Blue and White Society

Chapter 452: new element

  Chapter 452 New Elements

  Mo Poor couldn't help being moved when he saw Master Gou holding his hand and yelling to shoot him.

  Even if Mo Poor has proved himself, the Lanbai Society will still impose some restrictions in the early stage in the follow-up observation.

   Among the most basic restrictions, there must be one: you cannot shoot people.

   Just like the smoker effect at the beginning, it is the same that people cannot smoke.

  What is restriction? That is, no matter whether there are evil consequences or not, you can't do it.

  It cannot be used on humans, which is the most basic restriction on "dangerous goods" by Lanbai Society.

  It's like wearing a hard hat when entering a substation, regardless of whether it is useful or not.

   On the other hand, special editors and interpreters can be used on people, because there is no need for such restrictions on them, and the Blue and White Society knows that they know it well.

  They are authorized to use such abilities, and their beliefs and qualities themselves are the constraints on this characteristic.

  In this way, there is no need to indiscriminately prohibit a certain situation from being used, and members can judge by themselves more flexibly.

  This is the difference between members and dangerous goods.

  At this moment, Lord Gou is directly correcting a concept for everyone, and for Mo Qiong himself: You, Mo Qiong, are not dangerous goods.

  Mo Qiong did not shoot people once or twice. Everyone knows whether it is dangerous or not, and there is no need to punish those foolish people.

   Some experiments, Lord Gou directly helped Mo Poor here first, and then wrote them into Luo Yan's report for reference.

  This can help Mo Poor skip many restrictions and directly enter the containment and practical stage.

   "Come on! Shoot me!" Gou Ye laughed excitedly.

  Mo Poor smiled and said, "Where do you want to go?"

   Lord Gou pointed to the dome of the cloud realm and said, "Send me to heaven!"

  Mo Poor pushed, and everyone saw Master Gou staggered a step, then floated up in a flash, with his back facing the sky and straight to the sky.

  The ascent is slow, but determined.

   Lord Gou drew out his knife and stabbed it horizontally into the broken wall next to him, trying to slow down.

  But saw that the broken wall was broken by the blade, rustled and cut out countless dust.

  Luo Yan smiled, stepping up into the air and grabbing Lord Gou's leg, only to be carried upwards as a result.

  Mo Poor took the opportunity to shout: "I call this trick slow exile, everyone hurry up! Master Gou can't stop now, it's just a flying carpet of human flesh!"

  As soon as these words came out, Wei Lan, Luo Yi, Cage and others jumped on Lord Gou's back one after another.

   "Not to mention, it's really convenient!" Luo Yan laughed.

  Borrowing strength from Lord Gou, everyone can go to heaven without any consumption at all.

   Not to mention Lord Gou, even if he propels in the opposite direction, he will fly upwards firmly, even if he just takes a nap in mid-air at this moment.

   "Okay, okay! Get down!" Lord Gou shouted.

   Everyone laughed disobediently, thinking that Lord Gou couldn't move.

  How could Lord Gou sneer and said, "You really think I can't move?"


  A powerful wall of air exploded, Master Gou turned over like a spinning top, spiraled upwards, and immediately threw off everyone.

   At the same time, he even accelerated his ascent.

   Flew out obliquely, and in turn caught up with Wei Lan who was thrown away.

   "Ah!" Wei Lan was shocked.

  Grandpa Gou smiled, grabbed her and threw her upwards vigorously, then dodged to the side, avoiding Luo Yan's pounce, then accelerated upwards, grabbed Wei Lan again, and carried her to float upwards.

   "How can you fly casually?" Wei Lan asked in surprise.

  Mo Poor laughed on the ground and said, "It's not just flying casually. As long as Lord Gou is faster than the initial speed, he can take a detour to reach the destination."

   Lord Gou deserves to be rich in experience. He is much smarter than Naga Coconut back then. He found a way to break the slow exile after experiencing it in the first day of junior high school.

   Yes, if he is shot like an arrow, he will fly to the destination irresistibly.

   But as long as he can get to his destination faster, it doesn't matter if he takes a big arc.

   Mo Poor pushed him and flew very slowly, only less than one meter per second.

   Lord Gou stepped into the air himself, and at a speed of more than ten meters per second, he can fly randomly in the air. As long as he doesn't face the opposite direction of the target, he can make any circle at an oblique angle.

  In this way, Lord Gou is not an arrow that can be slaughtered on the trajectory, but has become an arrow that is "unchanged in the general direction", with an erratic trajectory, and moves with the heart.

