The first time I saw him was when he was about to die.

"What the hell, what did I see? There are actually high school students who can play 1-on-1 with world-class stars?"

"Sakura, Kira is the future of Sakura Country football."

"Too outrageous, such an excellent person, if it weren't for this Blue Prison project, I guess he wouldn't have blossomed so brilliantly, right?"

The barrage was shocked by Kira's performance.

Not to mention them, even Snuffy didn't expect it.

He originally believed that Kira would be his successor, and began to think about whether he was qualified to be Kira's teacher.

On the court.

Looking at Kira dueling with Chris, Nagi was already stunned.

What is he still chasing?

He can already compete with people of Chris's level, but he doesn't even know how to take the initiative to play football.

Nagi felt a little desperate.

Futago's face turned redder, because he remembered what he had said to Kira before.

It's just...

Fortunately, they are teammates.

Lorenzo, who wanted to help, stopped again when he saw this scene.

It's great that he can slack off even in this situation.

People stand on the stadium, and Kira does the work.

Lorenzo was already thinking in his heart, how to trick Kira... No, invite him to the [Ubers] youth training club.

No, Kira's situation must be directly into the first team...

Lorenzo began to feel sad, and he had to work hard to get into the first team before he could enjoy slacking off.

The fierce game on the field seemed to have nothing to do with Lorenzo, because he was already daydreaming about himself and Kira dominating the European football world.


Chris, who thought he could easily deal with Kirara, looked extremely ugly at this moment.

You know, this is a live broadcast event around the world.

This old player who has been famous for a long time was actually stopped by a little guy for so long.

If his old opponent knew about this, he would be laughed at.

No, Chris noticed that Snuffy, whose mouth was always raised off the court, had been laughed at.

Chris then gritted his teeth and increased his speed again.

Kirara didn't pay attention for a while and was actually thrown off by Chris.

However, his body now reacted very quickly, and he barely lagged behind half a body to chase the other party.

"Hey, you two are having fun, don't you care about me, the king!!"

Teacher Ma doesn't care about world stars or anything else.

The competition between these two people has become the focus of the whole audience.

This made Teacher Ma very dissatisfied. He was the one who wanted to reach the top with football, so he took action.


Chris smiled cunningly.

Kira, who was defending, thought to himself that it was bad, Mr. Ma had good intentions but ended up doing something bad, Chris was going to use Mr. Ma as a human wall to pass him.

As expected, Chris made an extreme tread, using Malang as a human wall, which directly slowed down Kirara's follow-up speed and passed the two of them.

"It's here!!"

Suddenly, another figure joined the battlefield, it was Aikong with a strange light in his eyes.

He slid directly to the ground and shoveled the ball away.

Chris's face suddenly couldn't hold it, "???"

"A sneak attack?"


Even Kirara didn't expect that it was Aikong who helped him at this time.

He actually took the risk of sliding to join the battlefield when the three of them were in chaos just now...

And he almost entered the field at the same time as Malang...

Did the two of them discuss it?

However, Kirara glanced at Malang's confused expression, and it was obvious that this was Aikong's idea alone.

"I said, I will definitely lend a hand at the critical moment..."

Aiko murmured to himself as he fell to the ground, with a radar-like light flashing in his eyes.

"I thought that Kira's pressing alone was already surprising..."

"The other two players of [Ubers] also joined the battlefield, and they actually knocked the ball away from Chris' feet in an instant..."

"Is this the iron-blooded defense of [Ubers]? Even Chris, who is the second in the world, can't break through?"

Natsume finally understood why Teruachi was excited when he was commenting. How could this [Ubers] game not make people excited.

It's a surprise all the time.

"Grab the second point!!"

Kira didn't think about it anymore, and hurriedly turned back and shouted.

"Beautiful, Aikong..."

The second player with bangs had already reached the landing point. He had [Beyond Vision] and started running when Aikong started.


He grabbed the ball because he was absolutely confident in the formula [Kirara + Aisora ​​> Chris].

Although he didn't expect that there would be another horse wolf.

Horse wolf can be said to have good intentions but bad things turned into good things.

"Start counterattack, [Ubers]..."

After Erzi stopped the ball, he started to dribble the ball and counterattack.

"Don't even think about it..."

Ling Wang was the first to react and blocked Erzi.

"It's you..."

Erzi's rhythm suddenly changed subtly, and Ling Wang was secretly surprised. When did Erzi start to strengthen his dribbling training?

Is he going to break through?

When Ling Wang focused on defending Erzi's breakthrough, Erzi raised his mouth and passed the ball to the listless Lorenzo.

"Tsk... I was deceived."

Ling Wang realized that he was fooled.

"Ah... I don't want to work overtime after finishing this job."

Lorenzo's zombie dance steps flew quickly in the midfield.

One after another, the defensive players were dribbled past.


Iemon suddenly blocked Lorenzo's way like a wall.

"Tsk tsk... I forgot how much you were paid, sorry..."

"I can't remember people with low salaries."

Lorenzo's words immediately angered Iemon.

Iemon angrily began to frantically grab the ball.

"Oh my god..."

Lorenzo knew that he had gone too far. This guy seemed to be not so easy to deal with when he got angry.

At this time, what should he do?

Of course, pass the ball to Kira, is there any need to ask...

Lorenzo accurately passed the ball back to Kira who was rushing to the side.

At the same time, not far from Kira was the running Sendou.


Chikuri, who was following the two of them, thought to himself that it was not good...

If he couldn't catch up with Kira at this time, he would be finished.

But Chikuri also knew that Kirara's speed was not much slower than his own. How could he catch up with his current speed...


He must catch up.

If he can't catch up with him now, he will never catch up with him in the future.


Kirara suddenly heard a roar behind him.

Kirara turned around. This was not Chikuri.

It was clearly a red cheetah with fangs bared.

His speed increased again...

Kirara saw Chikuri's ability value had changed.

[Chikuri, overall evaluation S (temporary): 94]

[Speed ​​S: 100 (temporary)]

[Defense C: 68]

[Passing A: 80]

[Dribbling S: 93]

[Shooting A: 88]

[Attack S: 95]

Did this guy force himself to speed up?


Chichirō had come to Kirara in the blink of an eye, "Give me the ball, Kirara!!!"

Chichirō's eyes were full of desire to grab the ball.

"Stop him... Chichirō!!"

Chris shouted as he returned to defense.

Chichirō's performance also made the live broadcast room's comments boil.

"This long-haired sister is so fast."

"What sister? I'm a boy..."

"A boy, oh, I'm even more excited."

Unknowingly, the number of online viewers of this game has exceeded 10 million.

The world's attention is attracted by this game.

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