Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 12 Zhang Lei’s Awakening


It was still that cold voice, but what made everyone relieved was that the soul master named Lu Yi had no intention of pursuing the matter.

He continued to take out his big hand from his satchel as if nothing had happened, already holding six black round stones in his palm.

With a casual throw, the pebbles fell to the ground, forming a hexagonal pattern. Lu Yi raised his bearded chin and gestured to Zhang Lei, the strongest of the three children:

"Go in~"

Zhang Lei met Lu Yi's eyes, and he immediately turned his head and looked at Zhang Dahe, Ling Xiaoshan, and... Ling Yi!

Under the encouraging gazes of the three people, Zhang Lei took a deep breath, gathered energy in his heart, stepped into the center of the hexagonal pattern with firm eyes, and stood still.

"Not bad~" Seeing Zhang Lei overcome his nervousness and fear so quickly, Lu Yi uttered two words briefly, then his eyes became solemn, his broad right palm stretched forward, and he gave a soft drink.

I saw a dark light emerging from the palm, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a hammer.

The hammer head was spherical in shape, with sharp edges and corners, and the handle was about a meter long. It looked very heavy, and was held firmly by Lu Yi in his hand.


The hammer head pointed downwards and landed on the stone slab on the ground. Two rings of light surrounded Lu Yi's feet, one light yellow and one bright yellow.

Martial spirit——"Eight-edge Xuan Heavy Hammer"!

Standing the Wuhun Iron Hammer at his feet, Lu Yi struck out with both palms continuously. Six rays of light gray light flew into the six round stones on the ground. Immediately afterwards, a layer of golden brilliance was released from the six stones. , forming a light golden mask, covering Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei, who was shrouded in golden light on the first day of the new year, subconsciously trembled nervously, but as golden light spots floated out from the black stones on the ground and then submerged into his body, Zhang Lei's small face with eyes closed immediately relaxed. , the whole person gradually became calm.

At a certain moment, when Zhang Lei's body began to shake again, Lu Yi's eyes widened and he said in a deep voice: "Stretch out your right hand~"

Zhang Lei subconsciously stretched out his right hand, and suddenly, all the light spots rushed out. In an instant, a small hoe about a foot long appeared in his palm.

The brown wooden handle is shaped like a kitchen knife, and the iron hoe blade is black and shiny with metallic luster.

This is a relatively common agricultural tool in rural areas, but it is a bit small.

Fortunately, this is a martial spirit that can be transformed into the most suitable and convenient size according to Zhang Lei's body shape.

As Zhang Lei's martial soul manifested, Lu Yi looked calm and said calmly: "Weapon martial soul "Hoe", come on, press your hand up and see if there is any soul power——"

As he said that, he fished it out with his big hand, took the blue crystal ball from the table behind him, held it in his palm, and handed it to Zhang Lei.

Under Lu Yi's guidance, Zhang Lei took back the martial spirit "hoe" into his body and covered the blue crystal ball with his fleshy white hands.

After a moment, looking at the unresponsive crystal ball, Lu Yi gestured to Zhang Lei to retract his palm, put the crystal ball back on the desk behind him, and at the same time announced briefly: "Without soul power, go down."

On the side, Ling Yi watched the whole process, clearly watching Zhang Lei's expression change from uneasy, to calm, to joy, excitement, and finally turned into disappointment and loss.

What particularly concerned Ling Yi was that a few breaths before the soul master named Lu Yi announced that Zhang Lei had no soul power, Zhang Lei's pupils shrank strangely for a moment, very slightly.

But as he was judged to have no soul power, all Zhang Lei's emotions turned into depression. Zhang Lei himself was afraid that he was not even aware of the fleeting strangeness.

The thoughts in his heart were spinning. Without delay, Ling Yi, Zhang Dahe and Ling Xiaoshan, surrounded Zhang Lei who was walking lonely. They stretched out their hands to press his head and pat his shoulders.

If it weren't for the martial soul awakening ceremony that was still going on at this time, and two other school-age children in the same village were undergoing martial soul awakening, Zhang Dahe and Ling Xiaoshan might have already opened their mouths to comfort them.

Not surprisingly, the next two children in Shanhai Village, one with the martial spirit "Mimosa" and the other with the martial spirit "Short Wooden Stick", both have no soul power and do not have the qualifications to become soul masters.


Lu Yi put the blue crystal ball into the shoulder bag on his waist, raised his hand to use his soul power to take the six black round stones on the ground into his hand, and said unhurriedly: "That's it for this year, next year's martial soul awakening ceremony The time, one month later, Beikouhe Town Wuhun Hall will announce it to the public."


"Okay~Okay~" The villagers of Shanhai Village headed by Zhang Dahe nodded repeatedly and responded nervously:

"Lord Soul Master, it's so windy and snowy outside, do you want to rest for a while before leaving?"

"Yes, sir, it's not long before lunch. Although the village is poor, there are still wild animals and meat..."

"No need~" Lu Yi tied up his satchel again and walked towards the door of the stone house without looking back: "There are several villages behind -"

Looking at Lu Yi's back, Ling Yi's eyes flashed, he put his arms around Zhang Lei's shoulders, and whispered comfortingly: "Brother Lei, don't be sad. Although the crystal ball shows that you have no soul power, it doesn't mean that you are absolutely right. Soul power..."

"Perhaps, you just have very little soul power, so little that the crystal ball can't detect it——"

"Didn't it say that the minimum soul power is level one?"

"Maybe, Brother Lei, your soul power is level 0.1 or 0.01..."

Ling Yi's voice was so low that apart from himself and Zhang Lei, even Zhang Dahe and Ling Xiaoshan who were standing next to the two children did not hear it.

At the door, Lu Yi's palm resting on the door handle paused slightly, then he pulled it without leaving any trace, and opened the wooden door that was somewhat frozen at the bottom.


A cold wave blew into the house along with the howling cold wind. Before the subsequent wind and snow could continue to pour in, the burly body stepped out and closed the wooden door again, just in time to block the wind and snow.

While continuing to comfort Zhang Lei, Ling Yi's eyes turned to the closed wooden door. His clear eyes were black and white, like a quiet and deep pool.

At night, the wind died down and the snow stopped. Only the thick clouds above the sky remained, leaving the earth in darkness.

Ling Yi lay quietly on the bed. Every time he breathed in and out, the leaves of the thousands of "Blue Silver Grass" plants in the room around him seemed to be swaying in response.

In the corner, two bathtubs made of wooden boards were laid with hay, tattered cotton wool and other things. Ah Huang and Miao Miao were lying in them, sleeping deeply, with their abdomens rising and falling, making a dull sound.

In the pitch-black room where he couldn't see his fingers, Ling Yi opened his eyes and looked directly into the darkness, replaying the events of today in his mind.

Frame after frame of images appeared before my eyes, enlarged, sorted out, and passed by.

In the end, the figure that did not stop disappeared behind the wooden door that gradually closed, and with the snow falling in the sky, the generous back stopped in front of Ling Yi.

"What a pity~"

A murmur without sadness or joy sounded in the silent room.

Afterwards, the room fell into silence once again, and a sense of peace gradually spread, gradually filling the entire room.

Outside the house, it is clear that the peaceful meaning has not leaked out at all. Inside and outside the courtyard, the "Blue Silver Grass" covered with white snow, even though it is frozen and withered, is competing to move the remaining leaves and roots to the flat room. The unremarkable house stretches out.

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