After Wu finished speaking, his feet began to swing frequently.


Left or right!

Kira's eyes were fixed on Wu's shoulder.

It was the left!

As expected, Wu's swinging rhythm suddenly changed.

The whole person started to break through from Kira's left side.

Kira's footsteps followed closely and moved to the left.

Wu's hand stretched out just in time, ready to use his arm to squeeze out space for himself to move forward.

Seeing this, Kira immediately raised his arm.

Wu's forward steps stopped.

"Kira, this guy, saw the right moment to raise his arm to block my hand?"

"Break my ball protection distance in this way?"

Wu deeply admired Kira's ability to respond.

Wu is really a player who knows how to judge the situation.

Seeing that the breakthrough failed, he took a step back and protected the ball.

At the same time, he kicked the ball with his other foot.

The ball flew away from the battlefield between the two.

That's it?

Kira thought Wu would continue to find a way to break through him, but he gave up directly.

Kira looked at him in confusion.

Wu smiled freely: "I never do anything I am not sure of."

This is Wu's football.

It's hard to evaluate Kira's heart, it's not right or wrong.

Rin, who followed up on the other side, received Wu's pass steadily.

Shidou also clung to him.

Rin glanced at Chikari who followed up on the side.

Shidou immediately shifted his center of gravity, thinking that Rin was going to pass the ball and wanted to stretch his foot to intercept.

Kira covered his face on the side.

It's really a second-rate defense.

This Shidou plays football based on intuition, so easy to fool!

Kirara hurriedly tried to get out to help defend.

But at this time, Wu stretched out his hand and shook his head at Kirara.

"I can't let you go over."

This guy.

Kirara was helpless. It seemed that he couldn't go over to help defend for a while.

Seeing Shidao being fooled, Rin, who was dribbling the ball, immediately pulled horizontally and accelerated.

Completed the pass!

Then, he faced the goal alone and pushed the ball easily.

Pushed the ball steadily into the goal.


Team B tied the score again.

"Tsk, it's really abominable."

Shidao was a little annoyed that his mind was a little simple just now.

In fact, what Shidao said was not without reason.

If Shidao didn't move at all, Rin's ball would really be passed to Chikari on the wing.

Chikari received the ball and broke through.

Team A's goal was also in danger.

In the end, it was a game between Team A and Team B.

Because Chikiri joined Team B, Team A, which could have won the game by fighting head-on, became a little dangerous.

"Nice, Rin."

Chikiri came over excitedly and high-fived Rin.

Rin nodded to Chikiri, and he also knew that Chikiri also contributed to this goal.

Jie was lost in thought.

The situation that was originally a sure win was now a little confusing because of Chikiri.

Jie believed that even if she didn't do anything, Kira would have a way to win this game.

However, this game made her completely lose her value.

She must find a way to integrate into the game! ! !

Monitoring room.

Anri looked at the real screen seriously, "It's really a evenly matched contest."

"But Kira's performance, compared with the last game, is not so eye-catching..."

Anri found the pain point at once.

Huixin was also a little confused: "Could it be that Kirara's game against the World Stars was far more explosive than usual, and this game was a bit ordinary."

In fact, Kirara had already scored two goals in this game.

"I guess he played beyond his normal level in the last game, but there is no need to worry too much."

"It shows that Kirara's growth potential can reach that level, and it will take time to settle."

Huixin explained for Kirara.

Anri nodded.

The view returned to the game on the screen.

Team A served.

"This game is really exciting, you go back and forth, I have to shoot a few more times."

After Shidao made a shocking statement, he passed the ball to Kirara.

After Kirara received the ball, he immediately passed it back to Bingzhi.

"Little Kirara, are you disgusted with the ball I touched?" Shidao found that Kirara passed the ball very fast, without stopping at all.

I'm afraid of getting epilepsy.

But he quickly said, "No, no."

Shidou began to move doubtfully.

After receiving the ball, Hyori observed the movement of Kira and Shidou, ready to pass the ball to them at any time.

