Blue and White Society

Chapter 722: Undercover of the Church of Gaia

  Chapter 722 Gaia Church's Undercover

Wu Yunmo said: "A long time ago, we also wanted him to be locked up in one place alone, but we didn't dare to transport him. Maybe halfway through the transport, he suddenly turned into a dangerous object that we had seen before, causing serious damage. During the battle, no matter what method we used, or what he saw while flying around, he would write it down one by one, and one day in the future, it will suddenly change to you."

"In short, this is the place where he was initially contained, so let's stay here forever. Even if he runs out of the base, he can't see anything. Try not to cause extra problems, and don't enrich his transformation list. It's against him. Best containment."

  Mo Qiong pondered: "Since he has become a member of the commune and can be taken in, let me send him away? He will be held alone in one place. I will transport it, so there is no need to worry about the risk of accidents on the way. He will arrive in an instant."

  Wu Yunmo shook his head and said: "No, he records you, which is the greatest danger in itself."

  Mo Poor was shocked, what does this mean? Does that mean his beliefs are insecure?

  Wu Yunmo smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, only specially trained members should be imitated by him. Besides, most members are not allowed to approach him."

   "Why?" Mo Poor asked.

  Wu Yunmo pointed to his heart and said: "Because your personality is too strong, but you yourself will die sooner or later."

   "Huh?" Mo Poor thought for a while, and seemed to realize something.

Wu Yunmo said: "The object of Vientiane's transformation is updated in real time. After you die, you will lose consciousness. If he becomes you in the future, it will be based on your corpse, your ability, and himself at the same time. The restless personality that belongs to 'Vientiane'."

"There are precedents for this kind of situation, so the members who come into contact with Vientiane have made great sacrifices. Not only have they undergone special training, they have set themselves the ideological stamp of absolute obedience, and will not participate in any tasks. They also deliberately accept some Infection of 'compulsory habits', such as 'playing games for fifteen hours a day', 'reading newspapers for eight hours a day', etc."

   "This is to ensure that even if they die, their bodies will be bound by some characteristics and habits."

  This is the containment measures to contain Vientiane, always use all kinds of weak, restrained, well-behaved personnel to contact him, filling his transformation list.

  In this way, most of the time, his threat level is only around Alpha and Beta.

  Mo Poor sighed: "I understand, but my characteristics seem to be bound to self-consciousness, that is to say, if I die, my body will not have my characteristics."

   Wu Yunmo looked at Kelong.

  Kelong shook his head and said, "I can't perceive that characteristic of Mo Poor."

  Wu Yunmo pondered: "Well, don't take risks. He has recorded everything in the deep sea prison. It has been locked up for so many years. It doesn't matter whether it is transferred now."

  No matter where Vientiane is placed, the objects he has changed before can be changed again at any time.

  So changing a place will not do any good except for extra problems.

Next, everyone waited silently for Kelong to sense it. Four hours later, Kelong sighed and said: "No, I can vaguely analyze a little bit, but when he becomes a member, most of the information I perceive , it’s all about that member’s information…”

   "Forget it then." Wu Yunmo smiled.

  Kelong lay on the chair and said: "I feel a lot of chaotic things, but I need time to understand them into content. Three days is not enough..."

  David felt that he wanted to mention the fifth element again, so he directly shook his head and said, "Then don't waste time."

  Kelong smiled, looked at Wu Yunmo and said, "How is the civilization in your body?"

  Wu Yunmo rubbed his waist and said: "It was born on my waist, and I haven't tried to explore other parts of the body until now. It's a very conservative civilization."

  Kelong stared at Wu Yunmo and thought for a moment, then said: "Your soul is about to be annihilated."

   "Well, I can last for another two years." Wu Yunmo said.

   "That's right, but after transplanting Pandora, you may not even live for two years." Ke Long laughed.

  Wu Yunmo flicked his braids and said: "Nonsense! My luck is very good! Maybe I won't get 'death' randomly for several years!"

  Kelong said: "After I die, you will be the Minister of Containment. Then the Deep Sea Prison needs a person in charge. Please recommend one."

   "Follow me." Wu Yunmo pushed Kelong's wheelchair and led everyone to Platform 2.

  The entire Deep Sea Prison is built on a huge tree.

  That is Tongtian Jianmu. It is rooted on the bottom of the sea and absorbs visible light to grow.

