Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 481 Passion under the Moon

Humans' senses of cubs always have a beautiful filter.

Especially when this cub is still delicate and cute in appearance, like perfect porcelain carved by master craftsmanship, that kind of love will overflow from the depths of my heart uncontrollably.

Looking at the little one in Ling Yi's arms, Gu Rong, who was always known for his cunning and cunning personality, suddenly felt a licking feeling in his heart, and had the urge to protect the little guy in front of him.

With something in mind, a kind smile from the heart suddenly appeared on Gu Rong's face, but because of the sunken face with sunken eye sockets that looked like a skeleton, this smile looked indescribably weird.

At this moment, Dugu Bo and Chen Xin, who had been bickering just now, had put aside their arguments and stepped forward in tacit understanding. They pushed Gu Rong behind them, and came side by side in front of Ling Yi, looking eagerly at the sound sleeper. The little guy with a sweet smile.

Seeing this, Ling Yi stopped teasing and handed the little guy in his arms to Dugu Bo.

After all, he is the little guy's biological grandfather, so it is only natural for him to hold his own granddaughter.

In this regard, Chen Xin, who had just used words to bully Dugu Bo, didn't say anything. He just stretched his neck. His sharp sword eyes were now filled with a mixture of curiosity, joy, blessing, and dissatisfaction. Color, looking at the little guy's white and tender face for a moment.

Behind, Gu Rong, who was squeezed away by Dugu Bo and Chen Xin, was not annoyed. He just stood up straight. His height of two and a half meters allowed him to easily tower over the two of them and continue to look at the little guy's cute sleeping appearance. .

After handing the little guy to Dugu Bo, Ling Yi turned around to say hello to Dugu Xin and his wife, and left the Dugu family's residence with the two of them seeing each other off.

Walking on the streets of "Lingyun City", as far as you can see, you can see the bustling crowds of people, the orderly shops and vendors, the heroic patrols, the clean and tidy streets and greenery...everywhere is full of people. A picture of prosperity.

After walking through two streets, Ling Yi arrived at the entrance of the Martial Spirit Research Institute. Just as he was about to go in, he heard a crisp oriole sound: "Brother Yi——!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ling Yi stopped, turned around, and looked at the visitor.

She was a young woman with blue-grey hair, eyes as clear as spring water, delicate facial features, and an elegant temperament. She was wearing a silver slim-fitting dress that was well-tailored, highlighting her exquisite figure. She had a slender waist and a firm chest. Full, and the most impressive thing is the pair of slender and round jade legs wrapped in flesh-colored transparent crystal stockings, paired with silver high heels, making people want to get closer, but they are afraid of blaspheming the beauty.

Twenty-three-year-old Tang Yuehua is in his most beautiful years and has the most moving appearance.

A quarter of an hour later, on the elevator that reached the top of Qingyun Mountain, Ling Yi and Tang Yuehua stood side by side, overlooking the panoramic view of the increasingly smaller "Lingyun City" below.

The sunset gradually fades away from the sky, and under the half-circle of the setting sun, the sky is pale glass, light yellow and gradually golden.

The elevator was smooth and fast, and the breeze blew past Tang Yuehua's ears, ruffling her blue-gray hair.

Lifting her jade hand lightly, her white and slender little fingers raised her hair and gathered it together. Tang Yuehua's beautiful eyes turned to the figure beside her who was thinking about her.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Tang Yuehua's crystal eyes reflected Ling Yi's face, which was so handsome that no flaw could be found, with long eyebrows like willows and eyes like stars. His dark hair was tied up with a white jade crown. He was tall and straight, standing like a pine tree. His blue clothes were swaying slightly in the breeze, showing an indescribable freedom of expression.

It can be said that Ling Yi is just standing here. In Tang Yuehua's heart, this is a grand scene that beats everything in the world!

As another newly promoted carving master in Douluo Continent, Tang Yuehua now has the urge to pick up the carving knife, take out the newly purchased piece of Ten Thousand Years Warm Jade from the storage soul guide, and leave the image of Ling Yi in front of him forever. .

However, before Tang Yuehua could start to think about it, the elevator at his feet had stopped rising, and the top of Qingyun Mountain had arrived.

Under the leadership of Ling Yi, Tang Yuehua walked into the core of "Lingyun City".

As early as the moment he arrived at the top of the mountain, Tang Yuehua discovered that the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy here was more than double that of "Lingyun City" below the mountain!

However, after entering the city lord's palace, Tang Yuehua's beautiful eyes suddenly stared, and her mouth opened slightly, showing a frightened expression.

"The aura here...?!" Tang Yuehua looked at Ling Yi eagerly.

