The goalkeeper was beaten, and the opponent was beaten.

"This free kick is 25 meters away from the goal, which is completely within the range of this guy Lin." Nagi's eyes revealed a solemn look.

Jie nodded, thought for a moment, and called Qianqi: "Qianqi, let's get closer."

"Okay, the two of us will form a human wall?" Qianqi saw Jie's idea.

Jie nodded to indicate that it was right, and at the same time, Jie's heart began to analyze this free kick and the position of both sides.

In front of the goal, Jie and Qianqi formed a human wall.

Ma Lang was defending on the left side of the goal, and Fengle, a member of the red team, stood on this side.

Nagi was the only one defending the right side of the goal, while the red team members Kira and Ant were on Nagi's side.

Jie moved closer to Nagi.

Jie was thinking about Rin's choice.

In his opinion, Itoshi Rin only had two options: shooting or passing the ball.

If Rin chose to pass the ball, Jie would join Nagi's team, which was outnumbered, to defend together.

If Rin shot, Jie would jump up with Chikari to block Rin's shot.

So Jie chose a position that he thought could handle both situations at the same time.

Jie's choice also had a loophole, that is, if he jumped up at the moment Rin passed the ball, he would not be able to go back and help defend immediately.

In other words, Jie had to judge Rin's choice in an instant.

Victory or defeat only took a moment.

"Come on, Itoshi Rin, what will you choose!" Jie's eyes were fixed on Rin's movements.

Rin took a few steps back and ran up.

Kicked off.

The action was done in one go.


At the moment when the right foot touched the ball.

Jie still didn't see Rin's purpose.

"Huh? So fast!"

While Jie was thinking, the ball had already flown over Jie's head. Chikari, who jumped on the other side, couldn't reach Rin's shot even if he turned his head hard.


The ball went in.

The score was 4-2, and the red team expanded the score advantage.

Jie's face was full of confusion, how could he not hesitate at all.

Kira saw it clearly from the side, the ball was a curve ball that just brushed Jie's head and fell.

In other words, Rin didn't give Jie any time to think at the beginning, and kicked the ball quickly and accurately.

After Itoshi Rin scored a goal, he stared at Jie coldly and said, "You must be thinking about whether I will shoot or pass the ball?"

"You analyzed it wrong. In this case, I always have only one option."

"That is shooting!!!"

Jie suddenly realized after hearing this. Yes, the one who took the free throw was Itoshi Rin, who seemed to be stronger than Kira.

How could he pass the ball?

Jie regretted his hesitation just now.

He lost this game again.

"Damn..." Qianqi thought to himself that it was a pity. He reacted and jumped quickly, but Rin shot at Jie.

Jie's reaction was a little slow.

"Jie, why don't you jump, what are you doing?" Ma Lang was so angry that his veins popped out. In his opinion, Rin only had the option of shooting.

"Score another goal and end this boring game." Itoshi Rin said.

No, no.

It's not because of the free kick just now that we lost points.

Jie's mind was still thinking that the free kick was caused by Kirara.

What I should have stopped was not Rin's shot just now, but the midfield pass initiated by Kirara and Rin.

I saw that the physical strength of my team members had dropped seriously early, but I'm afraid Kirara and Rin also knew this.

Then these two guys created a chance to work at a critical moment when we were exhausted.

Damn, if I could have realized the physical problem on our side earlier, the situation would not have developed into what it is now.

Rin and Kirara, these two guys, seem to be very close to me, but I can't catch up.

"Ah, Jie, you guy, if I were to defend, I would definitely jump up..."

Ma Lang was still annoyed about the ball just now.

No, no. Jie shook her head and denied Ma Lang's words in her heart.

If Ma Lang was acting as a human wall, Rin would never shoot directly, he would definitely pass the ball to Kirara...


Jie's mind flashed with inspiration.

Rin chose to shoot directly because he was defending me?

Then, if I can use his perspective and use [Jie] from another angle, can't I defeat him?

Jie seemed to have found a new solution all of a sudden.

Kira discovered Jie's changes, yes, that's it, keep evolving.

"Damn, if the opponent scores another goal, we'll lose

, pass the ball to me later!" Chichirō said confidently.

"Pass it to you? Can you still run?" Malang expressed doubt and shouted: "Passing it to me is the most correct choice."

"It doesn't matter to you, I will definitely catch up anyway..." Nagi didn't seem to care who the ball was passed to.

"Everyone, I understand your thoughts, it's not over yet, kill them!"

Jie looked at Rin with interest, he really wanted to know if his method would work.


The game continued.

The white team served.

The moment the white team kicked off, Malang started to run.

Beside him, Kirara kept a step.

"Tsk, I didn't expect you to have such good physical strength, it's really annoying." Malang was unhappy.

Kirara smiled and responded: "To defend the king, you must show 100% of your momentum."

"Tsk. "Just when Malang was annoyed by Kirara's follow-up defense, Jie rushed over with the ball from behind.

"Hey, your teammates seem to want to cooperate with you?" Kirara looked at Jie's movements thoughtfully.

Cooperate with Malang?

This situation has never happened in this game, but Kirara did not dare to take it lightly and directly leave Malang alone.

So he still kept close to Malang.

On the white team side.

Malang saw Jie taking the initiative for once, and immediately turned into a beast.

He moved frantically, trying to get rid of Kirara's follow-up defense.

What he didn't expect was that when the two were entangled.

Jie actually broke through from the side with the ball.

"Ah, Jie Shiyi, you guy, use me as a cover?" Malang felt that he was fooled.

"It's true." Kirara knew that things were not that simple, but he was not worried at all. After all, Rin was still behind.

"Don't think about it, Jie. "Feng Le on the side came to fill in.

Nagi followed immediately and stretched out her hand to signal for the ball.

From Nagi's perspective, this was a good opportunity for a wall pass.

On the contrary, Jie didn't think so.

From Jie's perspective, Rin was already in a position where she could cut off Jie and Nagi's pass.

This ball can't be played with Nagi!

A bird's-eye view of the positions of all the players on the court appeared in Jie's mind.

From the other side! Breakthrough!

Jie was on the left side, and made a long pass across the entire court.

Directly in front of Chikari on the right.

"Ahhhh, rush up, don't let me down, Chikari! ! ! !"

Jie prayed in her heart.

On the other side, Chikari and Ant Sheng also began to accelerate together to rush towards the landing point of the ball.

"Miss, you can't run anymore, right?" Ant Sheng teased on the side.

"Get out of the way! "

Chichi roared, but he still touched the ball in advance.

Everyone on the other side began to follow up frantically and headed for the goal.

Although Chichi touched the ball first, he did not shake off Ant Sheng.

"What should I do?"

Just as Chichi was thinking about the next move, a figure broke away from the crowd.

Jie cut in diagonally in front of the goal?

Chichi did not hesitate at all and passed the ball back to Jie.

How did he do it?

No one followed?

Chichi was puzzled.

Kira knew what was going on. Jie just disappeared from Rin's view for a while and ran away.

Then the sudden inside cut made Rin not notice Jie's movements at all.

No wonder!

Jie, you underestimated Rin. I noticed it. Rin couldn't have failed to notice it. You didn't shake him off.

Kira shook his head. Jie was still too naive.

Sure enough.

Behind Jie, Rin appeared like a ghost.

"Oh no, it can't be. ”

“I had clearly gotten rid of him, but now he’s catching up with me…”

“He’s in a position where he can block my shot…”

“No, I can’t shoot like this!!”

Jie’s heart was in deep despair.

“Sure enough, I still can’t beat Itoshi Rin…”

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