Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 483 The hatred of the snowy night

"It's not a "swan", or rather, it's not an ordinary "swan". "

In the Royal Garden, a petite figure with wings on its back spreads its arms and legs in the open space with a graceful posture. Under the pavilion not far away, there is a stone table in the middle, with three men and one woman sitting next to it.

Ling Yi sat sideways on the stone bench, watching Xue Qianxun dancing like a dancer while practicing the third form of "Beast Martial Spirit·Xingyi Fist Frame·II"·Hongfei Mingming.

"How to say?"

Xue Ye also looked at Xue Qianxun with complicated emotions in her heart.

He really didn't expect that this eldest daughter, whom he had never cared about, could actually have the innate talent to be full of soul power!

Although she is a woman, her innate soul power means that as long as she is trained step by step, she is guaranteed to be an Eight-ring Soul Douluo in the future!

If more resources are accumulated, Xue Qianxun's own understanding is not hindered, and there is a little chance, their ["Swan"·Xue Family] will give birth to the first titled Douluo!

Titled Douluo!

Think about the Dai family, the royal family of the [Star Luo Empire], what if the "White Tiger" martial spirit is powerful? After all these years, I haven't seen you have a titled Douluo. Are you relying on the martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld White Tiger' with [Civet·Zhu Family] to support your appearance?

I had thought about these snowy nights that were still a little sour, but now I suddenly felt elated.

Just a little bit...

‘It would be great if this was a son~’

Xue Ye looked at Xiao Qianxun, who was as graceful as a giant at this time, and thought with regret in her heart. Although his expression did not change, and he maintained his fondness for Xue Qianxun, the pity in his eyes could not be hidden from Ling Yi beside him.

Ling Yi had a clear understanding of Xue Ye's psychological activities, but he did not criticize them and continued to speak unhurriedly:

"According to my observation, the feather color of the Xue family's "Swan" martial spirit is basically snow-white. Occasionally, if it mutates into other attributes, it will change into other colors, such as vermilion for the fire attribute, red for the wind attribute. The light cyan color, the emerald green color of wood...

Although the feathers of Xueer's "Swan" martial spirit are also white, they are milky white with a touch of gold. "

"Golden?" Xue Ye quickly suppressed the regret in her heart and focused her eyes on the pair of wings spread out behind Xue Qianxun's back after being possessed by the martial spirit.

"Is it a light attribute?"

After seeing the faint golden light in the sun, Xue Ye thought of his Queen Disiya.

He remembered that Queen Disiya's martial spirit was the "Glorious Bird of Paradise". As you can tell from the name, it was a bird-like spirit beast with light attributes.

"Hmph!" Xue Ye narrowed his eyes and said in a colder voice: "It seems that the people in the clan have been living too comfortably in recent years!"

He actually had to remind Ling Yi about this kind of thing instead of directly confirming it at the 'Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony', which made him feel that he had lost face in front of Ling Yi. He, who was already in a bad mood because Xue Qianxun was not his son, suddenly became unhappy.

"In the previous 'Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony', everyone was too surprised by Xue'er's innate full soul power, so they ignored it -" Ling Yi gave a step at the right time.

Hearing this, the slight anger on Xue Ye's face instantly subsided, and he naturally turned around and asked: "Since Master Ling has seen that Qianxun's martial soul has light attributes, what about Qianxun's subsequent training policy? Do you have any advice or advice?”

After saying that, he cast a friendly smile at Chen Xin, who had been silent and cold-looking next to Ling Yi.

In response to this, Chen Xin just nodded calmly.

"There's no rush~" Ling Yi smiled and shook his head, looking at Xue Qianxun who was sweating on his forehead not far away, and said, "I'll wait until I ask the little girl clearly about her choice of future route, and then we'll discuss it again."

Seeing this, Xue Ye secretly gritted his teeth, feeling filled with panic.

Next to her, Queen Disia was watching the conversation between the two men. She had recovered from the shock of Xue Qianxun's amazing talent, and she could clearly feel the difference between Xue Ye and Ling Yi.

Thinking about the six years since her daughter Xue Qianxun was born, Xue Ye has only visited their mother and daughter a handful of times, and although Ling Yi has not visited them that many times, there are visits from [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] every once in a while. 】people sent some interesting objects and delicious food...

Sometimes Disiya couldn't tell whether she was looking forward to seeing more snowy nights every day, or whether she was looking forward to seeing more Ling Yi.

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard a sharp "Mother" sound in her ears, and a fiery figure immediately rushed into her arms.

Subconsciously hugging the petite and soft body in her arms, Dixia Su gently raised her hands, twisting Xue Qianxun's golden hair that was stuck to her red cheeks due to sweat, and pushed it behind her ears, and softly scolded: "Female Children should pay attention to their manners, why do they look like little skinned monkeys..."

