The eyes can deceive people, but they are still young.

"Can eyes deceive people?"

Jie Shiyi carefully savored and pondered the words of Shishi Rin.

He found out the reason why Shishi Rin shot directly just now. No one was prepared for him to shoot from there, and the angle there was wide open.

Kira and Ant Sheng attracted all the attention of the three members of the White Team.

"Oh, this guy is more stylish than me~" Ant Sheng clapped his hands elegantly, expressing his admiration for Shishi Rin. He might have been a little unconvinced before, but now he is absolutely convinced.

Kira also reviewed the scene just now in his mind.

In front of the goal, Chikiri held Ant Sheng tightly, and Fengle also looked at me closely.

The only person who could possibly defend against Rin Itoshi's shot, Jie, was in the middle area between Kirara and Ants.

Kirara could understand why Jie did this, in order to be able to assist him and Ants at any time.

This resulted in Rin Itoshi's corner kick being unattended.

What if Jie went to defend Rin directly?

Kirara rehearsed in his mind, and it was estimated that the red team would still score a goal.

Whether it was Ants or Kirara himself.

It was difficult to defend completely by one person alone.

No solution.

The current White Team did not have the ability to solve the scene just now.

Rin Itoshi.

Really strong.

After Kirara sorted it out, he looked at Rin Itoshi with a more solemn look, and there was still a gap between him and him.

"If they score another goal, we will lose..." Chikari's forehead was sweating more and more. Except for the goal he and Bee Music scored just now, they had no chance to shoot at other times.

"You're right, Chichi, but if we score four goals in a row, won't we win?"

Feng Le's excitement has not dissipated.

He is still so eager to fight.

"Okay, counterattack!!!"

Jie shouted and continued to prepare for the game.

The White team served.

The three members of the White team were all very motivated, but the difference in strength made it impossible for them to come up with other solutions.

Jie still wanted to use a triangle pass to advance.

But on Feng Le's side, Kirara was still following closely.

What to do?

"Hey, when are you going to pass the ball?"

"Are you still a shooter like this?"

Itoshi Rin came behind Jie silently.

Jie was startled and broke into a cold sweat, and immediately protected the ball tightly to prevent it from being intercepted by Rin.

Itoshi Rin defended more seriously!

"Don't underestimate me, you are so close to me, there are gaps behind you." Jie saw the clues with her eyes, and silently said harsh words in her heart.

Fengle beside Kirara also noticed this subtle change and began to retreat, no longer entangled with Kirara.

Kirara saw Fengle retreating to the half court and did not follow up to defend.


Jie moved her feet and passed the ball diagonally to Fengle who was retreating.

Fengle kicked the ball without hesitation the moment he received the ball.

The goal was the empty space behind Rin.

Jie also accelerated and started at the same time.

Use this ball to penetrate the defense of the red team.

The [premonition] of scoring a goal must be created by yourself.

Jie came to the conclusion of her own kicking.

You can't just observe with your own eyes, but you must take the initiative to create scenes that can use your own eyes.

This is also the experience Jie learned from Rin's corner kick just now.

"Not bad, you seem to have seen a good gap?"


He was followed again?

Jie found that the silk master Rin beside her also turned around and followed, and the two were very close at this moment.

"Teach me again how to use your eyes! Trash!" Itoshi Rin suddenly accelerated and immediately pulled away, and Jie fell behind.

"How could this happen? Didn't I just pass him from behind?"

"Why is he here? This shouldn't be the case?"

Jie's mind was full of doubts, and suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something.

"Unless, my [spatial vision] was completely seen through by him..."

"But even if he saw through, how did he know my movements!"

"Unless, the opportunity I created for the goal [premonition] just now was not discovered by myself, but he took the initiative to let me discover it?"

"I was dragged into the future of the battlefield he imagined?"

Jie's eyes were full of despair, which was too bad.

Based on Jie's current cognition, she could not assess the gap between herself and Itoshi Rin.

Will we lose?

"You two are having fun playing."

Just when Jie was in despair, a figure appeared.

It was Kirara,

He actually grabbed the ball before Itoshi Rin.

"You interfered with my battlefield?"

Itoshi Rin's eyes were full of coldness, because Kirara's appearance broke his future of the battlefield.

"Anyway, we are all sure to win, why don't we compete to see who gets the last ball first!" Kirara's expression was full of excitement.

He just saw the future direction of this battlefield.

Even farther than Jie.

It can be seen that it was a temptation deliberately set by Itoshi Rin to let Jie step in.

So whether it was a teammate or not, Kirara couldn't help but come over and step on the ball first!

At the same time, he silently said in his heart: "Use the Itoshi Rin Experience Card."

[Itoshi Rin Experience Card was used successfully]

[Vision +30 (continuously decaying)]

[Dribble +20 (continuously decaying)]

[Shooting +20 (continuously decaying)]

[Speed ​​+20 (continuously decaying)]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

"I don't mind playing with you, I just hope you don't waste my time like them!" Itoshi Rin coldly agreed to Kira's challenge.

"Hey, hey, hey, really, you two should also look at the occasion, you are still competing with others, but this is too cool~"

"You two can compete without worry, I will guard our goal!"

Ants' eyes were also full of excitement, he had never seen such a scene.

The battle between NO3 and NO1.

Such a cool duel, Ants decided to ensure his progress.

"What do you mean?"

"These two guys are ignoring us and are going to start a 1-on-1 fight now?" Jie couldn't believe it.

Chikiri and Fengle also showed surprised expressions on the side.

Monitoring room.

"Hey, hey, hey, teacher Huixin, look, Itoshi Rin and Kira are facing each other. Aren't they from the same team?"

Anri was puzzled. The game was about to be won, why did the two players in the team start to compete at this time?


Eishin Shinpachi saw the scene on the screen and laughed: "Hahaha, interesting, Kira and Rin are so interesting."

"Anri, have you heard a saying?"


"There is a saying in the Dragon Country proverb, called one mountain can not accommodate two tigers. Now the red team is in this situation, Itoshi Rin and Kira are both excellent."

"Itoshi Rin instinctively thinks that she is the core of the team. At the same time, Kira, who has always wanted to be the team leader and the boss of the locker room, will definitely not agree with Rin's king status."

"That's why I proposed this challenge."

Eishin explained the mental journey of Rin and Kira.

Anri understood a little, just as there can only be one wolf king in a wolf pack.

Now the TOP3 team can only have one leader.

"Then why doesn't Ant Sheng participate in this competition?" Anri still didn't understand.

"This has something to do with the characteristics of the players. In the eyes of Ant Sheng, only the trend is the most important. He will support whoever can make the team more trendy, not necessarily himself."

"I see."

Anri finally understood the thoughts of these middle school boys.

On the court.

Kira stepped on the ball, and his temperament changed a little.

From Jie's perspective, Kirara's expression became colder and colder.

The coldness was revealed in his eyes, and he was no longer sunny and cheerful.

"If you still think I just want to play with you, be careful." Kirara said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on." Rin also responded coldly.

Jie, who was standing by, felt that her heart was about to rise to her throat.

She seemed to be more nervous than them.

It was as if she was here to participate in a performance at the Colosseum.

She forgot that she was also in the game.

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