The whole stadium was silent.

After a moment, thunderous cheers rang out.

The players of Team X were all red in the face with excitement, and they rushed to Ma Lang with roars.


Ma Lang also put his fists on his chest and roared to celebrate his goal.

The people of Team Z felt a little irritated when they saw the other team cheering.

"Sorry, this ball is my fault. I can't be easily passed by him later."

Lei Zhen walked up to Yoshira with a red face and took the responsibility on his own initiative.

Yoshira felt a little surprised. He didn't expect Lei Zhen to be such a responsible guy. He patted his shoulder to comfort him.

"It's not your fault. It's because Ma Lang hid too deeply."

Ma Lang didn't show his dribbling skills in the first half, and Kira, who was immersed in the game, forgot to tell Lei Zhen about this characteristic of Ma Lang, which led to Lei Zhen's relaxed vigilance and was passed. Kira thought he was also responsible.

However, Kira looked at the two defenders who had just filled in and were still easily passed.

Igarashi was unwilling, it was normal that he had limited strength.

The other one, Qianqi Leopard Horse, was sitting on the lawn at this moment, lonely and without fighting spirit.

"Tsk, it seems that the eldest lady is still in the unawakened state like in the original work."

The defense can only be relied on others.

Kira waved to Kunigami, who noticed and jogged over.

"Guoshen, Ma Lang's ball protection is very strong. I'm afraid you are the only one on our side who can compete with him in terms of strength. In the next period of time, if Ma Lang breaks through with the ball, you help Lei Zhen fill in the position."

Guoshen nodded after hearing this, but seemed a little worried.

"Leave the goal to me, just focus on defense."

Kirara showed a reassuring smile, which also made Guoshen feel relieved. Ma Lang's strength really shocked him.

And Kirara gradually figured out Ma Lang's level. If it was the original body, it might be hard to say whether he would win or lose, but don't forget that he has a system now!

After the celebration time, the players of both sides took their positions again.

"You are hiding well, King!"

Kirara greeted with a smile.

"Tsk, you can still laugh, it seems that you ants still hold out hope of winning!"

Ma Lang said viciously, "I like to crush other people's hopes the most."

"Oh? Wait and see!"

"Beep, the game continues."

The game resumed, and the ball began to pass under Team Z's feet.

Ma Lang continued to press, and the midfielder of Team X also came forward to press. The pressure of high-position pressing made Team Z's ball passing not smooth.

As the organizing core of Team Z, Jie is now under a lot of pressure.

Tired of dealing with the pressing, he dared not keep the ball at his feet for a long time. When the ball reached his feet, he could only pass it back quickly, resulting in Jira who was running all the time not getting any support.

Jie felt deeply powerless, it was the gap in level, he was too ordinary.

The pass could not keep up with Jira's running position, and his ability to protect the ball was also poor.

His proud vision ability was completely useless in the current situation.

"Jie, be careful."

While Jie was thinking, Feng Le passed a ball back.

Before Jie could react, a figure intercepted the ball from the side like a beast.

"It was intercepted!"

Jie's heart was throbbing. When did she lose the ball because of her absence?

On the court, God always favors those who are good at seizing opportunities.

Ma Lang broke through with the ball, and Lei Zhen blocked him again, but he didn't dare to press forward at this moment, because Lei Zhen knew Ma Lang's ability to pass through, and rushing forward would only lead to the opponent passing through easily.

So Lei Zhen could only keep retreating.

The two people were about to reach the front of the penalty area.

Another tall figure rushed out from the side and hit Ma Lang hard.

It was the national god who was helping to defend.

"Hey, where did the knight come from!"

Ma Lang's body was shaken by the collision, but there was no sign of stopping.

Ma Lang grinned. "Get out of the way, or I'll kill you!"

The God of the State responded with a firm look in his eyes, "Then let's try."

"Lei Zhen, leave his defense to me!"

The God of the State shouted, and his figure followed closely, constantly squeezing Ma Lang's body.

But to the God of the State's surprise, Ma Lang was still able to keep moving forward under the interference of the God of the State's power, although his speed was slowed down.

And Ma Lang also put away his previous anger towards this big yellow-haired fool

's contemptuous view, his strength is comparable to his own.


Guo Shen seized the opportunity and kicked the ball hard with his left foot, and Ma Lang was not to be outdone.

The two of them kicked each other hard.

This time, the kick squeezed the ball and flew out.

However, neither of them stopped in place, but continued to chase the ball. The two had no intention of giving up in the fight for the ball. They met again and kicked each other harder.


This time, the two people's feet hit each other hard, and the sound of bones colliding made everyone around gasp and feel pain in their feet. Especially Lei Zhen, who was following behind, secretly smacked his lips, these two people were too cruel.

The ball flew out again, but the two people continued to chase the ball with a limp, and neither of them had the intention of admitting defeat to the other.

But this time was different from the last time, the ball flew to the feet of Z team defender Igarashi.

"Namo San, I accept it with a smile."

Igarashi stepped on the ball, but was a little confused and didn't know where to pass it.

"Chestnut head, here."

Jie waved her arms in the midfield.

Kira also knew that the time for counterattack was coming, and started running. At the same time, he silently said in his heart, "Use Malang Zhaoying Experience Card"

[Use Malang Zhaoying Experience Card! ]

[Dribbling +15 (continuously decaying)]

[Strength +15 (continuously decaying)]

[Speed ​​+15 (continuously decaying)]

[Shooting +15 (continuously decaying)]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

"Here, Jie."

Igarashi made a long pass, but as soon as the ball flew out, Igarashi hugged his head and shouted, "It's over, mistake."

Because the trajectory of the ball was obviously wrong, it was too far away and was not at Jie's position at all.

Instead, it flew to the players of Team X.

Jie's face was full of black lines, speechless, but would it be too late for her to run over from this position?

And the player of Team X was too tall, so she couldn't head the ball at all.

Just when Jie gave up.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the player of Team X and jumped high.


So high! The height of this vertical jump.

Everyone present exclaimed, with this height, he could become a professional high jumper.

Kira was like a flying eagle, hovering in the air, with his head to the side.

The ball was headed back to Jie's feet.

"Go, Jie."

Kira fell from mid-air and roared.


Jie cheered herself up and immediately rushed towards the opponent's back line with the ball, hoping to catch the opponent off guard.

But it didn't go as she wished.

The opponent's defensive players also immediately became alert and surrounded them in an instant.

After Jie tried to dribble past the defense several times, she found that it was useless.

She didn't have the ability to dribble past the defense.

"Pass back, Jie."

Just as Jie was lost, Kira's voice came from behind her.

It turned out that after Kira had headed the ball to Jie's feet, he had been following Jie's offensive run, and his figure had already followed Jie's left rear.

Jie seemed to have found a life-saving straw and immediately passed back.

Kira received the ball on the left and started to accelerate.

"So fast!"

Everyone around was amazed!

Kira showed an amazing speed, which was not expected by the players who had been marking him before.

At this time, a defensive player from Team X who was defending Kira was immediately left behind by Kira.

Kira showed the same beastly momentum as the horse wolf.

"Go, Kira!"


Kunigami and Igarashi in their own half also waved their fists to cheer for Kira.

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