Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 149 The swaying red afterglow

The capture ball opened and Xunmiao appeared in front of Su Yi.

Xun Miao wanted to stretch out comfortably first, but found a guy with a big chin raised and pecking towards it.


Xun Miao let out an angry roar and whipped his tail whip towards the black wolf bird.


The black wolf bird was caught off guard and hit its head. Since its center of gravity was tilted to the front, its body immediately tilted to one side and fell to the ground.

"Wow!?" Black Wolf Bird stood up, a pair of small eyes filled with confusion.

When did this guy show up?

Xunmiao turned back and looked at Su Yi with displeasure in his eyes, as if blaming him for suddenly putting it in front of the enemy's attack.

"Hahaha, thank you, Xunmiao." Su Yi smiled awkwardly.

"Anyway, Xun Miao, I'll leave this guy to you!" Su Yi said.

Xun Miao snorted softly, looked back at the Black Wolf Bird, and entered a fighting state.

Su Yi was relieved when he saw this. After all, he had been eating and drinking well for more than half a month, and he would have gained weight if he didn't move.

And he didn't want to remain in a state of no communication and inability to command with Xun Miao.

He really didn't want to do things like defeating the accompanying beasts.

Because the accompanying beasts already have intelligence that is no less than that of humans, doing so will most likely only aggravate misunderstandings and conflicts, and even turn into hatred.

And now Xun Miao is willing to help him fight, which is a good start.

When the black wolf bird saw Xun Miao assuming a fighting stance, its eyes became warlike again: Who cares! Open up and fight!

"Gah!" The black wolf bird spread its wings and flew up, aiming at Xun Meow with its sharp and hard beak. It dived and pierced it like a javelin.

"Xunmiao, dodge, and then use..." Su Yi commanded immediately.

But Xunmiao moved first.

I saw Xunmiao raising its tail, and the thorns at the end of the tail stood up like a hammer. Then, it swung it with all its strength against the "rocket headbutt" of the black wolf bird.



The tail flick hit, but Xun Miao still underestimated Black Wolf Bird's life-saving blow.

A large piece of Xun Miao's tail spine was broken off. Xun Miao roared in pain and quickly retracted the severely injured tail.

The black wolf bird shook his head, but there were a few blood marks on his face, and it didn't look like he had been seriously injured.

"Xunmiao, use your moves..." Su Yi shouted hurriedly.

But Xunmiao obviously has his own ideas.

It roared and rushed straight towards the black wolf bird.

The fighting spirit in the eyes of the black wolf bird did not diminish. It jumped up at the critical moment to avoid Xun Miao's attack, and then let out a harsh sound wave from its mouth.

Xunmiao paused, shook his head and roared irritably.

It seemed that Xun Miao had never fought a monster like the Black Wolf Bird before, and had no idea of ​​its abilities.

The black wolf bird took advantage of the victory and pursued it. It opened its claws and pounced from the air, grabbed Xun Miao's back, and then pecked fiercely with its hard beak.

Xun Miao jumped and ran angrily, and even hit the tree with its back, trying to throw it off.

But the black wolf bird grabbed Xun Miao's back tightly and refused to let go of its claws even though it was beaten and howling.

Both sides are competing for endurance.


At this moment, a flying claw suddenly flew over and grabbed the black wolf bird's head with a click.

With a swish sound, Su Yi flew to the head of the black wolf bird, guided by the rope.

"Gah?" The black wolf bird turned its eyes and glanced at this little human. A strange dagger appeared in his hand at some point.

"Single scabbard, split the tiles!"

With a buzzing sound, the scabbard of the single sword in Su Yi's hand burst into light, and then struck the black wolf bird hard on the head.

With a squeaking sound, the rusty sword blade slightly penetrated the flesh that was not protected by the carapace.



The scabbard of the single sword suddenly emitted a harsh and strange sound wave.

"Gah ah ah!" The black wolf bird was hit by the sound wave close to its face. It suddenly felt dizzy, its claws loosened, and it fell from Xun Miao's back.

Su Yi took the opportunity to jump down.

"Xunmiao, use the Shadow Blade!" Su Yi pointed with his sword.

"Howl!" Xunmiao narrowed his eyes, and strange power surged into his body.


A dark light shrouded the wing blade.

The black wolf bird stood up, opened its mouth with a roar, and a fireball flew towards it.

With a whooshing sound, the meow moved quickly, and the dark figure flashed past like a phantom passing through the gap, and the dim blade light connected in a line.


The fireball was cut open and turned into dissipating fireworks.

Before the Black Wolf Bird's second fireball came out, the sharp blade arrived in an instant.


The wing blade made a smooth cut on the black-purple carapace, and blood spattered out, spreading narrow blood stains on the ground.

The black wolf bird realized it and roared in pain.

Xunmiao looked at his wing blade. This kind of power was completely different from what it had once possessed.

The explosive power at that moment, and the lighter feeling of the body after using it, were completely different from before.

It has become stronger.

"So fast!" Su Yi was also surprised by Xun Miao's speed.

"Is this the actual manifestation of the first system?" Su Yi thought to himself.

The Jueying Blade has the advantage of system first when using it. After using it, it can also increase the speed. Doesn't this mean that the more you fight, the faster you get?


The Black Wolf Bird attacked again, and Xun Miao used the Shadow Blade again.

The cut was faster than last time, leaving the black wolf bird completely unable to react.

There was a stabbing sound, and the carapace was filled with scars.

The black wolf bird learned the lesson and immediately fluttered its wings and took off.


The black wolf bird roared angrily, opened its mouth in the air, and spat out fireballs from a high position.