Somehow, if it had been another time, with Emperor Xue Ye present, Disiya would have taught her daughter Xue Qianxun very solemnly, in order to make Xue Ye pay more attention to Xue Qianxun.

But now, Disiya did not do this. Instead, she treated her daughter with the doting attitude of an ordinary mother in every word and deed she did when Ling Yi was the only one present.

I don't know whether it was because of Ling Yi's presence at this time, or because her daughter's awakened martial soul had top-level qualifications such as innate full soul power, which made her feel full of energy all of a sudden, and she felt confident.

Come to think of it, is it the second reason?

Disiya thought in her heart, but glanced at Ling Yi unnaturally. When she saw those gentle and soft eyes, she felt a strange feeling of guilty conscience welling up in her heart, and subconsciously withdrew her gaze. , forcing myself to focus on my daughter again.


Just when Xue Ye coughed lightly and was about to call Xue Qianxun over to talk and re-establish the relationship between father and daughter, he heard Ling Yi beside him speak before him: "Xue'er——"

Hearing Ling Yi's voice, Xue Qianxun immediately stopped clinging to Disiya's arms. She jumped in front of Ling Yi like a deer. She seemed to have remembered what her mother had just said about her manners. She immediately put a pair of small hands on her back. Behind him, the little face that was already rosy from practicing boxing became three points redder.

Xue Ye: "..."

A dozen steps away, among the two rows of guards standing guard, Xu Yixiu and Xiao Tie looked at each other.

Xiao Tie: ‘Old Xu, why do I see that our Majesty has no sense of presence in the pavilion? ’

Xu Yixiu: ‘It’s not just that there is no sense of existence, it is simply that there is no sense of existence! I feel embarrassed! ’

Xiao Tie: 'Indeed, it's really embarrassing to ride on a horse...'

I didn't know that some of the guards were planning their own snowy night in their hearts, and they did feel embarrassed and uncomfortable at this time.

However, when I think about Ling Yi's current identity and status, and then think about the 'Sword Douluo' Chen Xin sitting next to Ling Yi, and the two Contra-level palace ministers standing not far behind him, no matter how uncomfortable I feel, They were all suppressed by him, maintaining a kind smile called 'fatherly love' on his face.

Xue Qianxun, who was being looked at by Xue Ye, twisted unnaturally and looked up at Ling Yi with a pair of watery eyes: "Uncle Ling Yi, I have learned the 'Hong Fei Ming Ming' you taught me -"

It can be heard that the little girl's crisp voice is full of joy and pride, and her little face has a little expression of "Come on, praise me, come on, praise me".

Ling Yi did not praise her, but shook his head and said with a normal expression: "Xue'er is so smart, it's not surprising that she can learn from me."

Although she didn't get any outright praise from Ling Yi, Xue Qianxun was even happier and raised her chin high: "That's——!"


At this moment, Xue Ye coughed again, drawing the eyes of Xue Qianxun and Ling Yi to him. After the two looked over, their already straight back straightened again.


Xue Qianxun looked at Xue Ye's somewhat unfamiliar face. Although she was smiling, she always felt a little scared. The joy on her face suddenly disappeared, her head instinctively lowered slightly, and her body hunched down. I don’t know where to put my little hands.

She had just tried very hard not to look at her strange father, and told herself like an ostrich that there were only two people in the pavilion, the queen mother and uncle Ling Yi, just like when uncle Ling Yi came to visit their mother and daughter. The scene is the same.

On the other side, seeing Xue Qianxun's change, the smile on Xue Ye's face froze, and the lines that had been drafted in her mind suddenly got stuck.

Xue Ye felt a little regretful in her heart. She regretted that she had not cared about her eldest daughter all these years and had not even said a few words to her.

But what's more, he is still angry. In his opinion, he is Xue Qianxun's father. Regardless of whether he has not cared about him in these years, the other party should not ignore him or resist him like this.

Especially when he was so close to Ling Yi, an outsider, a second ago, but now he showed such a fearful expression towards him, it made him jealous and hateful of Ling Yi so angry that he wanted to reach the sky.

In Xue Ye's opinion, when Ling Yi brought "Blue Silver Rice" and a crossbow to him when he was still the third prince, he must have wanted to become his follower.

Seeing the honor of Artimus and Xuexing, as well as their achievements in offering "Blue Silver Rice" and crossbows, Xue Ye didn't mind accepting Ling Yi as his subordinate.

Even with the involvement of [Martial Spirit Hall] and [Great Soul Fighting Arena Menethil Family] in the matter of "Blue Silver Rice", he only thought that Ling Yi's confidentiality work was not in place, and he was... The two families saw the benefits and came after hearing the news.