However, facing Tang Yuehua's inquisitive look, Ling Yi did not respond. He just smiled and shook his head, saying: "It's also a coincidence that Erlong happened to be away. Some time ago, she told me that since she graduated from [Tiangong College] After that, it’s a pity that you two schoolmates couldn’t get together again…”

Hearing this, Tang Yuehua's eyes dimmed because she remembered the encounter a few years ago.

If her second brother Tang Hao hadn't had a conflict with Brother Yi at that time, she would have been able to reunite with Liu Erlong, a good sister, and have more interactions with Brother Yi.

Thinking like this, Tang Yuehua showed a somewhat forced smile and said apologetically: "Brother Yi, speaking of that encounter five years ago, it was indeed my second brother's fault. Thank you for putting aside the past grudges and taking care of me before." Father’s treatment…”

"No problem~"

Ling Yi waved his hand and said calmly: "That time five years ago, I [Lingyun City] did not suffer a loss."

After a pause, he continued: "As for treating Zhen Tian Mian, this is just what a healing soul master should do, and Guizong also paid the corresponding consultation fee."

Ling Yi said it calmly, but Tang Yuehua couldn't help but reveal a hint of resentment after hearing it.

Ling Yi saw the change in Tang Yuehua's expression, but did not give any response. He reached out sideways and said softly: "Let's not talk about this anymore, Miss Tang San, please~"

"Brother Yi!" Tang Yuehua stood still, looking at Ling Yi with a pair of pupils.

Ling Yi looked at Tang Yuehua, who had a stubborn look on his face, with a little surprise on his face: "What's wrong?"

"You used to..." Tang Yuehua bit her pink lips with her teeth and said in an aggrieved voice, "They all called me Yuehua."

In response, the polite and courteous smile on Ling Yi's face faltered slightly, her smile faded, and her brows furrowed slightly.

Seeing this, Tang Yuehua panicked, his eyes dodged, and he whispered: "You... you are willing... just willing, I... I can do it..."

Looking at Tang Yuehua who looked like a frightened little animal, Ling Yi suddenly smiled: "Okay, Yuehua."

Tang Yuehua: "..."

At this moment, Tang Yuehua's mind was blank. Ling Yi's smile and the long-lost "Yuehua", to be honest, gave Tang Yuehua an indescribable feeling of joy, and his whole person seemed to be floating on the sky. Up in the clouds, feeling dizzy.

When the soul returned to the body, Tang Yuehua realized that he had been sitting in a magnificent and bright restaurant without knowing it.

At this time, the new moon was rising outside the house, the stars had not yet appeared, and the sky and earth were dark, but inside the house, it was as bright as day.

There is a word called beautiful scenery and delicious food.

Although the delicacies carefully cooked by Li Zhishu and Shao Xin were delicacies that were hard to find in the world, in front of Ling Yi's face, Tang Yuehua only focused on watching Ling Yi's frown and smile, even the outline of a smile at the corner of his mouth. For her, a small arc is more powerful than the impact of the delicious food on her taste buds!

An exquisite and luxurious dinner ended with Tang Yuehua feeling disappointed.

After personally delivering Tang Yuehua to the mansion purchased by [Haotian Sect] in Lingyun City, Ling Yi waved goodbye gracefully, leaving Tang Yuehua alone standing under the dim moonlight as if she had just woken up from a dream.

At the corner of the street, Ling Yi was walking. A hand as white as jade stretched out from the darkness, grabbed his arm, and pulled him hard into the alley between the two houses next to him.

Then under the moonlight, Ling Yi saw clearly the face of the owner of the jade hand: "Yuehua?"

She had had a few cups of "Blue Silver Rice Flower Fragrance" at the dinner party. Now her face was slightly pink, and she looked particularly charming under the bright moonlight.

"Brother Yi,"

Tang Yuehua grabbed Ling Yi under the influence of alcohol and had almost exhausted all his courage. At this time, under Ling Yi's gaze, he lowered his head in shame and said in a voice like a mosquito: "We... the relationship between us Can the relationship...can...can it be changed?"

"Change?" Ling Yi's lips raised a playful arc, and asked with a half-smile: "What kind of relationship will it become?"

"Bosom friend?" Ling Yi said, taking a step forward, while Tang Yuehua took a step back.

"Still a beauty?" Ling Yi entered again, and Tang Yuehua retreated again.

Tang Yuehua, who had retreated to the corner and had no way to retreat, had her noodles scalding hot. She was already a little drunk and choked on her words: "I...I..."

Just when she was at a loss, a warm breath suddenly hit her face. A finger hooked her white chin and lifted it up slightly.

In Tang Yuehua's sight, Ling Yi's unparalleled beauty was only three fingers away from her face!

Feeling Ling Yi's warm breath and the faint fragrance of grass and trees mixed with a little alcohol, Tang Yuehua breathed quickly and felt weak all over.

