It's cherry blossom season again. He was promoted to second grade.

I want to play the game and live lazily.

Even though the school year improved, Kai's idea never wavered. Although the heat has not changed, the people around them have changed, and their heat has risen to a higher level.

"Who is this, your girlfriend? It's cute.

"Don't just look at other people's phones,"

"Wow, next week is the rookie race!"

"Come on! Definitely win! "

The sophomore year of high school is a particularly special year.

After entering the third grade, students' careers are filled with exams, so everyone wants to enjoy clubs, romances, part-time jobs, cultural festivals and other youthful activities.

Whether they realize it or not, in short, everyone is full of vigor and goes all out.

In one word, it's sparkling. After all, everyone is only 17 years old.

This sparkling atmosphere naturally did not take a part, and he still played games alone during his break as usual.

Today, he sits on the stairs at the edge of the school building and takes out his mobile phone.


Rin, lying in ambush behind the car. A muscular male warrior wearing sunglasses emerges from an abandoned building. Aim at the scope and shoot continuously.

“sit! " “ kill! "

He pursues the enemy and uses cars, huts, and other shelter to cover himself while slamming and shooting.

At this time, Rin suddenly realized.

(I haven't spoken to anyone in a week


Not to mention in reality, even in the game, I don't make friends, so I hardly communicate with people.

I don't think there's anything wrong, but at this point, it seems to be really bad? There is this feeling.

(If you want to survive in this society, you must maintain a minimum level of communication, otherwise you will be terrible as a person...)

For her part, although she is not very lonely, she does not really want to talk to someone. But if you forget how to speak, you will be troubled.

No, if you don't need to communicate with people when you enter society, if you don't get bothered by it, then it doesn't matter if you forget how to speak.

But that's certainly not the case.

“...... Ah, shot. The

words "GAME OVER" appear on the screen.

When he hasn't spoken to anyone for more than two weeks, he makes a decision.

After school, I took a long trip and went to the flower shop. As a high school student, get a little serious. Maintain a minimum of communication skills.

However, if you don't want to do something as troublesome as making friends for this purpose, it is even more absurd to have a girlfriend.

If you can, if you want the object to be not a human, then it is a pet.

The least troublesome type of pet is better.

Cats and dogs cannot be kept in pet dormitories, and even if they can, they can't take care of them themselves.

Birds, hamsters, goldfish, blue-net fish, and unicorns are also not allowed. It's even too much trouble to prepare your own food, let alone prepare feed for your pets.

Although Kai has also considered smart speakers and AI pet robots, even if he buys them, he probably won't be able to talk to them, so it doesn't make sense.

The object of communication can barely be regarded as a living being. Thinking about it this way, it turned out that Kai decided to buy potted flowers. The room is a little green, and it must look like a high school student.

The florists in town are not very big. As soon as she opened the door, she saw colorful cut flowers in a steel bucket.

The welcome

lady was greeted kindly by the saleswoman at the cash register with a ribbon apparently tied to flowers.

Looking around, I realized a fact.

I don't know a single variety of plants.

But it's okay if you don't know it.

"Please give me the least troublesome one to take care of."

“...... Huh? "

“...... I want to find the least troublesome plant to talk to me. "

“...... Yes...... Oh...... That's the cactus. Confused, the clerk took it for granted to lead him to a shelf with potted cacti.

Round cactus. The thorns are particularly long and look a little painful cactus. It's like the cactus in the desert scene in the movie.

"None of this requires much care. Even the most lazy people can feed. Ah, how about this? "

From several cacti, the clerk recommended the cactus to Lan.

It's a slightly pet-like one... Maybe it's just because the name has the word "rabbit" in it..."rabbit cactus".

The cactus is shaped like a flying rabbit ear, pale green, covered with white spikes, about the size of a palm.

"Put it by the sunny window, just wait for the soil to dry before watering, it doesn't take much effort. If you take care of it too much, it is not good to water it too much, and basically leave it alone. "

Please give me this."

He immediately decided to buy it. He brought the rabbit cactus home and tried to keep it by the window.

(Pets, after all...) It's better to give it a name


Although this cactus looks like rabbit ears, it also resembles rock-paper-scissors.

For this simple reason, Kai named it "Little Scissors". Although it is just a random name without thinking, people will love it after choosing a name. That night, Rin said "good night" to the scissors. The little scissors still looked prickly, and did not answer anything.