Although not as good as the continuous fireballs of Zhanshen Black Wolf Bird, it was still very fast.

This is the Black Wolf Bird. It gets stronger as it fights, constantly learning and improving its combat capabilities.

Facing the array of fireballs falling from the sky, Su Yi commanded: "Move at high speed to avoid it!"

Xunmiao executed it immediately. It ran and jumped flexibly and quickly, dodging and swimming among the successive fireballs.


In the gap between dodging, Xun Miao swung his tail, and several tail spines shot out, some were blocked by the black wolf's carapace, and some pierced the flesh.

The black wolf bird stopped the fireball, imitated the attack method of the blue fire dragon, flew over and tore at it with its sharp claws.

"Beat me!" Su Yi shouted at the right moment.

Xun Miao twisted her body, and the tail with its erect spines was wrapped in light. It swung rapidly and hit the body of the black wolf bird heavily, interrupting its flight.

Aang ang ang!

At this time, a high-pitched roar, accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning, sounded behind him.

Su Yi turned his head and saw that in the distance, the thunder on the back of the Thunderjawosaurus was shining, and blue lightning was blooming on the nose and mouth.


The Thunderjaw roared and bit down viciously with its lightning-wrapped jaws.

The fierce jackal dragon couldn't dodge, so he used guard to resist.

But there was only a click sound, the thunder and lightning bit, the barrier shattered, and the Thunderjaws bit down again.


Thunder and lightning exploded, and the ferocious jackal screamed as it was bitten, then was thrown out and hit the ground heavily, dying.

In the original battle situation, the Miserable Claw Dragon was the main attacker, the Fierce Jackal Dragon used its hundred thousand horsepower and the front to contain and defend from time to time, the Flying Thunder Dragon assisted in the attack, and the Tickling Bird used solid rocks to hit the harassed ones hard.

Now that the restraining hand was gone, the Thunderjawsaurus immediately set its sights on the annoying tickling birds, intending to defeat them one by one.

"We can't waste time on this guy!" Su Yi said anxiously.

Seeing the black wolf bird standing up unyieldingly after being knocked to the ground, Su Yi took out the capture ball.

"Hello!" Su Yi threw it over.


The black wolf bird turned into light and was sucked into the ball.

At that moment, Su Yi rushed over and gave the violently shaking captured ball a big kick.



The capture ball flew out from the hollow outer wall of the giant tree and fell into the lush and complex forest.

It seems that the sound of the capture ball exploding can also be heard.

Xunmiao was stunned. It suddenly imagined in its mind that if it had resisted desperately and failed to score, would it have been included in the ball like this and thrown from the Coral Platform to the Miasma Valley?

"Xunmiao, let's go deal with that guy!" Su Yi ran towards the Thunderjaw Dragon.

"Ouch!" Xunmiao roared and followed.

On the other side, the bird was squealing and jumping up and down as the Thunderjaws drove it away.

The Thunderjawsaurus pounced on the side of the Thunderjawsaurus, but the Thunderjawsaurus instantly turned its head and bit the approaching Thunderjawsaurus.

The Thunderjaw Dragon was struck and held in its mouth, and was instantly paralyzed by the thunder and lightning in the Thunderjaw Dragon's mouth, making it unable to move.

"Jue Ying Blade!"


The phantom flashed and the wing blade sliced. The Thunderjaw Dragon roared in pain and let go of the Misery Claw Dragon.

"Do it again!" Su Yi waved.

Xun Miao moved again, and the wing blades passed through a blade of light, leaving a long and narrow blood mark on the body of Thunderjaw Dragon.


Thunderjaw Dragon roared angrily and locked its gaze on Xunmeow.

And Xunmiao suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and the red eyeshadow from his eyes to his ears began to emit a faint red light.

At the same time, a pair of wing blades suddenly became dark, and some energy enveloped the blades, like deadly blades that disappeared into the darkness.

"What's going on?" Su Yi was surprised.

What's going on in this state? The wing blade that suddenly turned dark was not an ability that the Velociraptor species had.

"Is this the Pokémon's ability? Wait, with high-speed movement and four speed increases from the Shadow Blade, Swift Meowth's speed has been increased to the maximum!"

Su Yi remembered Xun Miao's characteristics and said in surprise: "Is this the Jueying characteristic fully activated?"

Characteristics: Jueying (when the physical strength is above half, the moves of this series will be +1 first. After the speed is increased to the maximum, the exclusive moves will hit the vital point more easily)

"Okay! Just use the Shadow Blade to launch a fatal attack!" Su Yi clenched his fist and said excitedly.

"Howl!" Xunmiao roared, and the ghostly figure rushed towards Thunderjaw Dragon.

The Thunderjaw Dragon roared angrily, opened its jaws that exploded with lightning, and flew towards him with the explosion of lightning.

"Don't force it!" Su Yi immediately reminded him when he saw Thunderjaw Dragon using its ultimate move.

Halfway through, Xunmiao's body flashed, and the swaying red residual light traced an arc trajectory, avoiding the thunderous bite of the Thunderjaw Dragon.

After that, Xunmiao chased after him again and slashed with a swipe of his wing blade.

"Su Yi, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon wants to escape, meow!" Lu Cao reminded, pointing not far away.

Seemingly taking advantage of the back-and-forth between the Thunderjaw Dragon and the accompanying beasts, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon recovered some of its strength and was running staggeringly towards the branches of the big tree.

"Then let's fight quickly..." Su Yi turned back and was about to call the accompanying beasts to launch a general attack.

But I saw the Thunderjaw Dragon running away under the big tree with the help of the encirclement that was broken by the thunderous bite.

"Tsk." Su Yi curled his lips.

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