little Furong is a traitor.

Looking up at Ruan Jian, Lin Yang smiled gently:

"Boss Ruan, please bring little Furong over! Ruan

Jian really knew who Xiao Furong was, and thought that the gambler was responsible for this incident.

He couldn't help but feel furious, and he agreed without hesitation:"Okay!""

When Ruan Jian went out, Lin Yang looked at Li Li and said:

"Miss Li Li!"

"Since you said your life is mine"

"Then I won’t be polite to you either."

"Little Furong can die, but I will train you for a while and send you to open a restaurant in Shanghai to help me collect information."

In the past three days, Li Li experienced some dragon enlightenment in the small room on the third floor of the casino.

At this time, she knew that Lin Yang was the only thigh she could hold.

As long as she cut the little girl with her hands, Furong, then she can live a different life from now on.

Li Li agreed to Lin Yang's conditions without hesitation.

It only took about two or three minutes.

Ruan Jian led people to contact Huang Mao, Xiao Furong, and Mama Sang , and brought over all the people who threatened Li Li.

"Mr. Lin, this woman is Xiao Furong, and the other two have threatened Miss Li!"

"They committed a taboo of ours, you decide whether to kill or chop them into pieces!"

Because in order to prevent them from arguing, Ruan Jian directly stuffed their mouths with cloth.

At this moment, several people could only look at Lin Yang and Li Li with pitiful eyes.

Especially Xiao Furong, who looked at them with tears in their eyes. Li Li whimpered

"Mr. Ruan can just drag those two people out and kill them. As for Little Furong, just leave them here."

After Lin Yang said this, he signaled his bodyguard to leave a gun for Li Li, and then taught her how to shoot.

He and Ruan Jian left.


Lin Dashan couldn't bear to see such a cruel scene.

Looking at Little Furong, who was as close to her as a sister the day before, Li Li tremblingly picked up the gun.

Two shots were fired at Little Furong.

The two shots were her farewell to the past and her yearning for a new life...........

Shanghai stock market in October.

In particular, the focus of attention on the Yellow River Road is on treasury bills.

Abao and his uncle took advantage of the opportunity to acquire treasury bonds and became the focus of attention on the Yellow River Road.

Countless people want to ask them about the inside story of treasury bills and why they want to buy them at a 20% discount.

However, a group of people led by Qilinhui discovered that my uncle was determined to have his own way and still bought treasury bills at a 20% discount from the newspaper.

He couldn't help but use the strong capital flow to brazenly suppress the stocks that Uncle Uncle and A Bao had heavily invested in.

It's a pity that although they are big investors in the stock market, these stocks were silent for half a month when the national stock market was booming, and then they continued to gain popularity.

In early October, people from the Qilin Club gave up the idea of ​​suppressing Uncle Ye and A Bao in the stock market.

After an internal meeting, they turned to compete with uncle and uncle Abao for treasury bonds.

Although they don't know what the benefits of Treasury bonds will be.

But since you have lost face in the stock market, find it somewhere else.

Even if the treasury bills don't make money, even if they want to hurt people with their money, Qilin will still want to knock down the momentum of Uncle Ye and A Bao.

Otherwise, Qilin will lose face in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and others will look down upon them.

Regarding this scene, my uncle knew it and didn't care.

Anyway, because they have raised the price of treasury bills, there are no treasury bills out there at a discount of less than 20%.

Even if the Qilin Society wants to buy them, they can only stock up a batch at a 20% discount. in this craze.

A fashionable and well-dressed woman came to Huanghe Road quietly.

Zhizhenyuan, which had been renovated for several months, was also opened with a grand ceremony.

Opening day.

Mr. Xingbao from Huanghe Road personally expressed his support to Zhizhenyuan.

Even Hong Kong's big stars, Tan Yonglin and Zhang Guorong, both performed a song at the ceremony.

In addition, the decoration of Zhizhenyuan refers to the magnificent style of Lisboa, and the chefs who cook the dishes are also poached from Xiangjiang.

Even the private rooms are divided according to grades, so it is easy to handle the many businessmen on the Yellow River Road.

However, the cake on the Yellow River Road is only so big. If you eat more, others will eat less.

November 1st.

Foreign New Year, Christmas Day.

Trouble is coming in Zhizhenyuan.

First, all aquatic products stores on Guling Road stopped supplying Zhizhenyuan.

Tao Tao, the only one who refused to let go, was also forcibly taken away by several mysterious people.

Then several men with northern Jiangsu accents followed.

Led by a group of proprietresses from Huanghe Road, they all came to Zhizhen Garden to order salt and pepper king snake.

Although Mr. Bao came to deal with it immediately after he found out about it.

But Jin Fenghuang, who had taken advantage of Qilinhui, ignored him at all, and instead forced Li Li to close the store extremely arrogantly.

At the same time, Shanghai Airport.

Lin Yang, who had just gotten off the plane, was chatting and laughing with Ms. Wang who came to pick him up, and then got into the car and headed to Huanghe Road.

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