  Thanks to the deep sea, there is almost no visible light. If it is exposed to the sea surface, it can skyrocket under the strong sunlight and fill the Pacific Ocean in one day.

  Two days later, it will be as huge as the earth, its roots will penetrate the center of the earth, and the surface will be completely covered by countless knots of wood.

  Of course, Lanbai Society will not give it that chance.

  At this moment in the deep sea, there is no sunlight at all, and a thick layer of light-blocking film has been applied by the Lanbai Society, so there is no threat.

  From the outside, it looks like a thick wooden pile with a diameter of tens of kilometers, and there are traces of cutting it in the middle. Obviously, someone destroyed the part of it close to the sea a long time ago.

  It can only grow slowly in the dark and lightless deep sea, absorbing a tiny bit of inaccessible visible light.

   Until the last century, it was discovered by the Blue and White Society.

   and using it as a foundation, built this base.

"Wade, O'Brien, you all come here." Wu Yunmo said, and everyone saw that outside the glass window of the second platform, a man who was cutting trees heard Wu Yunmo's communication, and immediately carried a bundle of firewood. Came in through the hatch.

  Although Jianmu hardly grows anymore, this thing is an infinite source of wood. The building wood material is very good, although it will still skyrocket when exposed to light, but if it is destroyed or processed into other things, it will be fine.

  So in the daily life of the prison staff, they will cut down the building wood, and then make paper, or process it into other handicrafts.

  He put the box containing the wood away, his mouth was creaking, he didn't know what he was chewing.

  Seeing Kelong and the others, he immediately reported: "Hmm...Delta team, Wade the tree eater! Creak..."

  At this time, another zombie member came from the other end of the corridor: "Delta team, O'Brien, the undead team."

  Two Delta members, they are a pair of partners, in the deep sea prison, besides Wu Yunmo, they are the oldest seniors.

"Wade has the 'tree-eater effect'. No matter how badly he is injured, he can be healed by eating a tree. Any tree can draw self-healing power from it. Although he will be suffocated and squeezed in the sea, but If you chew the branches in your mouth, you will not die." Wu Yunmo introduced.

Mo Poor raised his eyebrows. Although he will not die, if he is immersed in the deep sea for a long time, the pain caused by suffocation and ultra-high pressure must be a little bit less. Eating trees can only heal, which means that when he fights in the deep sea, Always wandering between injury and healing.

  Another zombie member, O'Brien, has a very common characteristic, iron will.

   Iron Will, plus being transformed into a zombie, it is only equivalent to changing blood and becoming a human zombie.

   Zombies have no vitals at all. Of course, they are not afraid of the deep sea environment, and neither suffocation nor high pressure is a problem for him.

   "These two are candidates. They are both excellent. You can choose. I really don't know who should take my place." Wu Yunmo said.

  Kelon looked at the two with a smile and said: "Wade and O'Brien, this pair is enough to be ranked in the top ten in the club. They are both excellent. You let me choose, but it is difficult for me."

  The big arbitrator Catherine smiled and said: "Xiao Mo, you are familiar with them, so you can choose one."

  Wu Yunmo stroked his chin, took out a coin and said, "Then I will choose!"

  Everyone gave a blank look, good guy, you choose with coins? That might as well be the base staff voting for public elections.

   At this time, Wade chewed a piece of tree trunk and said, "The warden? Let O'Brien be him, he is calmer than me."

  O'Brien was expressionless, and calmly said: "It's meaningless to judge which of us is better. Wu Yunmo, you once told me that the most important thing to become a top member is luck."

   "So... flip a coin."

  Wu Yunmo laughed out loud.

   Kelong smiled weakly on his pale face, and suddenly, his expression changed, and he stared at Wade strangely.

  Wade was stunned by his stare, swallowed the branch and said, "Big Arbitration?"

  Kelong asked: "Have you sealed your own memory?"

  Wade thought for a while and said, "No."

  Kelong said: "Your memory before the age of fifteen is false. I can feel that you have a large memory, which is sealed deep in your heart with a very special technique."

   "What!" Wade was astonished.

  Everyone was also extremely surprised. Members sealed their memories, which must be required by the mission, so there are records in the club, so it is impossible not to know.

