Everyone can deny your value, everyone can say you are useless, but you alone cannot think so. You must believe in yourself, believe that you can cross the endless darkness and reach the"paradise" where flowers and sunshine exist.

I keep this in mind, so now I should set sail!!......

Lin and Jie Shiyi teamed up to shout at the front of the court, and an uninvited guest quietly arrived.——

"Um...It's no use passing the ball like this in the midfield"

"You are hesitating, there is no place to pass the ball....Hmm."

Stop making noise, I'm thinking!

"Stop talking nonsense and sleep."Shishi Lin and Jie Shiyi continued to pass the ball to each other, constantly shortening the distance of the pass.

Good job, Jie Shiyi. Next, it's time to attack!

Instantly pass the ball with the heel, completing the trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain——

"Wow~ Such an enviable combination!"Feng Le received the ball and laughed at the two people rushing to the front line and the many obstacles in front of them.




Now is the time, right!


A crescent moon appeared on the green field, and the people chasing the moon were ready to go!

Overcome numerous obstacles and destroy the towering mountains! In this place, whether there are people applauding or not, we must fight, not for anything else, but for our flourishing selfishness!!

Itoshi Rin stood in the position where Itoshi Sae had stood before, and completed the shot with exactly the same action.——


With the sound of the football being hit and the surprise in his ears, Tono Maki's words came to an end.——"Master Sae, have you seen Rin's growth?"...

Itoshi Sae watched this scene with a frown on his face.

Are you still thinking of yourself as my younger brother, Itoshi Rin?

The same arc, the same power, but it was blocked by the goalkeeper - it was still too reluctant. This ball......


"Beautiful throw!!"

"Grab the second penalty kick!"

Xue Gong Jianyou has already started, ready to go at any time - jump, stop the ball, and complete the possession of the ball!

"It's time to attack."Says Yukimiya, speeding across the field.

In front of the left side of the goal, Yukimiya is ready to dribble the ball! In this situation -

Jie Shiyi reacts quickly and starts running towards his goal!

I will run into the field of vision between Yukimiya and the opponent in the 1-on-1 situation, make myself one of the options for passing the ball, hinder the opponent's judgment, and make him hesitate for a moment!!

"Oops, no......Will he pass it or not?!"

Ah, one second, but it's very long!

"Beautiful, clean."Such a short one second, but it created a great breakthrough opportunity for Xue Gong!

He quickly dribbled the ball forward and then shot hard!

"Don't even think about it!" Aikong jumped up and hit the ball away.——


The ball gradually falls along a parabola......

This is a good opportunity!

Nagi Makoto looked at the ball that was falling like a comet and regarded it as something in his palm!

"Don't even think about shooting"

"That's right."

Facing the two defenders' marking, Nagi Makoto had a genius idea in his mind - to shoot first.....

Stop the ball instantly!

Dunk and bounce—jump and turn!!!


"Nice to meet you, Neon.......!!"

I am Nagi Seishiro!!

As he greeted me, the ball went into the goal - Goooooooooooal!!!!!!...

Maybe he was an unknown person in the past, but now——

"Have two tricks"

"This is the blue jail, indeed....Crazy and destructive"

"By...Thanks to a world wave from Makoto Nagi.....The Blue Prison Eleven tied the score!!"

Cheer, cheer up - the world is calling his name, calling the name of the hero who scored the goal - Nagi Makoto!!

"Believe in them." Amid the boiling shouts, Huixin Jinpachi said with a smile,"Our egoists are best at competition." Toono

Maki said with a smile,"I thought I could shake your will, but unfortunately I failed."

"No, maybe you succeeded."Eshin Shinpachi said,"After all, Shidou is about to appear........"

The situation has become so difficult with the addition of Shidao Ryusei....

"You have to believe them, Huixin."Tono Maki said with a smile,"Everything is not that bad."......


"Hey, 30 minutes have passed in the first half. It's been so long, you didn't even say hello? You stinky old man."Itoshi Rin said this, blocking Itoshi Sae.

