Blue and White Society

Chapter 646: drawer

  Chapter 646 Drawer

   "Huh! I'm sorry Kublai Khan, he lent me a thousand dead soldiers, and now I have only five hundred left."

  Flying around with the Mozhigen rebel cavalry, Adams finally caught the opportunity and asked Mo Poor to shoot a fake corpse, and then let the dead soldiers burn the corpse, which cut off Mozhigen's thoughts.

   When Mo Zhigen came back, he found that the scene was clean, except for the diverted Yellow River, there was nothing left.

   "He borrowed your soldiers, do you have any requests?" Lord Gou was almost exhausted, and finally got some free time. After arriving at the temporary stronghold, he went directly to the ground and started smoking.

  Adams walked over with a pale face, and said: "I don't have any requirements, I just want his people to see the world. It would be better if he could teach more things."

   Lord Gou smiled, but pull it off, these dead soldiers are Kublai Khan’s private soldiers, they are only loyal to individuals, not to any beliefs, there is nothing to teach.

  When supporting, they are willing to obey orders, just do a little favor.

   "Let them clean up the public opinion." Lord Gou said.

  Jiang Long continued: "Let me take them there. They are in charge of the government, and I am in charge of the people. My name as Taoist of Jiulongzi is very prestigious in the countryside."

  At this moment, Mo entered the yard holding the best ball.

  At the same time, Tie Han was still at the side, holding an ordinary... small drawer.

   Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the box-like drawer, and Adams asked, "Is it the containment?"

  Mo Poor said: "It was originally a drawer of a medicine cabinet. We found a lot of wood debris at the scene, but it was the only one intact."

   All right, this is not a containment object, what is a containment object? Even the rocks beside the Yellow River were broken, let alone a wooden drawer?

   "I didn't find my locator at the scene. It can be imagined that it should be in the drawer, and the holder didn't take it out..."

   Mo Poor said, pointing to Tiehan and said, "He picked up the drawer in the river bed. I'm not sure what side effects it has, so I let him hold it all the time."

   Everyone looked at the drawer and found that it was really ordinary.

   There is no carving, it is made of camphor pine wood, purely handcrafted, not even painted, and a layer of wax is applied on the surface.

   I have to say something special, that is, there is a small hook where the drawer pull ring is, which seems to be used to hang a small sign.

  Everyone can imagine that it should have been a part of the small back cabinet that a quack doctor or a wandering Taoist carried on his body to carry various medicinal materials with him.

  That kind of small medicine cabinet often has six sides, and each side has eight or nine small drawers, where various medicinal materials are placed.

   There is still a wooden sign hanging on the drawer, indicating what medicine is inside.

  Now, the medicine cabinet has been destroyed, and as for the holder, it has become a corpse.

   At the bottom of the river bed, there are still many people who were crushed at the bottom of the river bed like Mo Poor. Mo Poor had witnessed the owner and identified him directly from the body.

   "That guy is a Taoist priest. I found that the signal of the locator disappeared, so I concluded that the locator entered an abnormal area, so I didn't send Che Yun there directly, but sent it to the Kaifeng city gate."

   "Afterwards, I merged with her and hurried to the location, and I came to the Yellow River, where there was a ferry."

  “I memorized the attire and belongings of everyone on board, and was about to check them one by one, but suddenly, a huge thing covered the sky and knocked me out.”

  Mo Poor was already cautious enough, he didn't go directly to the target, but first went near the place where the locator signal finally disappeared.

  He had seen Kaifeng City Gate before, so it was the closest teleportation point to the target.

   In the end, it was still unlucky, and it hit the holder to die, and got the dragon heart.

   This not only killed himself, but also killed a boatload of people. Fortunately, it was on the Yellow River at the time, so when Dragon Heart appeared, it smashed Mo Poor directly into the depths of the river bed.

  After that, the heavy dragon heart was held up on both sides of the Yellow River. Although Mo Poor was seriously injured, he did not die, but was sunk deep in the mud.

  If not, if this thing appears on a flat ground at random, even if the dragon heart appears, there is no initial velocity, and the terrifying quality alone, Mo Poor will be turned into a flesh on the spot.

  Even so, he was seriously injured and held alive for seven hours. His injuries were healed by the dragon's blood, and he survived because of the deep diver's effect. The rest of the people on board were not so lucky, and they all suffocated to death.

  Even if the cells are filled with dragon blood energy, when these energies are stimulated, they still need oxygen. This is the shackles of the human body.

  So under the blessing of dragon blood, suffocation to death is a real torture, but it becomes worse than a weak person. Dragon blood warriors will suffocate for nearly an hour before dying. For the weak-willed, life is worse than death.

   "How should I say, open it and have a look." Jiang Long said.

   "Yes." Tie Han was very obedient, and was about to open it with his hand.

  Adams was stunned for a moment, raised his hand to freeze a cloud of air, and clamped Tie Han's hand.

  But Tiehan was so powerful that he shattered the air wall with a single bang.

  But there was Mo Poor beside him. Seeing Adams' reaction, he also realized something. He wrapped Tie Han's hand with Best Metal and shouted, "Why are you so anxious!"

   "The real person said to open it." Tie Han said in a daze.

  Mo Poor said: "What if a dragon heart pops out again?"

  Tie Han dumbfounded, shaking the box, unable to figure out what this broken drawer has to do with Long Xin.

  Jiang Long said: "Tiehan, don't act picked it up, it's not a good thing."

  He told Tie Han some precautions, Tie Han seemed to understand, and grinned: "I listen to real people."

   "I still have something to do, you listen to them." After speaking, Jiang Long took the dead soldiers to wash the floor.

   Lord Gou went to deal with dozens of other dragon blood warriors. These people couldn't return to normal life. Before the dragon blood enhancement could be lifted, they basically had to be absorbed into the periphery. Lord Gou has to treat them well.

  Only Mo Qiong and Adams brought Tie Han to an open wasteland, and Adams carved a small wooden sign with the name of any Chinese medicine on it.

  Tie Han hung it on the drawer and opened the drawer.

   I saw that it was empty...

  However, Mo Poor was in the drawer and found the locator he threw out earlier. The moment the drawer was opened, the signal was connected. It can be seen that when the drawer is closed, there is no normal state inside.

   "This thing, isn't there any Chinese medicine that is written? Isn't it a drawer of the medicine cabinet?" Adams said.

  Mo Poor said: "It does belong to a drawer on the medicine cabinet, but the contents are this drawer, not that medicine cabinet."

   It is known that afterbirths, kidneys, and hearts can be obtained through it, but experimenting with these means that the internal organs of a random creature in the world will disappear, and this is uncontrollable.

   It's more controllable... Let's experiment with the emperor.

  I saw that Adams carved another wooden sign of the Emperor's Kidney, and Tie Han hung it up.

   After pulling it apart, as expected, a bloody, fresh kidney was lying in the drawer.

   "Could it be that this thing is a container specially selected for organ selection?" Adams said, while grabbing the kidney.

  Mo Poor thought he wanted to study it, but he didn't care. He just looked at Tie Han and asked, "How do you feel?"

  I saw Tiehan frowned tightly, grabbed the kidney first and said, "I...I..."

   As he spoke, he bit off a large piece of kidney with a single bite.

   "Huh?" Mo Poor frowned.

   Then Adams also grabbed the kidney and took a bite.

  While swallowing, Adams said, "I'll go, I'll be tricked if I write a sign?"


   p.s: Sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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