   "Hahaha! This saves so much effort!" Lord Gou was extremely flexible in the air.

  Mo Poor's push is equivalent to giving him a constant upward force. Under this force, Lord Gou can't even go downward.

   In this way, Lord Gou tramples on the air, stops when he wants to, and rushes when he wants to. He doesn't need to continue to use force in the air like in the past, jumping on the spot.

   "Mo Poor! What did you do with that teleportation? Give it to me!" Lord Gou shouted.

Mo Poor chased after him and said, "I shoot you out of the cloud world now, it should be a teleportation. But the doomsday will also spread out, wait for Best Metal to free up, let Luo Yan make a secret room for you to experience it .”

"it is good!"

  With Lord Gou’s opening, everyone has seen it, isn’t it just that the members have an extra characteristic, and it’s not a big deal.

  This feature is almost perfectly controlled by Mo Poor, and even developed countless usages.

  Everyone was no longer restrained, and asked Mo Poor to give them a push.

   A few hours later, Luo Yan saw that the surface of the ground was suddenly broken, and a black sphere broke through the ground and soared into the sky.

   "Stop playing! The ball is coming!" Luo Yan shouted hastily.

  Mo Poor nodded, flew over with a whimper, stepped on it, and stood on top of the best ball.

   "You said you want to free it? Is there any good way? Once the contents inside are released, it will be a big explosion." Luo Yan asked.

  Mo Poor said: "At the moment of the explosion, just exile it."

   "Did you make it in time?" Luo Yan was speechless.

  He heard from Mo Poor before that microscopic movements cannot trigger absolute hits, such as light, so thermal radiation will still remain.

  Even its reaction force will make the best ball rush into Kamakura like a rocket jet.

  Like a deflated balloon, its destructive power is not low at all.

Mo Poor smiled and said: "You are still not familiar with my ability. I said that I can't shoot light because I don't have microcosmic ability. Just like sound, those things travel in the form of waves at the microcosmic level. When I think I shoot out They are actually not separated from my body, but merged with me in a place that I can't see."

"When I use a computer, I can emit electromagnetic waves. Because I know precisely that a piece of data forming 'this folder' is an arrow. Then I can distinguish it cognitively, as long as this part does not fluctuate with me. on the intersection, I can fire it from the computer and trigger an absolute hit."

"On the contrary, I used a mirror to reflect a visible beam of light, and realized that the part that formed 'this light' was an arrow, but I couldn't realize it. Because many invisible fluctuations of that light are closely connected with me, I don't Just know. The world we see is delayed and incomplete, and my vision limits my ability."

"Light and heat have always entangled me, penetrated into my flesh and blood, and my roots are broken. I seem to be covered in a quilt. My macroscopic behavior that seems to be **** is actually just kicking the quilt. closely connected to me."

"If I want to directly shoot microscopic things, my ability to distinguish must also be at the microscopic level. If I can clearly distinguish which waves are bows and which waves are arrows, then I can shoot them. But the problem is that I don't have microscopic Vision, and not so strong conscious thinking."

  Luo Yan thought about it: "That is to say, if you ensure that the ejected material is isolated from you, you can trigger an absolute hit?"

   "Yes, when I can't judge subjectively, I can only isolate them all and shoot all at once."

  Luo Yan said: "Best metal does not participate in the thermal system, and light and heat cannot be transmitted."

Mo Poor said with a smile: "So it is also the best bow, whether it is visible or invisible, light and heat cannot penetrate into the best metal, so once it is separated from the surface, it is really separated. There is no disconnection. It directly triggers the absolute hit, and when it lands in a different world, it disappears instantly."

   "In this way, the best ball becomes a flamethrower in my hand. Once the energy inside comes out, even if it seems to be connected, it will pass through."

  Luo Yan immediately understood, this is like an ordinary racket and a best racket.

  When faced with things like light and heat, when an ordinary racket hits it, the ball sticks to it and is thrown like rubber.

  But the best racket is different. The two in contact are distinct, and there is no fusion of them, which is refreshing.

  Luo Yan asked: "What about the reaction force?"

Mo Poor said: "You can fight with the ball in advance, exile the best ball upwards slowly, and make an unfolded plane at the bottom, so that I can hold it firmly. When the gap opens from the top, it is equivalent to a ball that rushes to the ground." Rocket, but you have tried it just now, when the arrow goes up, the downward force will be completely canceled out."

