Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 112 Soul Storage Crystal

"This...this...can actually use soul power to activate the patterns engraved on it to make the metal heavier?!"

Iron Buddha's eyes shone brightly as he grabbed the metal ingot that had returned to its original silver-gray appearance and looked ordinary.


The light red soul power appeared again, controlled by Tiefu Tu, bit by bit, and slowly fed into the metal ingot, watching the lines that glowed and emerged once again under the stimulation of the soul power.

Looking with burning eyes at the light pattern that only lasted for a few breaths from its appearance to its disappearance, Tiefutu continued: "This alloy can actually allow the soul power to flow smoothly inside, with almost no loss!!! "

"How on earth did this-??!!"

Even though Tiefutu is a master craftsman, in his knowledge, only Wuhun has such characteristics!

Maybe the soul tools unearthed from some ruins can do this, but this piece of metal ingot that is silver-gray as a whole, Tiefutu dares to use his reputation as a master craftsman to guarantee that it was definitely taken from the furnace recently. It takes no more than a month to be forged!

The smell of the fire on the metal has not been erased by time——!

Lou Gao, who was questioned by Tiefu Tu, had a look of pride on his face. He reached out and grabbed the brocade box on the metal table, picked up the rolled-up sheepskin scroll, and shook it open in front of Tiefu Tu.

Seeing this, Tiefutu still carefully held the metal ingot with his right hand, and took the opened sheepskin roll with his left hand.

After just one glance, he turned his attention to the building again, blowing his beard and staring with a look on his face, 'Are you kidding me? ' with an expression on his face, he asked: "What is going on? What are these things written about?"

Lou Gao glanced at the unfolded parchment and looked at the series of numerical symbols on it. He immediately slapped his head and said somewhat sarcastically:

"Look at me!"

As he spoke, he lowered his hand from his forehead, took out a book from the storage soul guide on his waist, and handed it to Tiefu Tu.

Facing the books handed to him, Tiefutu remained unmoved. He held the parchment scroll in his left hand, held the metal ingot in his right hand, and raised his chin to the metal table.

After receiving the signal, Lou Gao curled up his almost invisible neck and placed the books on the metal table.

At this time, the four big characters on the cover of the book came into Tiefutu's eyes.

"General History of the Mainland", handwritten version!

The compiler is said to be an elder from [Martial Spirit Hall] more than a hundred years ago, and it is now considered one of the minor textbooks in every academy in Douluo Continent.

However, does this thing have anything to do with the present?

This question came to Tiefutu's mind.

Feeling that the old man's gaze was becoming increasingly unkind, Lou Gao did not dare to show off and quickly said: "This is what Junior Brother Ling Yi taught me before -"

Pointing to the sheepskin scroll in Tiefu Tu's hand, Lou Gao continued: "The numerical symbols on it correspond to the page numbers, paragraphs, and character positions in this "General History of the Mainland"..."

After a pause and giving the old man time to digest, Lou Gao continued: "Only through the "General History of the Continent" written and copied by Junior Brother Ling Yi himself can we unlock the digital code on the parchment and decipher the parchment. Go up, what Junior Brother Ling Yi wants to tell us——"

Hearing this, Tiefutu looked incomprehensible. He looked at the parchment in a strange way, and then looked at the handwritten version of "General History of the Continent" on the metal table high above the building. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he held back. .


After holding it in for a while, he said to Lou Gao: "I said that when you first came back two years ago, you would just read a book there when you had nothing to do. Is this this one?"

It may be due to some unspeakable external factors. People on Douluo Continent really haven't experienced much 'spy warfare'. Please forgive them for being swayed by such 'shallow' tricks. .

But in the end, it was just a trick that was similar to kinky tricks. This world was still a worldview where force was supreme. The two of them did not dwell too much on this crooked 'little cleverness', and instead focused on the key points again.

I saw Tiefu Tu placing the sheepskin scroll on the metal table and placing it together with the "General History of the Continent". He said a little impatiently: "Okay, stop whining and talk to me directly. What is said here?"

After hearing this, Lou Gao stopped laughing and said to Tiefu Tu solemnly:

"Master, Junior Brother Ling Yi has sent a total of two gifts this time."

