Blue and White Society

Chapter 391: spread your name

  Chapter 391 Spread Your Name

   "Don't add settings to me randomly..." Mo Poor sneered.

  Xina respectfully said in her mind: "I don't know your origin, but in my heart, you will always be the greatest devil."

   "You saved me and gave me a new life, but you don't want my soul or sacrifices. In my opinion, you are greater than gods, and gods... still collect taxes."

   "I can't repay you, I can only spread your name. I only know that you are poor, because in all myths, there has never been a person who is in charge of poverty, so please forgive me for arbitrarily calling you the lord of poverty."

  Mo Qiong is speechless, do people in this world like to make up the identity of others so much?

  Based on what he learned from Fulla, combined with some explanations from the priest.

  People in this world actually know little about demons. Many things about demons are made up by the church.

  Used to intimidate the people to highlight the greatness of God.

   After all, there is no black, how can we know white? After the people are fooled, all bad things are automatically attributed to the existence of demons, witches and the like that have been labeled evil. God accepts all praise, and all good things are the credit of God.

   At the end of the day, it's all about people...

  Basically similar to some cultures on Earth.

  Mo Poor doesn’t know what’s going on with the myth of the earth. Anyway, here, Fulla has fought many wizards, exorcists, ascetics, and monsters. She has seen many extraordinary powers and knows many mysterious things.

  Fula said that whether they are gods or demons, they are actually the same existence. It can be said that they are both gods and demons.

  The **** in the world's population is probably the devil with the best reputation... It can also be said that the devil is a group of gods with a poor reputation.

  Fula even said disdainfully: The so-called **** believed by the Unitarianism, in my opinion, might be the Great Demon King and Lord of Deceit.

   In this regard, Mo Qiong deeply agrees, what kind of gods and demons, Lanbai members said, don't mess with humans.

  In this world, except for a very small number of people like Fulla, who have found their own way and mastered extraordinary power to form their own school.

  Most factions of wizards and exorcists have received gifts of knowledge from so-called demons or gods.

  Many of them have to achieve some goals and satisfy their will behind them.

  Compared to this kind of wizard, Fulla, who has gone through countless sufferings and finally found a way out of it, is simply rare.

   "Well... If you put it this way, I can be considered a devil when I connect with Hina, and I am right."

   Mo Poor chuckled secretly, he didn't care about reputation, he was a member of Lanbai Club, even if he was called the ultimate evil **** of the universe, he didn't care about the original sin of this world.

  The Blue and White Society was considered a terrorist organization before, so what?

  The atmosphere in the club is like this, and the higher-ups just casually named him 'Blue and White President', which shows that it's just a title.

   "Whatever you want, why do you think I don't have what I want?" Mo Poor said.

   "I am willing, master, I would have been burned to ashes without you, what do you want?" Hina said seriously.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: "Travel around the world, looking for colleagues from other mysterious sides, and gaining more knowledge from them, the more the better. During this period, you must become stronger as soon as possible. I will spend most of the time in your body to practice, but there are also When you are disconnected, you must at least have the ability to protect yourself in front of ordinary people."

  Xina said without hesitation: "Follow your wishes, master."

   "However, Mother Fulla didn't teach me how to become a witch. She used to help me hone my mental strength. Now... I don't know how to become stronger..."

  Mo Poor said: "I will teach you, and besides, I will give you a sword."

   As he said that, a long sword with a simple shape suddenly jumped out of the void and stabbed obliquely on the ground in front of Hina.

  The priest, the knight and the others were taken aback. This sword move from the void was similar to the call of the meteorite. Really such a powerful demon king, who can send things from **** to the world casually?

  Although the shape is simple, it is not ordinary at first glance. The knight cannot tell the material of this sword. It may be iron, but it is white and bright, as smooth as a mirror. This kind of craftsmanship cannot be found in all countries.

  Xina pulled it up immediately, and heard Mo Poor say: "There is a finger button on the hilt, press it, and the blade will be charged. It won't be fatal, but it is enough to cause fainting."

   "Such a precious sword, I will definitely keep it safe!" Hina said excitedly.

   "It's not expensive, it's been at home for a long time, and I don't even bother to use it." Mo Poor said.

  During the **** mission, he went to various bases, always visiting the equipment warehouse, and then ordering small equipment.

  This electrode sword is one of them. It is actually an electric shock device, but I don’t know which member of the Secondary School designed it into a sword.

  Although Mo Poor didn't need it, he still walked along. Thinking of giving Xina something to defend herself, she wouldn't know how to use a gun. A gun that isn't accurate is scrap iron, far inferior to a sharp electric shock device...