Ling Yi stared at Tang Yuehua condescendingly for more than ten breaths. Just when the girl was about to be unable to bear it any longer, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and her head came to the other person's ear. While Tang Yuehua was trembling, she gently pointed at the round and jade-colored ear. He took a breath of the fragrant wine and whispered: "Still... the same relationship as Erlong?"


There seemed to be a string called 'reason' in his mind that broke at this moment. Tang Yuehua's heart twitched violently, and he felt as if his whole body was hit by electricity. His lower abdomen suddenly became hot, and an uncontrollable feeling of incontinence emerged crazily. His legs were weak and he was about to fall to the ground.

At the critical moment, Ling Yi's right hand flashed with green light, and several thriving bluesilver grasses in the corner grew rapidly, turning into a grass stool in an instant, supporting Tang Yuehua's body to sit firmly.

"Ho ho...!"

Tang Yuehua sat slumped on the straw bench, breathing heavily, her eyes blurred and her cheeks flushed.

Seeing this, Ling Yi turned around and looked at the entrance of the alley, where a middle-aged woman in white slim-fitting clothes was standing there.

Bailu, the cousin of Bai He, the leader of the [Agility Clan], the martial spirit "Sharp-tailed Swift", the sixty-third level agility attack type fighting spirit emperor.

According to the blood relationship, the other party can also be regarded as Tang Yuehua's aunt.

Ling Yi stepped out of the alley, and when passing by Egret, he nodded slightly to this beautiful middle-aged woman, with a warm and humble smile on his face, and turned away without saying a word.

Looking at Ling Yi's back, and then at Tang Yuehua who still couldn't come to his senses, Bai Lu had an indescribably complicated look on his face.

Having witnessed the entire process, she knew clearly that from beginning to end, apart from hooking Tang Yuehua's chin with her fingers, Ling Yi never had any physical contact with him.

After walking a few steps, he saw two tall figures again, leaning against the pillars in front of the shops on the other side of the street, with two pairs of bright tiger eyes staring at him for a moment.

Tilting his head, Ling Yi also had no intention of coming forward to say hello. He nodded to the two of them as a greeting and continued walking forward.

It can be seen that [Haotian Sect] has indeed changed its understanding and attitude towards [Lingyun City] and Ling Yi.

If it had been before last year's "Martial Soul City" Title Ceremony, not to mention the close-range affair with Tang Yuehua in the alley just now, or if Tang Yuehua had been invited alone to the city lord's mansion on the top of Qingyun Mountain for a dinner, I'm afraid there would have been someone accompanying him.

Even if it wasn't Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, the brothers, at least Bailu, as Tang Yuehuatang's aunt, could legitimately stay by her side.

But now it's different.

[Lingyun City] has a trade network throughout the Douluo Continent, and its influence can cover the entire continent. There are two powerful titled Douluo behind it. In terms of hard power, even though the middle-level combat power is still lacking, it is enough to compete with [Hao]. The two sects of Tianzong] and [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family] are comparable to the last three sects.

In addition, Ling Yi himself is a thirty-three-year-old seven-ringed soul saint. In terms of talent, not only Tang Hao, the first genius of the Haotian Sect, but Tang Xiao, the eldest son of the sect leader Tang Zhen, is even inferior to him. Above is the confirmed title Douluo.

He is also an extremely rare healing titled Douluo in Douluo Continent for thousands of years.

It can be said that both [Lingyun City] and Lingyi itself have great win-win value.

[Haotian Sect] is not exempt from vulgarity.

Especially after receiving the news that the [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family] intended to marry the daughter of a clan elder to Ling Yi to facilitate a marriage between the two families, the [Haotian Sect] became even more unable to sit still.

You must know that what was presented to the [Haotian Sect] together with the news of the marriage was the beneficial effect of pure "Dragon Power" on the bloodline of the "Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus" martial soul.

Once the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family] obtains a steady stream of pure dragon power, it will mean that the other party's descendants will continue to be born with geniuses, and the family's strength will steadily and rapidly increase!

As long as [Lingyun City] does not have the father and son duo of 'Seven Kill Douluo' Chen Jianjun and 'Sword Douluo' Chen Xin, [Haotian Sect], and even [Martial Soul Hall] and the two major empires and other forces, the first The first reaction would probably be to imprison or kill Ling Yi, completely cutting off the opportunity for the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family] to rise!

Even the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family] itself would probably capture Ling Yi back to the "Jade Dragon Mountains" and imprison him as soon as they get the news, and use him as a medicine refining tool.

However, there are no what-ifs in this world. The reality is that [Lingyun City] has risen, backed by a powerful force that no one can ignore, with huge interests that attract all forces as bait, and with good reputation and relationships built over so many years, [ Lingyun City] has become a hot topic that all parties are competing to win over.

Ling Yi has also become the best marriage partner in the eyes of all the forces in Douluo Continent.

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