As soon as Shidou started, Rin stared at him


Hailiu from Saraban and Shixiong Kyohei finally showed up.

"I want to be a giant wave!!!"

"Grandma told me that boys should stand tall and proud."

The two shouted their slogans and came over to surround Kira tightly.


Are you two on the court?

Kira then noticed the two powerful-looking characters from Team B.

"The wave told me that as long as we can defend you, we have a chance."

Hailiu from Saraban looked determined.

"Grandma told me that you can't touch the ball now."

Shixiong Kyohei looked determined.

So your grandma is watching us play football now, right?

Can she tell you this?

Kira was powerless to complain about these two fools.

However, the double teaming of the two did prevent Bingzhi from seeing the angle to pass the ball to Kira.

"Bingzhi, here."

Jie felt bitter. It had been so many minutes and she hadn't touched the ball many times.

She kept thinking about this and that.

What's the use!

Give me the ball, Jie felt like she was about to cry.

"Don't even think about it."

Wu appeared again.

"I really, you big Shabi!"

Jie couldn't help but curse. It was not easy for Bingzhi to pass the ball to me, but this dead crow was still staring at him.

"I won't let you pass."

Wu looked at Jie with a humiliating look on his face.

"If I can't break through this Shabi, I still can't do anything."

Shabi is Shabi, and I really can't do anything with him.

When Jie was desperate.

"Then pass it this way!!"

Nanabi Nijiro appeared on the other side like a ray of light.


Jie looked at this turbaned guy blankly.

"To be honest, Kira and Shidao's ways are too deep, I don't understand..."

"But I can see your ways clearly, you and I are the same. I'll help you."

Nanabi shouted at Jie and started to move.


Jie's originally grateful heart suddenly didn't feel very happy.

But this guy saw me supporting Kirara, so he consciously moved around me without the ball to support me?

I can use him!

Seeing this, Bingzhi rolled his eyes and kicked over.

"Tsk..." Wu's peripheral vision was unconsciously attracted by Qixing.

Taking advantage of this moment, Jie's figure moved, and he wanted to take advantage of the moment when Wu's attention was distracted.

Go around to the blind spot behind him!

"Oh no, Jie, he reached out, get out of the way."

Qixing turned his head and saw Wu's movements, and shouted anxiously.

"It's just a trick." Wu also guessed Jie's idea.

The next second.

Wu's hand was empty.

His face was slightly angry!

This guy, is the other side!

I was deceived!

Jie disrupted Wu's rhythm and steadily caught Bingzhi's pass.

Accelerating to shake off Wu, the open ground court in front of him finally appeared in Jie's field of vision.

Do you want to shoot directly from here?

Jie shook her head. It was too far. Not sure.

Pass to Kira?


Kira was double-teamed by Saraban and Shio. He only managed to get his head out from under his armpits.

It didn't seem to work.

Shidou, who was entangled with Rin, suddenly leaned against Rin and pointed at his feet.

This guy is now leaning against the goal!

Jie understood instantly that Shidou wanted to play a short pass with him.

Jie was so moved that she almost cried. Shidou is a good person.

Jie no longer hesitated and passed the ball to Shidou.

Let's see the chemical reaction between Shidou and me!!

Jie confidently started to move and wait for Shidou's return pass.


Shidou leaned against Rin and the moment the ball came.

Turned around on the spot!

A fast arc ball with reverse rotation?

"Clang clang!"

With Shidao's strange cry, the ball flew into the goal smoothly.

Team A took the lead again.


Kira was also shocked. Shidao was really too exaggerated.

After receiving the ball, he kicked it and flew up along the ground!

This guy is really a monster in the penalty area.

"I am the strongest creature in the penalty area!!"

Shidao shouted happily.

Rin was also a little surprised that this guy could kick at that angle.

It's just a monster.

A corner that no one knows.

Jie Shen shed tears silently.

Shidao, this old man, has no martial ethics and shoots by himself.

He felt bitter.

What about the agreed two-pass cooperation.

He was really too naive.

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