Although it is troublesome to greet humans, it is okay to say hello to cacti.

(Hmm. So that you can have a good time in high school


In this way, Kai completed the task of "maintaining a minimum of communication skills".

There is a benefit after starting to raise small shears.

Every morning, a small shearer can wake up a field that can't get out of bed.

The alarm clock made a jingling noise, breaking Rin's restful sleep

, "Hmm..." Rinse

stretched out his hand to turn off the alarm clock, and then unhurriedly propped up his upper body.

"Good morning, little clipper."

When he said hello, Kai poked the thorn on Xiao Scissors' body by the way.

(It hurts...) Sobered up.

The slight pain awakened Rin's half-asleep brain. The first thing you do when you wake up is play a game.

Lying on the bed again, he rolled over and picked up the game console. While tumbling and shooting around, I heard the noise of people going to work and school outside the window.

If you can, you just want to just keep playing like this, sleeping, waking up, and continuing to play.

In order to achieve such a comfortable infinite loop.

(...... First of all, you have to choose where you want to go after graduation...


feels like I was thinking about the same thing two years ago.

When you become a second-year student, you must choose whether you want to study liberal arts or science, you must choose your electives, and you must decide the university you want to attend.

The future of trouble is approaching us step by step.

Qi's material desires are zero, and there is no need for big houses and luxury cars.

All he wanted was a room and time for himself to play games. Don't force yourself, make money at your own pace, retire as soon as possible, stay in the game room....

Just as he was imagining such a future, he was shot and killed.

(It's almost time to get up...)

Although he can grind as long as he wants, Tian will still go to school well. I also know that I can't play a game at once.

Eat breakfast first. Jelly drinks in the morning. Kai has no idea of cooking, and eating itself is troublesome, and Kai's diet at home has always been jelly drinks.

Because jelly drinks don't need to be chewed or digested, but lately I've started to get tired of sucking jelly.

(Why do people get hungry...) If you don't get hungry, you don't have to eat. If

you don't eat, you don't have to brush your teeth or go to the toilet.

Obviously, these are all good things, but Rin's stomach is so hungry that he has no choice but to fill his stomach with jelly drinks.

(It's a hassle to take a shower and change clothes...) If I could be like Little Scissors and survive just by drinking water... Can people learn photosynthesis? Wearing

a tie is troublesome, so instead of a shirt, she wears a hooded sweatshirt under her blazer.

"I'm out."

Under the watchful eye of the little scissors, Rin left the house.

(Ah, ah, if only there were no schools~ It's really annoying


Rin is almost in trouble even living.

"Cheng Shirou, come to the office in a moment."

After failing the Chinese exam (falling asleep because she was too bored), Kai was called to the office by the head teacher.

This year's homeroom teacher is not last year's Isshiki teacher, but a male teacher with a big belly and sweat. Kai is a little bad at dealing with him.

"Kai, obviously you can do it as long as you want, why don't you do it? You always have something you want to do in the future, right? No matter which university you want to go to, you have to start working now. The teacher felt that as long as Shitian worked hard, it would not be a dream to be admitted to a first-class university. Now is the time for you to work The head teacher sits at a desk full of papers, wipes the sweat from his face with a handkerchief, and looks up at Rin.

It seems like I heard almost the same sermon two years ago, right?

"Please think more seriously about your future."

After an exact reprimand, he was finally released.

(...... Future...... Corridors

with posters of university introductions, students walking through the problem sets, and a library full of seats.

Just about three steps out of the office, Kai didn't bother to think about what the head teacher had said before.

(Why is everyone working so hard...) The

head teacher did not know that there were real geniuses in the world. Also, Kai was born a genius.

Kai is an unaware genius.

You can do it without effort.

Even learning, if he wants to, he can remember. You don't have to study as hard as your classmates to get high grades. Kai is not the type that can be compared with other ordinary students. If there is something that you can't get without working hard, you will simply choose to give up. Because he hasn't met what he wants even if he tries that hard.

So, even if someone says to him, "Work hard." "Tian Ye will only tilt his head and say"? "。

It is impossible for a hardworking mortal to understand this innate genius.

The world seen by Kai and mortals is different.

There is a deep gap between the two.

Although Kai didn't even realize this.

