The two sides have been discussing the issue of football.

Go to France to play football?

Be teammates with Rocky.

Kira didn't expect that Rocky would directly invite him.

This indirectly shows that Rocky now has a lot of say in the team.

Can he be invited directly on behalf of the team? Is this the future of French football?

However, Kira shook his head.

Rocky was a little surprised.

"Thank you for your kindness, Rocky, I'm really happy that you can invite me."

"But my performance today may just be a coincidence of good luck. I still want to hone my skills in the Sakura Country first."

"When I'm ready, I will definitely go to Europe to find you."

Kira declined Rocky's invitation.

"What a pity." Rocky's lost expression flashed by.

He didn't have too many emotional fluctuations about Kirara's rejection. There are many geniuses in this world.

There are also many geniuses who died young.

How many monsters like him, Loki, can finally stand at the top of the world?

The world football world has seen too many geniuses who are short-lived.

Loki was just cherishing talent, and waved goodbye to Kirara.

"Kirara, he... he actually refused."

Jie asked herself, if it were me, I would definitely have started looking at flights to France.

Kirara, he really has his own plans and arrangements.

With Loki's return, the world star team disappeared in the corridor.

In the corridor.

"Hahaha, Loki, that guy actually rejected you." Silva looked gloating.

Blake couldn't help but laugh, and kept looking at Loki's expression.

Loki smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.

"Okay, okay, geniuses have their own ideas. Let's go back and take a good bath and enjoy our vacation."

Luna kindly helped Loki out.

Cavazos looked back at Kira thoughtfully.

I hope this guy won't be tempted by the capital in his own country.

Stay in the league of Sakura Country to play football.

In Cavazos' heart, the professional league of Sakura Country is not a little bit worse than the five major leagues.


After the World Stars left, Feng Le sat down on the grass.

Everyone followed suit and lay down.

The five boys lay on the grass and looked up at the blue sky.

"Damn it..."

Kira turned his head and noticed that Rin looked unwilling.

[Blue Prison] The third round of selection, the first task, [World Trials].

[Blue Prison Team] lost 2-5.

A few hours later.

[Blue Prison] Special Operations Meeting Room.

"Give the world's top players 100 million each, plus a million bonus for every goal they score?"

A well-dressed member of the Sakura National Football Association looked incredulous.

"How much more money are you going to spend on this plan?"

"And there's no way they can win."

"What's the point of doing this?"

"Explain it to us!!!"

"Hey, and can you sit down? We're in a meeting now."

Criticisms of Huixin's arrangement rang out in the conference room.

Huixin Shinpachi was seen sitting cross-legged on a chair, responding to everyone's doubts in a nonchalant manner.

"If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool."

"I just want them to experience the world-class level in person at this sentimental age."

"I don't expect you middle-aged people who have learned to give up to have any dreams, so shut up."

Suddenly, the conference room exploded.

"Hey, hey, hey, brat, watch your attitude when you talk."

"You are so rude..."

"Terminate the plan, terminate the plan."

Huixin looked indifferent.

At the head of the meeting room, a bald middle-aged man waved his hand, signaling everyone to stop making noise.

The whole noisy meeting room instantly quieted down.

He is the president of the Sakura Country Football Association, Furan Tsutomu Hongjun.

Huixin tilted her head and waited for the speech of this heavyweight.

"Huixin, we have received many complaints from parents of high school students who participated in the plan."

"Your plan is not transparent throughout, and we still can't see the whole picture now."

"More importantly, you haven't produced any results so far."

"So if this plan continues, it will only become a stain on the Sakura Country Football Association, and our Football Association can no longer support you to continue making trouble like this."

The president said earnestly, as if he didn't want to terminate the plan either.

It was just forced.


Huixin's heart was about this president

"Then I'll show you the results now."

Huixin turned back and motioned to Anri.

Anri turned on the screen in the conference room, and the video of the match between Kirara team and the world team began to play.

"Huixin, what do you want to say with this surveillance video?"

"Is there any value and significance in it?"

"You've been tinkering with it for a few months, and you've only tinkered with this."

The members of the Football Association in the conference room began to chatter again

"Shut up, watch it carefully..."

Huixin finally couldn't help it and got angry.

After a while.

The whole conference room suddenly became quiet.

In the video, Kirara's performance was beyond their expectations.

"Is this... Kirara so good?"

"This is already the level of a world-class professional player."

"Oh my God, how old is he? Praise him and find the media to report on him. This will definitely make a lot of money."

Discussions about Kirara rang out in the conference room.

Huixin held back her inner disgust. These guys only care about money.


The president tapped the table thoughtfully, and the meeting room fell silent again.

"It is indeed a good achievement to train a good player."

"But this is far from enough, do you understand?"

"A star player has too little benefit, and it is not worth our continued investment."

Furan Tsutsumi Hongjun's attitude shows the Football Association's determination to terminate the plan now. Kirara is indeed excellent.

But it is not enough.

Huixin knew that this would be the situation.

He adjusted his glasses and said, "Let's have a big game, President, it's time for [Blue Prison] to change Sakura Country football..."


Furan Tsutsumi Hongjun's eyes lit up, and it was obvious that he was very interested in Huixin's proposal.

On the other side.

The third round of selection of five people.

The five people washed up and each recalled today's game in their own bed.

"Really no power to fight back..." Jie recalled her performance, which was basically useless.

"Yeah, I thought I became stronger after coming to [Blue Prison], but now I suddenly know my own strengths and weaknesses."

Antsou sighed as he fixed his long hair.

"But, I don't know why, this is probably the first time I lost with my heart." Fengle said as he wiped his head with a towel.

After hearing this, Kirara also expressed his opinion: "This is probably what Huixin wants us to realize..."

"After fighting with the stars that can only be seen on TV, we have a sense of reality for [World No. 1]. Otherwise, it has always been just a slogan."

"If Kirara said that, I can understand it. It just feels that the world's No. 1 shooter is no longer just a fantasy in my mind."

"Yeah, although it's very far away." Jie nodded.

"Hey, Kirara?"

Teacher Rin suddenly spoke.

Everyone stared at him.

"Why didn't you accept Loki's invitation? You must be very tempted in your heart?"

Rin seemed puzzled by Kirara's refusal.

After hearing this, everyone else in the room looked at him curiously.

Kirara was speechless, knowing that you would ask this.

But he couldn't tell them.

He wanted to absorb the attributes until he really reached the world level before going.

How should he say it?

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