   Moreover, this sealing method is different from the usual ones. Even Wade himself can't feel it. It was Kelong who realized it by relying on the root perception ability of the golden apple.

   "Could it be that he was affected by some kind of containment, and we don't know anything about it?" Mo Poor said.

   Kelong said: "It is indeed an absolute characteristic, but the solution is very simple..."

  He stared at Wade, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly felt something and let out a long sigh.

   "I see... Wade, you are from Gaia Church." Kelong said.

   "Huh?" Everyone was in an uproar.

  O'Brien looked at his partner solemnly, and couldn't help but said, "How could he be from the Church of Gaia?"

  Wade himself was stunned, puzzled and said: "Impossible, the big arbitration, did you make a mistake?"

  If someone else said this, everyone would not believe it, but the one who said this was Kelong, the chief arbitrator, and he ate the golden apple.

  Kelong sighed, and smiled wryly: "You have your memory sealed, and you joined the Blue and White Club in a very natural way. You can come to this day, which shows that apart from that memory, you are a qualified member."

   "Wade, there is no doubt about this, otherwise you wouldn't be an excellent Delta member."

  Wade stared, took a deep breath and said, "Grand Arbitration, to break that seal, rather than being broken by the enemy, it is better for you to break it under the witness of all of you."

  Kron only said a very simple password: "I declare apostasy."

   "After saying this sentence, you will be untied."

  Mo Poor was startled, isn’t this sentence used by members of Gaia Church when they committed suicide? If Wade is really a member of Gaia Church, he will die after saying this sentence.

   This is almost a well-known fact in the Lanbai Society.

  Seeing that Wade did not hesitate at all, he immediately said loudly: "I declare apostasy!"

  In an instant, he seemed to untie something, his eyes widened, and his whole body trembled.

  It seems that this password is used first to unlock when the personality belonging to the Church of Gaia is sealed.

   Wade took a staggered step and sat on the ground.

   "How can I be a member of Gaia Church... Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

  Countless memories are released, and the original personality is being polluted. From the beginning, he was molded by the stone pillar of creation. He was brainwashed by the people of the Gaia Church and implanted with a personality template. He was a fanatic who did everything for the church.

   I saw Wade covering his face, his muscles swelled and then relaxed.

  He has struggled in the Blue and White Club all his life, only to find out that he is an undercover agent sent by the enemy.

  This taste is indescribable.

  Mo Poor couldn't help but said: "Why should you untie it for him? If he doesn't say that himself, isn't he still a member?"

   Without waiting for Kelong to answer, Wade raised his head and stared: "Since the other party sent me here, they naturally have a way to get me to say that."

  Mo Poor said in amazement: "Then what's your situation now?"

   "They never thought that Wade would be a member of the club for forty years. The memory of those fifteen years is already insignificant." Wu Yunmo said.

  Mo Poor frowned, but did not speak.

  Although she is willing to believe him, rationally she cannot trust him casually.

  Wade shook his head and said: "No, they still have a way to forcibly control me. They haven't controlled me yet because they don't know where I am, and they don't know that I unlocked the memory."

  Mo Poor asked: "What method?"

"I don't know, that's something that the bishops have mastered. All church personnel will be 'recorded'. The words 'I declare PJ' will die if you say it, or unlock the hidden memory. It is proof that I have been A certain characteristic is designated as a believer of the Gaia Church. And they must have a way to control the believers." Wade said based on his own memory, combined with speculation.

  Mo Qiong scratched his head, Wade's current situation, it's hard to say what it is.

  He is now a member of the Church of Gaia, certified by some kind of containment. But he is also a member of the Blue and White Society, which is determined by his beliefs. The personality shaped by his forty-year career as a member cannot be confused by brainwashing back then. Of course... this is not 100% sure, maybe he is faking it.

  Emotionally, he is willing to think that Wade can restrain his once brainwashed thoughts.

  Especially he himself pointed out that the elders of the church have ways to forcibly control him.

  Wu Yunmo looked at Kelong and said, "Brother, before you die, do you want to try and wipe out the Gaia Church?"

  Kelong smiled and said, "Do you know where the headquarters of the church is?"

  Wade shook his head and said: "The headquarters is always moving, wandering in the mantle layer for a long time... However, I have seen the creation stone pillar."

   As he spoke, he looked at Mo Poor.


   p.s: Sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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