The alloy of this sword edge is an excellent material for casting swords, and it is also an excellent conductor. Even if it does not have the function of an electric baton, it is also a very good melee weapon. It's a sword.

   Coupled with the electrification function, it is even more fabulous item.

   "Zizizizila~!" Hina slashed at a priest with a sword.

  Bleeding from the shoulder of the cleric, the sword cut directly to the bone.

   "Ah!" He wailed, and then Hina clasped her fingers tightly, and the electric current rushed into the opponent's body.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhh..." The priest twitched wildly, and his body lost consciousness instantly and fell down.

   In just a few seconds, he foamed at the mouth and passed out. His skin folds shrank, his hair was yellowish and curly, and the wound on his shoulder was directly burned dry. The flesh and blood were charred and smoking!

   "Magic Sword!" The priest stared wide-eyed, looking in horror at the sword in Hina's hand that had just flashed with lightning.

  The real magic sword, bestowed by the Great Demon King himself.

  It collapsed at the touch of a touch, and the person immediately smoked, which definitely contained terrible power.

"He didn't die. If he was exposed to it for a short period of time, he might be paralyzed or have other disabilities if he was shocked for more than five seconds. He could die suddenly if he was shocked for more than ten seconds... In short, you can decide for yourself what happens to these people. " Mo Poor said in Hina's mind.

  Xina stared fiercely at the priest and the others, and after a moment of hesitation, cut off their arms.

  The electrode sword is sharp and light, even a woman can use it, it is only equivalent to holding a slightly heavier anti-wolf electric baton.

  Others did not dare to resist, and were stunned by Xina's shock, but the knight was quite bloody, and he drew his sword suddenly to block, and at the same time stepped back, trying to escape.

  However, when the two swords intersected, he was still electrocuted.

  However, his physical fitness is relatively high, and he didn't faint immediately. After finding out that he would be shocked by blocking with a sword, he wanted to let go in horror.

   But he was even more horrified to find that he couldn't let go, his hand was holding his sword tightly, and he couldn't release it at all, and a mysterious force pierced through him.

   "Ah! Ahhh..." The knight collapsed with smoke, unconscious.

  After finishing all this, Hina left without looking back, she has no nostalgia for this place anymore.

   "Master, from now on, I have only one purpose, and that is to carry you and live, as your agent, to walk in this world and spread poverty in the world."

   "Hey, hey, I didn't ask you to spread any poverty, and I don't have that ability. You just need to walk in the world instead of me." Mo Poor said.


   "By the way, you didn't choose to kill them." Mo Poor said.

  He had told Sheena to take ten seconds to die, but Sheena didn't do that.

  Xina lowered her head and said: "Master, you need someone to spread your name, so let them tell the world that you... the demon king is poor and has come."

"Crazy! I see. Do you think that gods and demons have to believe in? No, I'll say it again, you just need to live well. As my chosen agent, if you die, it will be very difficult for me." A better replacement has been found." Mo Poor said.

   "Yes, but if you are looking for wizards, the church should have them... I think they will definitely come to attack me." Hina said.

   "You really don't take your own life seriously." Mo Qiong laughed.

  He doesn't care about any crusade, and he is not in another world. Hina is asking for trouble for herself.

   "In that case..." Mo Poor took a can of disinfectant directly from the warehouse and sprinkled it.

  Following Hina's vision, the ruins of the church were sprinkled.

   "This is..." Hina was puzzled.

  Mo Poor said: "The items I threw in the past contained some things that could cause diseases, which may cause plagues. The water can kill them."

   As he spoke, he threw another bottle of medicine and asked Hina to take it. Basically, some colds, fevers and some inflammations can be resolved.

  Finally, Mo Poor taught Hina the secret art of pain that she should have learned, and started self-abuse to hone her mental strength.

  Xina changed into the robe that Mo Poor threw over, rode a horse brought from the ruins, and headed towards Rhett Kingdom, the most powerful kingdom in the north.

According to the information that Mo Poor got from Fulla, there is a place where Fulla once encountered a powerful wizard who could turn people into monsters, even make living creatures out of dead bodies, and animate herself. Surgery, almost removed half of his body parts did not die.

  Fula said that his power comes from a demon that occasionally communicates with him. Mo Poor is a little interested in this. Anyway, it is Hina who is on the way, so he can just stay in his mind and practice.


   p.s: Sorry. In other words, this is not an inferior world, matter is at the same level, it is just backward and there is no containment.



  (end of this chapter)

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