The ball was thrown out of the goal, but the opponent was still blocked.

"Ah, unfortunately, Kaiser's shot was still blocked out of the sideline..."

"Kirara seemed to have seen through [Basta Munich]'s offensive strategy from the beginning, [Basta Munich] was ready to serve the sideline ball..."

"Hyori is still responsible for the hand throw, do they have any new strategies to break the current dilemma?"

On the court, Hyori had already come to the sideline, wiped the surface of the ball with his jersey, and then solemnly observed the position of his teammates.

Too strong, [Ubers]'s level was already very high, and with Kirara, a trump card player, Hyori felt a little breathless.

Perhaps, other players come here to play football for their own dreams or something, but Bingzhi is different. He just wanted to escape from his family.

He doesn't want to go back to the family that only has "expectations" for him.

But now facing [Ubers] and Kira, Bingzhi's love for football has been rekindled.

So a strong opponent can make football so interesting?

Bingzhi's mind began to work non-stop, and Jie also noticed Bingzhi's abnormality, and was happy in her heart: "Bingzhi is finally going to take it seriously."

"Catch the ball... Lei Shi."

Bingzhi's hand-thrown ball was unexpectedly thrown to Lei Shi in the back position.

"Ah? Little blue hair, you have a good eye."

Lei Shi happily stopped Bingzhi's pass. Because [Ubers]'s entire defense was shrunk, Lei Shi's position was temporarily unguarded.

Bingzhi used his brain to safely send a sideline ball.

Then what?

As a defensive midfielder, Lei Shi was a little confused after receiving the ball. Although he had played as a striker before, that was a long time ago.

"Pass it back to me."

Bingzhi ran over to receive the ball as if he knew Lei Shi's confusion, and Lei Shi also quickly passed the ball to Bingzhi.

Comrade Shan Tang saw this and immediately pressed forward.

However, Bingzhi passed Shan Tang with a few simple rhythm changes.

"Tsk... This blue-headed guy's skills are too good."

Shan Tang was helpless. He was simply a defensive sieve. Except for being a bait for Kirara during the attack, the rest of the time, he was like a simple human-machine in a computer game.

Bingzhi was concentrating at this moment, and also used [Beyond Vision], and the positions of the players on both sides of the field were clear.

This attack must avoid two points in order to succeed.

One is Lorenzo, and the other is Kirara.

Caesar's actions just now gave him an idea, and Bingzhi already had a plan in his mind.

"Catch the ball, Jie..."

Jie's position was very good. The moment Bingzhi kicked out, Jie seemed to move forward as if by telepathy. The two people's ideas coincided.

The ball landed accurately at Jie's feet.

"It has to be you, Bingzhi."

Jie immediately understood that this was a great opportunity. Lorenzo had been attracted by Caesar, and her running position had just shaken off Aikong. This ball must go in!

"Jie, long time no see."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in Jie's ears, and Jie's body trembled slightly.

He knew clearly that Kira was coming.

Jie didn't have time to look up and observe Kira's expression. He gritted his teeth and raised his foot to prepare for a shot.

"Is this a fake move?"

Kira easily saw through Jie's trick and didn't make any blocking moves at all.

"Oh no... Kira knows me well?"

Jie's mind was confused. This was actually a little trick he developed later.

After stopping the ball, first make a fake move to shoot, and then immediately change feet to get rid of the defense.

This was a very effective defense-breaking skill before he invented the double-gun shot, but Kirara didn't fall for it.

Moreover, Jie was under a lot of pressure facing Kirara now, and didn't dare to use his double-gun stunt.

Because in Jie's eyes, Kirara could use it so skillfully, and he must know the weakness of this skill very well. Even Aikong could defend against his double-gun, let alone Kirara.

"Jie, come and try me..."

Kirara still had a smile on his face, and even his voice was still so gentle.

Jie knew that Kirara had no ill intentions, but in his eyes, Kirara was now a devil with a knife hidden in his smile, quietly waiting for him to take the bait.


"Hyouori must know this, why did he pass the ball to me?"

Kirara's body in Jie's mind shattered into puzzle pieces, and he suddenly understood.

Jie directly knocked the ball behind him with her heel.

"Oh? That's it..."


Is this the connection between Bingzhi and Jie? It's really interesting..."

Kirara saw this scene and roughly understood the opponent's strategy, but his face was not panicked at all.

You still underestimated Lorenzo...


"I caught you, OK?"

Lorenzo actually gave up Caesar and came directly to Bingzhi, showing his big gold teeth, and his staggering steps were not like his usual slacking.

Lorenzo now looked like a social animal who wanted to finish the work quickly and didn't want to work overtime.

"This... Did Caesar dare to let him go directly?"

Jie turned around and saw this scene, he couldn't believe it.

He glanced at Caesar's position and found that Blue Rose had been entangled by Aikong. It turned out that the other party had already arranged it?

Then this round of Bingzhi's preparations failed?

Jie couldn't accept it. [Ubers]'s defense made him feel suffocated.

"Did you really catch me? "

Hyoori smiled, and finally everyone was mobilized by him.

Kira was transferred away by Jie, and Lorenzo was attracted by him.

Aisora ​​also had to face Caesar.

Erzi was looking at Hei Ming, and Yi Sheng was staring at Yukimiya.

[Ubers]'s defensive players all had their own things to do in an instant, so...

Hero, it's your turn.

Hyoori's footwork changed, and he passed the ball behind him again.

Everyone widened their eyes and watched all this in disbelief. This pass of Bingzhi was too weird, and the distance was 30 meters close to the goal. Even if someone caught the ball there, what could it do?


An angry shout came out in the stadium, and the national god finally found this opportunity.

He strode forward, his left foot was like a bowstring, and the ball under his feet was shot out like a sharp arrow.

"Bang. ”

This shot was fast and accurate, a powerful world wave.

A smile appeared on Bingzhi's face, it worked.

However, his smile froze the next second.

Kirara disappeared from Jie's side without knowing when, and came to the front of the goal, and jumped into the air as expected, and kicked the ball out of the goal with a hook.

"Impossible, he can see farther than me?"

"He predicted all this?"

Bingzhi was dumbfounded, first Caesar and then himself...

What on earth is Kirara's brain made of, he could even guess such an attack.


Noah's expression finally stopped being reserved, and he looked at Snuffy in confusion.

Obviously, Noah also thought that Bingzhi's layout just now was perfect, how could it fail?

Snuffy smiled triumphantly, but his heart was actually surging.

"Kirara has seen the essence of tactics..."

"Offensive tactics are nothing more than using unnecessary actions to deceive the enemy and cover up their true offensive intentions. "

"There are many ways to crack it. Kirara chose to pretend to be fooled first, and then calmly observe the opponent's next move."

"The moment the enemy shows his fangs, pull out the opponent's fangs..."

Snaphy looked at the figure climbing up from the goal on the field, and it seemed that a fire of fighting began to ignite in his heart.

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