"One is the one you have in your hands, master. The junior brother named it "Chongxuan Steel". It is a new alloy material he developed. "

"The other one~" Lou Gao pointed at the transparent crystal in the brocade box, and then said: "It's this "soul storage crystal." "

""Soul Storage Crystal"? "Tiefutu followed Lou Gao's fingers and looked at the ordinary white transparent crystal, which was not very transparent and even had a slight difference. He said curiously: "It's the same as the "Soul Testing Crystal" The same soul guide? "

No wonder Tiefu Tu asked this question, the names of these two are similar to each other.

Lou Gao nodded, shook his head again, and under Tiefutu's once again unkind gaze, he hurriedly said: "Master, according to what Junior Brother Ling Yi said, this "Soul Storage Crystal" was indeed obtained through his research on [Martial Soul Palace]" 】's "Soul Testing Crystal", I understood some of the ways, and then made it..."

As he said that, he couldn't help but put on a complicated look of admiration and admiration on the building's surface, and continued: "'Soul Storage Crystal', as the name suggests, is said to be able to input soul power into it, but it is different from the 'Soul Testing' of [Martial Soul Palace]." "Crystal", after the soul power enters, it will quickly flow back into the soul master's body. It can retain the soul power input into it!

Until the soul master decides on his own when and where to take back the soul power that was previously input into the body..."

Hearing this, Tiefu Tu had a look of shock on his face. He looked at the ordinary piece of white transparent crystal in the brocade box. In his eyes, he looked at the metal ingot that was still in his hand. color.

If Lou Gao's translation is correct and the young nephew named Ling Yi is not bragging, this soul guidance device named "Soul Storage Crystal" is a treasure that can change an evenly matched battle!

Even in some scenarios, it can even make people defeat the weak and defeat the strong, turning defeat into victory!

Just imagine, if there is a battle between two soul masters, their soul power has reached the bottom, and one of them takes out this "soul storage crystal" to supplement the soul power of the same source, what kind of scene will it be like? !

It's just... how much soul power can this "soul storage crystal" store?

Tiefutu is worthy of being a master craftsman who can only be born in Douluo Continent for tens or hundreds of years. He quickly grasped the key point about the "soul storage crystal" and asked Lou Gao directly.

When Lou Gao heard this, he didn't hide it. He spread his hands and said in a bachelor's voice: "Junior brother Ling Yi said that he has only just researched this "soul storage crystal". Currently, it can only store the entire soul of a tenth-level soul warrior." Once the power is exceeded, this "soul storage crystal" will be exploded——"

"If you change to a soul master with a higher quality soul power, you can probably store level five soul power. A great soul master is level two...

As for the soul master, Junior Brother Ling Yi said that the quality of the soul power is too high, and as long as it is input, the "soul storage crystal" will break..."

"Tenth level...soul warrior..."

Tiefutu frowned deeply, but soon calmed down and took a deep look at the "Soul Storage Crystal" lying quietly in the brocade box.

Although it can only store all the soul power of a tenth-level soul master, for those powerful soul masters, it can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, and it can even be said to be a useless soul guide.

However, if converted into the fifth-level soul power of a first-level soul master, it is barely enough to unleash a soul skill that has just reached the hundredth level.

As for the great soul master...

Tiefutu spoke again and asked: "How about the production process and material cost of this "soul storage crystal"? "

Who said you can only use one "Soul Storage Crystal" at a time?

A "soul storage crystal" of the great soul master can only store the second-level soul power, so he should carry ten or eight "soul storage crystals" with him. If the time comes, he can really store the original soul power anytime, anywhere, in a very short time. When his own soul power is taken back into his body, the scene is still as picturesque as ever!


Tiefutu was still thinking about it, when he saw the tall man in front of him looked embarrassed, opened his mouth, and whispered in a low voice: "Well... Junior Brother Ling Yi didn't say anything in the letter, he just said that he can submit to the letter every three months. We provide a batch of about a hundred pieces of "soul storage crystals" in exchange for other soul tools of equal value, or some rare metal raw materials..."

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