At most, Ling Yi could use both sources to sell at a reasonable price, thereby increasing his own value through the intervention of these two companies.

The [Shuimu Principality] could not let Ling Yi return. He, Xue Ye, was the future master of the [Tian Dou Empire]. He would definitely be able to tame the resourceful and ambitious Ling Yi and make him obey his orders.

However, what Xue Ye didn't expect was that when he repeatedly expressed his intention to recruit Ling Yi into the [Tian Dou Empire] court and serve in his Xue Ye team, Ling Yi refused!

He actually refused! !

At that moment, if Ling Yi had not been close to Salas and others from the Tiandou Spirit Temple, he would have been accompanied by Dugu Bo, the newly promoted Seven-ring Soul Saint, the 'Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor', and the [Broken Clan] Yang Xueli, the daughter of the collateral clan, was inseparable. He really wanted to send someone to kill Ling Yi physically.

However, Xue Ye, who was still just the third prince at that time, had many scruples in his heart. Coupled with the intricate network of relationships entangled with Ling Yi, he finally chose to endure it, thinking that he would endure it until he ascended the throne and sit down. Go to the emperor's throne in the [Tian Dou Empire], and then go back and deal with this unruly Ling Yi.

It's a pity that as soon as Xue Ye ascended to the throne of God, Ling Yi's strength and power also became stronger step by step in these years. There were more and more related forces, and the speed of its development was so fast that Xue Ye was heartbroken. shock.

But what followed was even stronger anger.

If Ling Yi had entered his hands early, would everything Ling Yi later owns belong to him, Xue Ye?

Therefore, Xue Ye hated Ling Yi for being ignorant and refusing his solicitations many times; he was also jealous of Ling Yi's luck, that he could develop such a large-scale power from a simple citizen in just a few years. , which is inferior to the throne he strives for.

But no matter how much hatred and jealousy there is, facing the already successful Ling Yi, the 'Seven Kills Douluo' Chen Jianjun who is far away in the 'Lingyun City', and the 'Sword Douluo' Chen Xin who is right in front of you. , Xue Ye could only bury all her unwillingness and jealousy deep in her heart, forced a kind smile on her lips, nodded to Ling Yi, and said with a 'wry smile': "Make Master Ling laugh~"

"Where~" Ling Yi responded with an understanding smile and his voice was gentle.

Xue Ye's eyes turned to Xue Qianxun again, and she said in a soft voice: "Qianxun, my father just asked Master Ling if he had any suggestions for your future cultivation. Master Ling said that he wanted to ask you about your plans first..."

After a pause, looking at Xue Qianxun, whose expression slowly returned from fear to calmness, Xue Ye continued: "Tell me, what do you think about your next route?"

"Although our Xue family's "Swan" martial spirit is not a powerful martial spirit, it has considerable advantages in terms of flight and soul power recovery. You can consider the power attack system and the agility attack system, father. You and Uncle Nine Emperors, as well as other clan elders and clan uncles, basically follow these two routes..."

As Xue Ye spoke, she observed the changes in Ling Yi's expression without any trace.

He had some careful thoughts in mind, because Ling Yi himself is a healing soul master, and Xue Qianxun's "Swan" martial spirit has light attributes due to the bloodline of his mother Disiya's "Brilliant Bird of Paradise" martial spirit. Xue Ye was worried that Ling Yi would lead Xue Qianxun to take the treatment route.

As we all know, the training speed of auxiliary soul masters such as the healing system on Douluo Continent is slower than that of combat soul masters. Everyone blames Ling Yi for being able to achieve the seven-ring soul saint realm at the age of thirty-two or three. Yu Lingyi's second awakening of his martial spirit and the current environment of Douluo Continent fully planting "Blue Silver Grass" are special circumstances and cannot be replicated.

With Xue Qianxun's innate soul power, Xue Ye also believed that even if the opponent chose the healing route, his training speed would not be too slow, but he still hoped that Xue Qianxun would take the combat route.

In addition to being able to practice faster this way, it can also become the trump card of the [Tian Dou Empire] in the future.

An attack-type Titled Douluo and a healing-type Titled Douluo bring completely different blessings to national power.

This can be seen by just looking at the various forces in the mainland who are not so vigilant about Ling Yi's strength and progress.

Faced with Xue Ye's little thoughts, Ling Yi didn't pay attention, nor did he interrupt him. He just watched silently. Whether it was the treatment or combat system, it would not affect his subsequent training of Xue Qianxun.

No one really thinks that Master Ling, who is a healing soul saint, is weak, right?

The little girl was still practicing the advanced version of "Beast Martial Spirit: Xingyiquan" taught by him just now~

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