Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 107 The terminated battle

Su Yi took a deep breath, yes, how can one not do his best in a battle?

Nemo challenged him with ardent enthusiasm for battle, and commanded with all her strength in the battle. She fought with Bankilas with all her strength without hesitation, but he was still hesitating whether to retain his strength?

"Cruel Claw Dragon!" Su Yi shouted, his tone containing all-out courage: "Full firepower! Turn violent!"

The Misty Claw has been waiting for this moment for a long time. It roared loudly, its ferocious roar shook the sand and dust, its neck lit up with an orange-red fierce light, and its huge mouth with sharp teeth spit out white steam, which was faintly visible. In the meantime, something seemed to be floating out.

Su Yi, who was in the sandstorm, didn't observe that much, but ordered in a trembling voice: "Latter Claw!"

"Did you use a strengthening move and then start going all out? Great! That's what it has to be!"

"Banjilas, use all your strength! Attack with sharp rocks!" Nemo also ignited as the atmosphere became increasingly heated!

Bankiras's eyes instantly became ferocious and violent. It roared and punched out, shattering the earth. The sharp rocks surged up and rushed toward the Mistyclaw like a wild wave.

The speed of the Misty Claw Dragon increased a lot, like a red phantom flashing through the sandstorm.

call! The Misty Claw leaped up and jumped away from the sharp stone attack as usual.

Seeing this, Nemo shouted: "Don't think of repeating the same trick! Bankiras, attack with sharp rocks, focus more!"

"Ka!" Bankiras slammed the ground again, and a huge energy rock spike rose into the sky, predicting its landing point and pointing at the Misty Claw in the sky.

Su Yi called out to him, "What a youth version of Cliff Sword and Rock?"

"Crush it with your sharp claws!" Su Yi shouted.

"Howling!" The Mistyclaw waved its laceration claws, and danced with both claws. Its giant white claws intertwined with a network of pale claw blades, smashing all the rock spikes all the way.

Boom! Boom!

The huge sharp stone attack was destroyed. After the Misty Claw landed on the ground, its powerful hind legs used force again and rushed towards Bankiras who was close in front of them like arrows.

Miso miso miso!

The violent continuous claw attacks were completed in an instant, and Bankilas howled in pain and retreated continuously.

The laceration status granted by previous hits will be continuously triggered with the continuous attacks of the laceration claw.

Originally, the damage caused by the laceration state was very small for a powerful Pokémon, but when the additional laceration damage caused by the laceration claw was continuously added, the damage suddenly became very considerable.

"Huh!" The Mistyclaw stopped its laceration claw and panted heavily. The white water vapor was exhaled for a long time, making it look even more ferocious.

"Earthquake!" Nemo shouted.

The retreating Bankiras abruptly stopped his decline, and then stepped on the ground. The violent earthquake knocked the Mistyclaw to the ground, and then shocked its body, making it scream miserably.

"Howling!" But soon, the Mistyclaw got up again, but its momentum became more and more fierce.

The fierce mutual attacks are dizzying.

"The momentum of that Pokémon has become so strong! The attack is so fierce! Is this the full strength of Brother Su Yi?" Ma Li stared blankly at the Claw Claw exuding a wild and ferocious aura, and was shocked in her heart. Such a battle, It is completely beyond her reach now.

Nemo said in shock: "What a strong Pokémon! No! Rather, what a wild and violent Pokémon!"

Whether it was an overwhelming charge that shattered sharp rocks or a continuous, ferocious and violent attack, she felt like she was being suppressed and suffocated.

"Such a battle! It really makes me happy! Bankelas, Queen of the Dance of the Dragons, use the Dragon Claw to attack!" Nemo shouted loudly, emotionally.

Bankilas used Dragon Dance to strengthen again, and then charged in with his dragon claws.

"Cruel Claw Dragon, let's attack with the Laceration Claw!" Su Yi shouted.


The two angry beasts used their sharp claws to attack fiercely, and their violent roars shook the sandstorm.

"Is this a top-notch showdown? That girl is actually that strong?!" Ma Li watched the fierce battle intently, and at the same time wondered who the girl was.

"Bloody Claw Dragon, bite!" Seeing that the wrestling between Bankiras and Brutal Claw Dragon was not weak at all, Su Yi gave the order after thinking for a while.

With its claws clamped down, the Dragon Claw opened its sharp-toothed mouth and bit into Bankiras.

"Earthquake!" Nimo reacted very quickly and immediately ordered.

Bankiras swung his tail and hit the ground hard.


As soon as the Crusader claw bit Bankilas, there was a sudden shock under its feet. Although it was not as strong as the earthquake caused by stomping with all its strength, it was enough to break the balance of the Crusader claw.

Boom, boom, boom!

The two sides retreated after being attacked, took up their postures again, and looked at each other with ferocious eyes. Both sides were seriously injured, and Bankilas, who was restrained by his attributes, was even more seriously injured.

"Next" While enjoying the battle, Nemo was also thinking of countermeasures quickly.

But at this moment, outside the venue, several black and white figures rushed out of the bushes and opened Nemo's pockets with their sharp claws. Suddenly, several elf balls and several items fell down.

"Eh?" Nemo finally reacted and picked up her things in panic.

"Ouch?" Bankelas looked back at his trainer in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi could faintly see Nimo's busy figure through the sandstorm.

"Come back first, Bankilas!" Nemo took back Bankilas.

At this time, the time for the sandstorm had passed, and the sun shone down onto the messy site.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi stepped forward and helped Nimo pick up the things scattered on the floor.

"No more? That's a very important thing given to me here." Nimo looked around anxiously.

"Calm down! What happened?" Su Yi patted Nimo on the shoulder.

Nemo took a deep breath, regained her composure, and carefully recalled the figure that had just flashed past in the sandstorm. She frowned and said, "It seemed like some Pokémon just stole my things."

"Thief?" Su Yi frowned.

"But I didn't see clearly what Pokémon it was. The sandstorm was too big." Nemo looked around but couldn't find any clues.

"That thing was put in your pocket just now." Su Yi looked at Nimo's opened pocket.

Nimo nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then let me try." Su Yi said, taking out the insect guide canister from his backpack.

"What is this?" Nimo was suddenly curious.

Su Yi smiled and said: "He is an expert at finding things."

With that said, Su Yi put the insect guide tube into the broken pocket, and the guide insects attached to it, and then floated to the elf ball and several items in Nimo's hand. Among them, a small number of guide insects were directed to other places. Float away.

"There's a clue!"

Su Yi turned around and said to Ma Li, "Ma Li, I'm going to help first. It's up to you what you want to do next."

Unexpectedly, Ma Li shook her head and said, "No, I'm going with you. I seem to have seen a few black and white figures."

"A black and white figure? That's fine! Let's go!" Su Yi said, running along the guidance of the guide insect, and Ma Li immediately followed.

"Wait a minute!" Nemo ran up quickly.

As Su Yi ran, he looked at the guide insects that were gradually flying out of the park and onto the street. He frowned and said, "We have to hurry up. The atmosphere in the city is very complicated. I'm afraid that the guide insects will be lost or the atmosphere will be disturbed." "Hey, Nemo, can you tell me specifically what it is?"

"She seems to be struggling." Ma Li, who was following her, said.

".? Nimo?" Su Yi looked back and saw Nimo running panting, looking out of breath.

"Su Suyi, I'm not very good at sports."

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