Blue and White Society

Chapter 508: baby in a day

  Chapter 508 Become a baby in one day


  Dongye Boyu was horrified, looked at Mo Qiong, who was sluggish, and said to himself that everyone is like this, and they don't know what the danger is. I'm afraid this group of people are not fools, right?

  Seeing that Mo Poor was dragged into the house, he immediately fell asleep.

  Mo Poor used the method of a strong man to sever his wrist, give up his mind, and interrupt the fusion, which is already self-harm to save his life.

  According to his estimates, Mo Poor has already hurt his roots, and he can only recuperate 80% of his life. Without a panacea, it is impossible to completely recuperate.

   This group of people are homeless Yexiu, ignorant and ignorant, and he can understand that they will not give up if they don't hit the south wall.

   But now they have hit the south wall, and their heads are bleeding, if they don't give up, they are brain-damaged!

   "Why are you howling? Don't disturb him to sleep! Come with me, let's talk about the world of cultivating immortals!" Lord Gou took Dongye Boyu to the interrogation room.

   Along the way, Dongye Boyu tried endlessly to persuade them not to die.

  The earnest look, as if he is not a prisoner, but their relatives and friends.

  Although everyone is worried about this, they are not too worried.

  Evil King’s method of refining Dao fruit, they have studied it after they entered the Tao, and the specific method is already familiar to them, but they have not actually used it.

  Before, I didn’t have Dao Fruits such as Yuanshen and Yuanying, but now, once I get started, I can directly refine Yuanying by leapfrogging. It is impossible to say that there is no risk.

  So they were worried, for fear that something would go wrong with Mo Poong and he would kill himself.

  However, Mo Qiong is not stubborn, he can’t do what he can’t do, and he won’t force it. When his spirit is polluted to the point of collapse, he decisively gathers the polluted part and lets it go. This is the basic operation of Beta members!

   You must know that when you first opened up your mental power and trained how to use it in the base, there was no other requirement in the club to learn it, but you must be proficient in this kind of method that pollutes wherever it is.

   After all, when dealing with things like biological containment objects and monster derivatives, the spiritual power of members is often polluted.

  This method of preserving spiritual purity can be easily used by every member who has opened up his spiritual power.

  So self-mutilation is simply unrealistic here.

  The power of the primordial spirit is the product of the fusion of spiritual power and aura. The aura is easy to supplement, and it is everywhere in the world. But spiritual power is different, it can only be conceived and raised by human beings.

   Except for a few panaceas, there is nothing that can directly replenish mental power, so spiritual power is naturally precious.

  However, the spiritual power of the seven-day gambling seems to be similar to that of other worlds, but there is an essential difference—it is a product of universal characteristics.

  A characteristic is a characteristic, no matter how general it is, there is always an angle, which is absolute and above the rules.

  It will be damaged, it will be polluted, and it will be strong or weak, but in terms of recuperation, it is as set: sleeping and returning blood.

  This is the most unscientific part of it, as long as you are not dead, get enough sleep and be full of energy.

  As long as there is spiritual power, the power of the primordial spirit is endless, because spiritual energy is everywhere.

  As long as the power of the primordial spirit is not exhausted and the protection is continued, the soul in the primordial spirit will not be damaged, and then it can continue to work hard until it fuses with the fruit of humanism.

   During this sleep, Mo Qiong slept for a total of nine hours, and then walked out full of energy and spirit.

   "Ah! Cool, I feel that my mental strength has become stronger again, and my cultivation has improved a lot." Mo Qiong laughed.

   At this time, Lord Gou has finished interrogating Dongye Boyu and learned a lot about the world of cultivating immortals.

   Seeing that Mo Qiong was recovering well, he felt relieved and asked, "Is there any hidden danger?"

"No, according to this method, it is theoretically possible to refine a low realm into a high realm. As long as I can fuse this Nascent Soul, I will be in the Nascent Soul stage. But since ancient times, no one has been able to do it. Forget it, I don't have that much mental resilience," Mo Poor said.

  Governor Gou laughed and said: "That's great, his teacher will come in the next two days. If they want to kill us, we don't need to kill them, just follow their advice."

   Dongye Boyu on the side looked at Mo Poor dully. He could naturally see that Mo Poor was full of energy and had obviously recuperated.

   "Are you kidding me? How long has it been!" Dongye Boyu couldn't believe this fact, and Mo Qiong's mental injury, which he had never healed for the rest of his life, healed in less than half a day!

  Elixir! It must be taking the top Yangxin Dan, otherwise there is no way to explain it!

   "Damn it, they actually have a heart-nourishing pill. Yes, they must have discovered the immortal ruins. The black iron and the strange blue and white way may also be obtained from it."

  How could Dongye Boyu think that they would be able to recover after sleeping, even if he mentioned it in a few words, he would not think so, he just thought that he had secretly taken medicine.

  A group of homeless field cultivators even have exotic materials such as black iron, and even have the resistance to not be afraid of thunder in the palm, and it is not surprising that they also have top-notch elixir for nourishing the mind.

   "I'm afraid this is not a group of country bumpkins who dug up treasures!" Dongye Boyu was heartbroken, thinking why he didn't have such a good life?

  I saw him helplessly watching Mo Poor refine again, giving up the chaotic spirit from time to time.

  Purely using self-mutilation to protect oneself from the influence of other people's thinking makes the refining speed faster, basically devouring half of the remaining Nascent Soul in two minutes.

