The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Ah? I admit that your face is quite wet, but you dare to show off in front of me, what do you mean?"

After listening to Rin's speech, Ant Sheng suddenly lost his composure, and lifted his long hair with his right hand, as if he was going to rush up and fight.

"No, no, don't quarrel... calm down, calm down!" Seeing that the situation was not right, Kira hurriedly stopped in front of Ant Sheng and kept calming him down.

Kira didn't want to watch the two people PK here, what if he was accidentally injured.

"Eh? Hello... everyone... am I here at the wrong time?"

The door of the passage opened, and a figure walked in.

The three people in the room, including Kira, looked over.

He was a guy with a very burly figure but an honest face.

He seemed a little shy at the moment, looking at the three people in the room with his hands and feet not knowing where to put them.

"Shiguang Qingzhi!" Kira recognized this guy, and he really looked like he was easy to bully.

"Hello, congratulations on passing the first level, my name is Kira Ryosuke..."

"This is Ant Sheng, this is Teacher Rin..."

Kira introduced everyone to Shiguang enthusiastically.

"Ah..., hello... My name is Shiguang Qingzhi!"

Shiguang responded in a panic, and then found a corner to sit down, "You are so amazing, you all passed the level before me, which means I am still not good enough..."

"I am really bad..."


"Man, real man, crying is not cool at all~" Ant Sheng showed contempt.

Teacher Rin didn't even look at him.

Only Kira ran up to him, "How can you think of yourself like this? You are already very good to have come this far. You should be happy about your own strength!"


Shiguang seemed not used to someone comforting him, and responded awkwardly: "Really? I am actually very good too..."


Kira's handsome face was full of sincerity.

Wow. Shiguang's heart seemed to suddenly shine with a beam of light. This guy named Kira is so warm.

Such a warm person actually exists in reality.

Then compared with him, wouldn't I be too unsunny.

"I also want to be a sunny and confident big boy... What should I do? What should I do?" Shiguang began to ask himself again.

Kira was helpless.

This child is seriously ill.

"I don't have time to be here to help a child with psychological problems!" Rin seemed a little impatient at this moment, and suggested: "It's written on the wall that three people form a team to go to the next level. Just two of you can follow me."


Team up with Shishi Rin?

Kirara seemed to have never thought about this. He originally planned to challenge Rin.

"Hmph, although your words are not pleasant, your proposal is still very trendy~, I will join first."

After saying that, Yisheng looked at Kirara and Shiguang and said, "Now there is only one person missing, who will come?"

Kirara and Shiguang looked at each other, and it was obvious that both of them were a little confused.

What to do?

Kirara seemed to be a little hesitant. Without waiting for Jie and Fengle, should he team up with Rin and Yisheng first?

Monitoring room.

Anri Teijin watched this scene with great interest. She seemed to have her own ideas about Kirara's choice: "Kirara, since joining the [Blue Prison], seems to be somewhat incompatible with your [egoism]. He always regards himself as a team leader, but instead seems to be a supporter of collectivism."

"I guess he will definitely wait for his former teammates from Team Z, Fengle or Jie Shiyi, after all, the three of them have the best relationship."

"Humph, childish!"

Eishin Shinpachi's face was full of contempt for Anri's remarks, "Do you think this is a game? This is the [Blue Prison], the place that determines their future football career."

"How can you choose teammates based on the quality of your relationship? The strength of your teammates is the only criterion for choosing teammates."

"Tsk, I don't believe it~" Anri pouted and refuted in a low voice.

"Besides, do you think that the gentleness and sunshine Kirara Ryosuke showed at the beginning were his true side?"

"What do you mean?"

Anri didn't quite understand. Taking care of the emotions of teammates, caring about strangers, and smiling at everyone, could such a person have any bad intentions?

"It seems that you were deceived by his harmless appearance."

"You know, the football locker room is not only a place to rest, but also

This is where conflict breaks out. "

"The previous Z team with different personalities probably wouldn't have played so smoothly if it weren't for Kira. People who are good at observing the emotions of their teammates and winning the hearts of the locker room will become leaders in the locker room and have certain influence in the team. The right to speak.”

"Ryosuke Kira's plan from the beginning in Team Z was to use his cheerful and sunny personality to unite Team Z's locker room and become a player with the right to speak. If he was really simple and kind, he would not be able to enjoy the leadership of Team Z. treatment.”

Anri's face was full of disbelief, "You mean his gentleness is all fake?"

"That's not true. He is just good at using his gentleness to achieve his own goals. A person who uses his personality for the sake of his team's status is simply an alternative representative of [egoism]." Huixin Shiba looks like It was as exciting as discovering a new continent.

"Come on, choose, continue to choose to be a [hypocrite] waiting for your teammates, or show your true self!"

The first level is the clearance room.

"Brother Baimaochao, if you don't reply, then spend time with us!"

He also doesn't care too much about who is his teammate, Kira or Shijiu.

"Eh? Can I really do that? With you." Shi Guang seemed a little flattered and couldn't believe that he had the chance, "Okay, then I..."

"I agree to join!" Ji Liang suddenly spoke.

"Eh? But I...I also want to..."

Time began to feel cramped again.

Kira came up to Shi Shi, looked down at Si Shi, and said with a smile: "Classmate Shi Shi, I don't think you want to compete with me for the right to join this team, right?"

He was obviously smiling, but why were his eyes filled with coldness?

Shi Guang intuitively told himself that if he didn't agree, something terrible would happen.

My heart also started to get restless.

"Ah, so scary, so scary. Sunshine Boy is a devil inside, so scary!"

"Ah, I'm so excited!!"

Shiguang's expression changed, as if the other self suppressed in his heart was about to be released.

"Eh? Where is the person?"

When the time change was over, they found that the three of them had walked towards the passage to the next level together at some point.

Leave three figures behind him.

Time:? ? ?

Weren't you just asking for your opinion? Why did the three of them leave first?

Emotions don’t consider yourself at all.

Time is sad.

inside the channel.

Yan Sheng glanced at Ji Liang who joined and said: "Don't worry, this is a very fashionable decision. You can just lie down for the rest of the game..."

"Oh, how could I give up all the limelight to you? I'm looking forward to competing with you." Kira couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

That's right.

We have all come to [Blue Prison]. If there is a chance, of course I want to play with stronger people!

Bee joy, clean world.

If you want to play football with me, just catch up.

Itoshi Rin remained silent and cold, making it difficult for people to get close to him.

Monitoring room.

Anri covered her mouth in surprise.

"Kira, he really didn't wait for his teammates."

Only then did Anri feel that the boy on the screen was not as single as he seemed.

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