The two sides have been fighting for a long time.

"Well done, Miss!"



Nagi and Chikiri gave each other a high five.

The top 3 teams are not that hard to beat.

A few minutes into the game, they had already caught up with the score from the last time.

Chikiri recalled the last game, when they were beaten 1-5.

This time, the gap will no longer be that huge.

"The super linkage that continuously causes chemical reactions between individuals... This is the football of Jie, Malang, Chikiri and Nagi, what do you think, Rin?"

Kirara turned sideways to ask the teacher Rin's opinion.

Teacher Rin looked at the other side with some disdain and said coldly: "Kira, this kind of childish football should not be discussed by us."

Obviously, Rin has already put Kirara on the same level.

Childish football?

Although Kirara can see the chemical reaction of the White Team, he does not have the same feeling as Rin.

He even thinks that Jie and the others are quite powerful.

Rin is still much better than him.

But Kirara did not lose heart and could catch up.

Silently said in his heart: "Use the Horse Wolf Experience Card."

[Have used the Horse Wolf Experience Card]

[Strength +15 (continuously decaying)]

[Shooting +15 (continuously decaying)]

[Dribbling +10 (continuously decaying)]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

The reminder of the system sounded in his mind, and Kirara instantly felt like a king who dominated the world.

Kirara couldn't help it and had to take action first.

Monitoring room.

"Wow, half of the eight players in this game are from the team that Kirara and his team had played in before." Anri was surprised to find this fact while watching the game on the screen.

Huixin Jinpachi adjusted his glasses and ignored Anri. He was still thinking about the goal scored by the White Team.

"There is a little bit of a tactical prototype in it."

Huixin commented in his heart. He was a little worried that these players would be lost without Kirara's leadership.

It seems that the worry is a bit redundant.

Gold will always shine.

At the same time, Huixin was also very curious about the linkage of the Red Team.

I wonder if there will be any chemical reaction.

On the court.

The game continues.

The teacher Lin served the ball and passed it back to Fengle without any hesitation.

Fengle immediately started to accelerate from the left side.

"Come again, Jie, it won't be like before!" Fengle challenged Jie again with confidence.

Jie kept observing Fengle's movements, even though there was a horse wolf ready to attack at any time.

Fengle did not reveal any flaws, and his feet were dribbling smoothly.

"It seems that it is not easy to snatch the ball directly from Fengle." Jie was helpless.


Jie noticed the movement on the wing.

Two players with long hair were chasing each other.


Should I go back to defend? Jie's heart began to hesitate.

No, there is Chikuri's close body, and Nagi's replacement.

I am not needed.

Jie judged what she should do in an instant.

Now, Ma Lang!

Do it!

"Mushroom head!" Ma Lang roared, and his body began to stick to Fengle.

Fengle seemed to be attracted by Ma Lang's shouting, turned his head, and stopped his feet.


Jie's eyes caught Fengle's flaws sharply, and she wanted to steal the ball.


Fengle's mouth corners were raised, as if he had expected Jie's move.

With a flick of his foot.

Passing the ball without looking at the person?

"Ah? This guy just deliberately lured me forward, leaving a gap for passing the ball? So that his pass could fly to the running Ants?"

Jie's scalp was a little numb. They were not the only ones who had improved.

"Ants, here they come!" Kirara's eyes were also constantly observing the movements of the battlefield, and he reminded them out loud.

"OK, I will grab it very coolly!"

Qianqi stuck close to Ants, not wanting him to jump.

After all, he had suffered from Ants stealing the ball in the air last time.

"Do you think I can't kick the ball like this?"

Qianqi looked back and saw that this guy actually kicked while standing, and the height of his foot was almost higher than his head?


I saw Ants kick the ball to the other side.

At such a high height, Qianqi had no time to stop it.

"This ball is mine!!"

Malang's muscles tightened and began to accelerate.

Suddenly, a huge force came from the side.

Who is it? Who on the other side has such great power to contend with me?

Ma Lang suddenly remembered that there is indeed one, this kid Kirara.

Sure enough, it was Kirara who bumped into him from the side.

Kirara calmly held Malang's body.

"Damn it, I ran all over the field last time and I was exhausted. I can't lose to you in terms of strength!!!"

Malang was angry and pressed his whole body against Kirara's body.

Not moving at all?

No, Kirara was also struggling.

Malang judged that Kirara's strength was actually comparable to his own.

Because just now he had squeezed with his greatest strength.

"How can someone of this size have such strong strength?" Malang asked in confusion.

"Shut up and just bow down to me!"

Kirara responded viciously.

At the same time, he touched the ball first.

He grabbed the ball.


This king?

Malang's veins popped out.

"There can only be one king on the football field, and that's me! Where did you come from, a fake!!"

Malang kicked angrily, trying to grab the ball from Kirara's feet.

The result was not what he wanted.

After Kira caught the ball with his right foot, he turned around gracefully.

Just let Ma Lang miss.

Got passed!

Ma Lang's face turned red with anger.

The strength he was proud of was not matched, and he was passed by the opponent.

Ma Lang was very angry, but he could do nothing.

"I'm still here, don't worry."

Nagi in the backcourt immediately came up to defend.

"I'm here, I won't let him shoot!!"

Seeing this, Kira immediately made a move to prepare for a shot.

It seemed that Nagi had completely predicted Kira's shot and stood in a position to block the shot.

"No, Nagi, it's a fake move." Jie behind him found the clue.

Fake move?

Nagi was puzzled.

Kira pulled horizontally, and Nagi, who was about to block, was stunned.

But at the same time, Jie also caught up to defend the empty space.

"Slam him!!!" Chikiri's voice sounded behind Kira at the same time.

Chikiri is super fast, and his defense speed is also very fast.

What to do?

Kira is now in a dilemma.

On the right side.

A figure appears.

It's Itoshi Rin!

There's no one there.

No one is guarding him.

Kira smiled slightly, thanked Rin for his help, and kicked to pass the ball.

Jie also noticed Rin's running position, and hurriedly turned back to observe the position, not letting Kira pass the ball so easily.

"Stop him!"

Chikiri also noticed Kira's pass preparation action.

Leaped in front of Kira, stretched out his foot to intercept Kira's pass.

But suddenly.

The foot that was preparing to pass the ball abruptly interrupted the action and pushed to the left.

This is also a fake move!

Chikiri was shaken away.

He was fooled!

Jie no longer hesitated, and rushed forward, risking a foul to stop the ball.

"You missed a player?"

Yira reminded warmly, and at the same time made a reverse triangle pass.

It was Fengle who followed up.

The one who passed the ball was not Rin, but Fengle who had been behind him?

Fengle faced the goal defended by the robot.

He pulled hard!


The score was tied.


Jie's mind was a little confused, it was too fast.

His mind could not keep up with Kira's operation.

No, even if their team had no chemistry, relying on Kira's personal ability alone.

He could create countless possibilities and the future.

Jie Shiyi once again realized the gap between himself and Kira.

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