Itoshi Sae looked at Rin calmly, as if he was a stranger. This undoubtedly ignited Rin's anger.——

"This isn't your game......."Rin said,"Rather, I surpass your competition."

Oh, really?....Then I'll wait and see......

Itoshi Sae’s dribbling movements became faster and faster, easily disrupting Rin’s center of gravity, and he left with the ball - huh?

"Yes, I can catch the pass!"

"Rin! I will help you!"

Similar words came from both ends of the field.——

""Don't get in the way, Jie!! Outsiders, get out of the way!" Rin gritted his teeth and kept stopping Itoshi Sae's movements, shouting at all the jackals running towards the most intense part of the battle.

He looked at Itoshi Sae, whose expression was still so calm, and said with gritted teeth,"We brothers are fighting hard!!!"

At this time, Rin always forgets a lot of things, and there is only one Itoshi Sae in his eyes.

For this, Toono Maki is also a headache - think about the battle between you and me at that time, Itoshi Rin.....

"People are always trapped by obsession, right?"

"Ah, you are right."Tono Maki said with emotion,"That is his path"...

Shoulder blocking, using Rin's steal to turn around——

"If you still think of yourself as my brother——"Facing Lin's interception, he kept speeding up his movements,"Then you will never be able to surpass me."

He passed the ball through the crotch with a cow tail!

"Passed!! Itoshi Sae broke through the midfield!! In the first round of the brothers' duel, the elder brother is slightly better!!!"

The host's voice echoed through the radio in the stadium, and all the rear guards of the Blue Prison Team were ready for Itoshi Sae's attack....

"Tsk, you beat him, idiot......"The black traveler stared straight ahead, cursing,"Stupid eyelash wizard!""

"coming....They are swarming over us!" Yisheng quickly shouted to the back,"Watch out for the rear defense, Erzi!!"

"Got it!"

The eyes are constantly sending messages to the brain, and the brain is constantly making judgments -

I want to perceive all...The player who intends to cooperate with Itoshi Sae!!

I will kill the most dangerous invader who is ready to move...Eliminate it!!

The second child quickly ran towards the advancing Sendou Akito.

Hmm? No, wait!

The ball passed was a reverse spin ball that was easier to stop....Still slowing down?!

This is a trap, set by Itoshi Sae to lure me out........

Allow the striker to break through my defense with a simple touch?....

"You are too naive, genius!"

Sprint forward, only half a step away - emergency brake!

Now is the time——


"Well done, Niko!!"

"Grab two points! Go grab two points!!"

The crow spread its wings, carrying the prey, and came to his nest——

"Come on, it's time to fight back, you fools."

A solid wall has no weaknesses, ha! If there are no weaknesses, then create them!

"Go, Otoya"

"Let's go for it, Wu."

The two of them worked closely and quickly, running through the opponent's midfield - one, two.....

"What a pity, Ninja brother." Aisora has arrived and blocked the two of them.

Otoya Kageta was blocked by Snake Miller, and then met another obstacle - Aisora.

In such a situation, Otoya Kageta said,"Idiot, who is his partner?"

"Ah, my goal has been here from the beginning."

The third arrow——the galloping Thousand Cut Leopard Horse!!!...

Run, run! I want to prove to the world how powerful my Qianqie Leopard Horse is!

Speed up, speed up, speed up! I can do it, I can definitely do it!

A red leopard in hunting mode, at this moment, under the gaze of the world, shows his claws!

"Wow, what a powerful acceleration ability!! Blue Prison's No. 4 Thousand Cut Leopard Horse....Breaking through from the right created a chance!!"

"The Eleven Blue Prisoners took this opportunity to rush to the goal in one breath!!!"From the low morale after Itoshi Sae scored a goal to the current scene of everyone hunting....Everything was incredible, like a miracle on the court - from unknown to glorious - they only took one game!!...

"Huixin, are you excited at this moment of success?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Blue Prison, from today on, will completely change the world. Congratulations, Huixin."

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