The first time, the second time.

In front of the Football League Building in Sakura Country.

This building is really impressive. Yoshira looked up at the building. This is the starting point of his football life.

Looking back on the few days after receiving the notice, Yoshira found that his vision ability had actually improved a little during training, but it was not very obvious.

But he can already notice a lot of things that he doesn't usually notice. For example, now he can actually recall that he passed by several convenience stores on the way here.

This is an experience that the original body has never had.

So, after using the attribute experience card, can playing football or training really improve your ability? Find an opportunity to verify it later.

Yoshira thought in his heart.

A young boy's tender voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Kira of the Black King of Matsukaze?"

"Am I right? You were called here too!"

[Absorbable attribute detected! ]

[Vision +18 (continuously decaying)]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

[Retention time: 24 hours]

[Absorb? ]

Kira smiled knowingly. I've been waiting for you for half a day.

"Absorb." Kirara said silently in his heart.

[Absorbed successfully, got a Jieshiyi attribute experience card]

[Vision +18 (continuously decaying)]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

[Retention time: 24 hours]

[Use the experience card silently in your heart! ]

But the attribute has decreased. Is it because my vision ability has increased?

Kirara had some guesses in his mind.


Kira turned around and found Jie looking at him uncertainly

Then Kira showed his signature smile, "Hey, Jie, you've worked hard in the games a few days ago. I didn't expect you to know me."

More than knowing each other, these days, my mind is full of scenes of you playing football. Thinking of this, Jie smiled awkwardly: "Of course, after all, I just lost to you a few days ago."

"I'm also very impressed by you."

Kira, just like the original, did not hesitate to praise Jie Shiyi. Only after playing football with Jie Shiyi, did you know how great his potential was.

"You have a very good sense of the ball, or a very broad vision when playing football. I was thinking about it when we were playing."

"If we were on the same team, you would definitely pass me a great ball!"

"Eh? Thank...thank you."

Jie was shocked. No way, is it true?

I was praised by the highly-watched new star of Sakura Country football - Kira Ryosuke?

"Let's go, it seems to be here! Oh, by the way, you don't need to use honorifics with me, we are the same age after all."

Kira laughed and walked into the building with Jie. Kirara was also a little impatient to see the others.

"Okay... okay."

Jie responded blankly.

So there really is such a person in the world who is both talented and easy to get along with... Then I, who is recognized by him, should be considered very powerful, right?

Jie thought as she followed Kirara's steps into the building.

After a while, the two pushed open the door.

The lobby of the building was full of people.

Kirara glanced around and found the Itoshi Rin who was not approachable in the crowd. After all, this guy's nose was almost up, it was hard not to notice him, and there was also the crazy Shidao Ryusei in the corner, it was also hard not to notice him.

After all, apart from the grown-up Jie, Kirara's real opponents in his heart were only these two people.

[Absorbable attribute detected! 】

【Vision +30 (continuously decaying)】

【Dribble +20 (continuously decaying)】

【Shooting +20 (continuously decaying)】

【Speed ​​+20 (continuously decaying)】

【Duration: 10 minutes】

【Retention time: 24 hours】

【Absorb? 】

【Absorbable attribute detected! 】

【Vision +15 (continuously decaying)】

【Strength +30 (continuously decaying)】

【Speed ​​+30 (continuously decaying)】

【Shooting +20 (continuously decaying)】

【Duration: 10 minutes】

【Retention time: 24 hours】

【Absorb? 】

【Absorbable attribute detected! 】

In an instant, Kirara felt that his head was about to explode, and more than a hundred messages appeared at the same time.


[Absorbed successfully, obtained a Shishi Rin attribute experience card]

[Vision +30 (continuously decaying)]

[Dribble +20 (continuously decaying)]

[Shooting +20 (continuously decaying)]


Speed ​​+20 (continuously decaying)]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

[Retention time: 24 hours]

[Recite in your mind to use the experience card! ]

[Absorbed successfully, obtained a Shidao Longsheng attribute experience card]

[Vision +15 (continuously decaying)]

[Strength +30 (continuously decaying)]

[Speed ​​+30 (continuously decaying)]

[Shooting +20 (continuously decaying)]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

[Retention time: 24 hours]

[Recite in your mind to use the experience card! 】

[Currently, the system can only absorb and retain three attributes, and can no longer absorb them again]

[After the host passes the admission test, the system can be upgraded to absorb more attributes]

[Other absorbable attributes have disappeared due to non-absorption, and can be re-tested after 24 hours]

[The absorbed attributes have been placed in the backpack, and can be viewed by silently reciting backpack]


After Kira silently recited, three attribute experience cards lay in his mind, namely the attribute experience card of Jie Shiyi absorbed at the entrance of the building, and the experience cards of Shishi Rin and Shidao Ryusei just absorbed.

It seems that anyone I have met, as long as some abilities are better than mine, will be detected as an absorbable attribute waiting to be absorbed by me. And as long as you pass the first round, you can upgrade the system, which is equivalent to expanding the backpack?


"Kira, Kira? Are you okay?" Jie asked in my ear.

"It's okay, it's okay, maybe I didn't rest well yesterday." Kira shook his head and moved his eyes back to the real world.

"Why do I feel like I've seen so many of these people before?"

Jie Shiyi was puzzled.

Of course, the people here are all the most promising forwards in Sakura Country.

Kira answered in his heart.

"Ahem... Congratulations to all the talented rough diamonds."

In the center of the lobby stage, a spotlight came on, and a thin man in a suit and square glasses appeared and began his speech.

"You are 300 excellent forwards selected by me based on my own judgment and subjective opinions, all under the age of 18!"

"In addition, my name is Shinpachi Eishin, and I was hired to help Japan win the World Cup!"


The people in the lobby exploded instantly, and everyone began to talk about it.

"Who is this?"

"Does anyone know him?"

"World Cup champion?"

Kira supported his forehead on the side. As expected, just like the original work, Shinpachi Eishin was about to start his brainwashing work.

"I'll just get straight to the point..."

Sure enough, it started.

Eishin Shinpachi told everyone in the lobby that this was the blue prison he built to build the best striker.

300 people had to live together here, they were not allowed to go home, and they had to complete a special training plan.

And the one who survived here to the end and eliminated the other 299 people could become the world's best striker.

Because the traditional [passing and controlling kicking method] of Sakura Country could not cultivate a striker with the desire to score goals!

After that, everyone in the lobby was even more confused.

"Who is this guy?"

"What nonsense is he talking about."

"I'm going to participate in the national competition, who wants to stay here for what kind of training!"

Kira Ryosuke knew that according to the original plot, he should have jumped out to oppose Eishin Shinpachi at this time and argued with him. In the end, Eishin Shinpachi used a wonderful paragraph to arouse everyone's desire to win, and they all stayed in the blue prison.

But since we're here, we should be a little arrogant.

"Um, sorry. I have something to say."

Kira raised his hand to signal, and everyone's eyes focused on him. Eishin Shinpachi also stared at this good seedling he had noticed.

"Who is this? It seems to be Kirara Ryosuke from Saitama Prefecture."

"Hiss~, the monster who scored four goals in the final of the selection match?"

"What is he going to say?"

Kira ignored everyone's discussion and prepared to start his speech.

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