  Luo Yan sighed, Mo Poor really developed this ability to an extremely deep level.

   "Are you sure?"

  Mo Poor smiled and said, "It's really not possible, I'll throw the whole thing into another world."

   "Don't do this as a last resort, every piece of Best Metal is very precious." Luo Yan said.

Mo Qiong smiled and said: "If there are things in the club that can come back after time travel, then the exiled things can also be recycled. I can't shoot myself, but I can allow any of you to time travel. Bess The special metal has been exiled, I will shoot someone and get it back."

  Luo Yan was taken aback, why do you do so many tricks.

   Soon, Mo Qiong, as he said, shaped two handles at the bottom of the best ball, and the whole person was carried, rising straight to a certain point in the air, slowly.

  Luo Yan's mental power spread over, finely adjusted the position, and opened a hole in the center of the ball.

"…"Nothing happened.

  Luo Yan looked at the opening, it was dark, as if there was nothing there.

   "Could it be a mistake? In fact, the contents inside have been compressed into a stable substance?" Luo Yan asked.

  Mo Poor said: "If everything that comes out is exiled instantly, this is the case. I can feel the Dobest ball vibrating violently..."

   Best Metal itself does not vibrate, but the whole can shake. After opening the opening, Mo Poor can clearly feel that it is shaking, silently.

   "Uh...wait a minute." Luo Yan said.

  The crowd looked at Mo Poor from a distance, and Mo Poor held the best ball and slowly rose.

  The scene was once very embarrassing.

   After a few minutes, everyone looked at each other and thought it was a bit silly to stand like this.

   "If you cut a spot in Kamakura at this time, will the energy shoot out?" Luo Yan asked.

   "Of course!" Mo Poor said.

   "Uh... why don't you just relax and have a look." Luo Yan said.

  Mo Poor nodded, he had been in exile for a few minutes, even if he still had energy, it wouldn't be huge.

  So he asked, "Where to shoot?"

   Lord Gou pointed to the sea in the distance and said, "Here! Shoot the sea."


  Seeing a dazzling white light shoot out from above the Best Sphere, it blasted into Sagami Bay in an instant.

  The sea suddenly evaporated majestic white steam, rising upwards.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening loud noise, echoing around them.

  Mo Poor roared: "Fortunately, it was only 0.01 second!"

  Everyone looked at the high-energy impact in horror. Although the range was small, it was powerful, and the heat evaporated dozens of tons of seawater.

  If it is the beginning, I am afraid that the power will be even greater.

  Even Mo Poor had never done such an operation. Even though he imagined it, he was still very excited to witness it with his own eyes.

   Half an hour later, Mo Poor couldn't feel the vibration at all.

   "Looks like it's over..." Luo Yan said.

   Mo Poor frowned and said, "But there is still something! It feels like it weighs dozens of kilograms."

   "That means the things inside have become stable, and the instability has been released." Luo Yan said.

  Grandpa Gou said: "Bring things to the laboratory, just open Best Metal."

  Mo Poor nodded, and not long after, he brought Best Metal to the underground laboratory.

   Immediately open Best Metal, and slowly exile the contents into mid-air.

  Everyone saw irregular bright white opaque crystals floating in midair.

  Although they are only the size of a fist, no one dares to underestimate them.

   "Come out and close the door!"

   Mo Poor withdrew from the laboratory, and the researchers immediately began to get busy.

   Soon someone said: "Well, it's not radioactive, don't worry."

  Everyone nodded, and heard the researcher say: "A brand new element, its density is 100.59 grams per cubic centimeter. It is more than five times that of gold."

   "How about the hardness?" Luo Yan asked.

   "Generally speaking, its molecular structure has nothing to recommend, but we can smelt it."

  Master Gou patted Mo Poor on the shoulder and said, "Damn it, you sealed a bug and even sealed a new element..."

  Mo Poor shrugged and said, "I still think the unstable high-energy impact is more powerful."

   "No, that radiation is too big, and its power is not as powerful as a hydrogen bomb." The researcher said disgustedly, there is still a lot of radiation left in the sea, and their people are busy cleaning it up.

  He turned to staring at the bright white crystals in the laboratory, and said with a smile: "The new element is more meaningful, let's give it a name."

  Everyone looked at Mo Poor, and Mo Poor was taken aback, "I choose a name?"

   "According to the rules, this is the case..."

  Mo Qiong is not hypocritical, he said without hesitation: "Poor."


   p.s: Sorry. It's getting late again.



  (end of this chapter)

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