   This is much faster than the evil king refining, this is not cultivation, this is self-mutilation!

  Don't take your own mind seriously at all, Mo Poor was refining it crazily, his completely broken and damaged mind shot between his brows, mixed with countless memory dross.

   The dross is discarded in a 'one size fits all' method, and then a special method is used to keep the essence of perception and integrate mana.

  Mo Poor tried his best to be in a trance, the Dao Palace was unstable, and almost collapsed, but he finally fused the Nascent Soul completely.

   Dongye Boyu looked at Mo Poor in despair, stepping into the Nascent Soul stage.

   "Evil animal! Devil!"

   "My Nascent Soul!" Dongye Boyu was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell limp to the ground.

  Hundred years of Taoism, making wedding clothes for others. In this blow, at a certain moment he even felt: You might as well kill me!

  The natal Nascent Soul has been completely refined, and he has no hope of cultivating immortality.

  At this moment, he was lying on the ground in despair, in great pain, and could no longer maintain his composure. Even if the master saves him, he is still a mortal.

  Having tasted what it was like to be an immortal cultivator, and then being beaten back to the mortal world, he suddenly felt lifeless.

  Becoming an immortal is his dream, and it is also the original aspiration of every monk. Cutting off the immortal path is enough to teach people to die.

   "Hahahaha!" Although Higashino Boyu was laughing, tears were streaming down his face.

  His face changed several times, and his expression was complicated.

  Looking at Mo Qiong again, he fainted again. Even in the Nascent Soul stage, he was the weakest Nascent Soul.

  At this moment, he was immediately carried into the house and went to sleep.

  Of course, Higashino Boyu didn’t know that he just needed to sleep and thought it was a drug.

  He thought to himself, it is extremely precious to heal the elixir of a serious mental injury within a day, and even if there are such people, there are certainly not many of them.

  Even if there are as many as dozens of grains, at most this group of people can quickly refine other people's Dao Fruit, reach Yuanying, and at most reach Yuanjing.

   And his master is a great power in the Four Elephant Realm, with 1,800 years of practice, these people will undoubtedly die in the end.

"You are no longer a personal enmity, but an enemy of Qingliu. Such a devil, everyone can kill him. Not to mention the order in your mouth, just based on this point, you are the enemy of the Twelve Immortals. " Dongye Boyu stood up slowly and said.

  He didn't have the hatred that everyone expected, and at this moment he explained very calmly the consequences they would face later.

   Dongye Boyu is completely hopeless in cultivating immortality, without a soul, even if the Niwan Palace is open, he cannot cultivate immortality.

  At this moment, he is actually equivalent to the clone and artificial man of the earth. At the moment of brain death, there is no process of soul annihilation, and consciousness will be completely annihilated at the same time.

   Such a mortal, even if he can live for decades, will not be looked down upon by monks.

  Even if Shimen rescued him in consideration of his face, he would throw him back to his hometown to fend for himself in the future.

  After seeing Mo Poor fused with his Nascent Soul, he already knew his future well.

   So far, he has never had a chance with Xiantu.

   But his thoughts are not pure mortals after all. His career in the past hundred years is vivid in his mind.

   What's the use of resentment and cursing? Even if he killed them all, his own life would be nothing more than the remnants of his life.

  This time, after losing the Dao fruit and cutting off thoughts, he is more demeanor of a cultivator than before in the Nascent Soul stage.

   "You kill as much as you want, becoming a fairy is a big dream after all." Dongye Boyu said calmly.

   Before Gou Ye could speak, Adams laughed and said, "Do you want to die?"

Dongye Boyu shook his head slightly, looked at the bustling refugees who were building houses outside the manor, and said softly: "People want to live after all. They don't have to die for a bite of food, but they want to eat a bite desperately for their lives. meal."

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural principles, but begging for life and fear of death are also human nature. In order to live long and see forever, people have to practice against the sky. In this world of wind and rain, countless cultivators have followed one after another. For longevity, they can fight desperately in the shadow of swords, lights and swords. Dare to risk your life even if you are desperate."

   "Is this to follow the sky to survive, or to fight against the sky?"

  "People live in the world, it is against the sky in good times, and in adversity. But it's all people say, who really cares about God's will?"

   Dongye Boyu looked at the sky full of stars with squinted eyes, and said with a smile: "He said...the human heart is the will of God, which is really a wise saying."

   "Huh?" Lord Gou looked at him in surprise.

Dongye Boyu also looked at him and said: "If you don't kill me, you can't change the result. Your practice is the way of magic in their eyes. What you want to do is to make enemies of the world. Countless monks will come to stop you, even if I Master didn’t come here to save me. I want to live, but I can’t help myself... No, it’s always been like this.”

"Everyone is struggling in the mundane world, and immortal cultivators are no exception. They just claim to be detached. Some people have not seen through, and some will not tell. My life is no longer in my hands. Whether I want to die or not, if you want to Even if you kill me, I am powerless to resist, just like this lifeless refugee like a mayfly."

   "In troubled times, if you don't see the Dao, what can you do?"

  Adams laughed loudly and said: "I didn't expect you to become a mortal, but you are more like a cultivator than before!"

   "If your state of mind is not destroyed, you are a good theoretical immortal cultivator."

   "Come, come, I have a Tao Te Ching!"

   "???" Higashino Boyu looked at him puzzled.


  (end of this chapter)

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