(Forget it, play the game.) Sitting

on the stairs of the old place, Rin pulled his phone out of his pocket.

While the students were busy with study, club activities and falling in love, they played games indifferently, and the total length of the games exceeded 2,000 hours.

Run around the field and fire one after another at enemy players. Right side, left side, stand up and shoot continuously, kill all light.

When Kai was immersed in the game, with a bang, Kai's flank was hit.

He was sitting at the corner of the stairs, which looked dead from above, when he was hit by someone coming down. Someone with purple hair.

This impact caused the whole person to fall forward.

The phone flew out of the wind's hand.

"Ah, I'm sorry..."

Although he didn't mean to, the purple hair who kicked him apologized.

Meanwhile, Rin jumped down the stairs after her phone.

(Unfortunately, the phone is going to break.) If

the screen is broken, you can't play the game. That's bothering. The soles of his forefeet jerked hard.


Rin, chasing her phone, jumped down the stairs with little movement


He bent his knees and jumped over seventeen steps in one go.

"Huh? The

purple hair who kicked it, thinking that he was going to roll down the stairs, panicked.

However, this is not the case.

Rinse stretched out his right leg.

Just before the phone hits the floor, its right leg will reach it.

The phone is caught steadily, almost magically by the tip of the soft leather shoe.

At the same time, he supported the ground with his left leg knee and right hand, absorbing the landing rush

and not bouncing up again, and the mobile phone stopped at Tian's feet.

(Awesome!) Nice stop! The

purple-haired Ichikage Rei King who bumped into Rin was shocked. The action that just happened is what is called stopping the ball in football.

It's a technique of catching a flying ball with parts of your body and controlling it.

Not only that, but he also used his toes to pass the phone back to his hand.

"Oh, safe, alive."

Despite showing off his superb skills, Rin stares only at his phone as usual.

"Wait, that's awesome, you! Football Department's! ? With

the sound of clicking downstairs, the man's voice was filled with excitement. Although someone was talking to him, he still didn't take his eyes off the screen.

"Ah, dead

"Who are you!? Do you want to play football with me

? Because

she was dead, Kai finally turned her head to look at the person who spoke.

This guy who spoke to himself... He knows.

He has a strong looking appearance and a good upbringing that cannot be described in words.

Even if he has no interest in anyone, he still knows a little about the most attractive students in the school.

"Ugh. It is the son of a rich man. Give me money—"

said so, and that's all he knew.

"Huh? King

Ling was a little overwhelmed.

Mikage Reiwang, the eldest young master of the Mikage Company with total assets of 75.8 billion yen.

A super celebrity since birth, he himself is also a superman with beautiful appearance, clear mind and athletic versatility.

King Ling, who was doted on by his parents at home and flattered in every way outside, had never encountered such a reaction so far.

"I don't play football and I haven't played sports. I just want to live lazily for the rest of my life. Give me money Ji thought to himself, in short, first of all, the other party will really give money, and stretch out his hand to make the action of asking for money.

Such behavior was another shock to King Ling.

(What's going on with this guy!) Football layman...! ? King Ling's mood fluctuated.

Even a professional player with superb stopping skills will never be able to stop his phone while jumping down the stairs °

"No, no, no, that stoppage and this physique! Absolutely, gifted ah, you! "

...... The other party suddenly came menacing, which made the wind a little avoided.

"Let's play soccer with me!! As

long as you work hard, becoming a professional player

is not a dream, as long as you work hard, XXX is not a dream.

As long as you work hard, it is not a dream to be a regular player, and as long as you work hard, a first-class university is not a dream.

It's something I've heard countless times and can't understand.

So sure enough, he thinks so every time he hears it.

"If you don't work hard, you can't do it, football is really troublesome."

King Ling's eyes widened.

This incomprehensible expression was also a face that he had seen countless times before.

"I hate trouble and don't want to work."

Say goodbye to the face and start the game again.

Sitting on the lowest floor of the stairs, he continued to immerse himself in his own world.

King Ling stiffened for a moment, unable to suppress the excitement that surged in his heart.

(Obviously so talented, but this guy doesn't know it at all...!) For

Rin, this is nothing special.

Just as he can remember if he wants to, he can do it if he wants to.

There is no reason, that's all.

In his life, King Ling was the first to realize his amazing potential.

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