Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 164 Concerto of the forest, thunder dragons dancing together!

According to the traces Su Yi investigated along the way, Thunderjawsaurus has probably left the outskirts of the ancient tree forest.

At the same time, when Su Yi conquered the Flying Thunder Dragon and the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, this large area of ​​vacant territory was quickly divided up by other monsters.

In addition to the original few monsters, the Thunder Wolf Dragon came here from nowhere and seized the fertile territory.

And its conflict with the original overlord of this area, the Fire Dragon, is inevitable.

From the previous traces, it can be seen that the two are engaged in an all-round turf war, and they have fought against each other more than once.

The two sides, who could be described as enemies, were extremely jealous when they met and completely ignored Su Yi and his party.

The male fire dragon roared, spread its wings and flew up. The thunder wolf dragon stared closely at the low-flying male fire dragon, its strong limbs ready to move.

"Save the cat first!" Su Yi released the steel-armored crow.

"Lumi, you take the Steel Armored Crow and rescue your companions first!" Su Yi patted the Steel Armored Crow and pointed to the three cats on the vines in the distance.

The situation was critical at this time, and Lu Mi had no time to marvel at the steel-armored crow that suddenly emerged from the ball. She nodded heavily and said: "Thank you for your help, meow!"

Lumi quickly climbed onto the back of the steel-armored crow.

"Gah!" The steel-armored crow looked at the two monsters testing each other in the center of the small pool, and flew above them without fear.

"Roar!" The male fire dragon, unable to hold on any longer, took the lead in taking action, and with its roar, exploding fireballs spurted out continuously.

Boom boom boom!

The explosive flames of the fireball illuminated the slightly dim forest stream.

"Ouch!" The Thunder Wolf Dragon was agile and moved on the undulating terrain composed of rocks and tree roots, passing by the flames bursting from the fireball.

When the two were fighting, the steel-armored crow sprinted quickly, flew over the head of the male fire dragon, and flew above the vines.

The male fire dragon noticed the steel-armored crow flying boldly over its head, showed an annoyed look, and spread its wings to chase after it.

At this moment, Thunder Wolf Dragon seized the opportunity, jumped up high, grabbed the male Fire Dragon's tail with his sharp claws, and pulled it to the ground with strength and weight.

On the back of the steel-armored crow, Lumi greeted anxiously: "Comrades, come up quickly, meow, someone is here to help us, meow!"

"It's Luminya!"

"I'm saved, meow!" The three cats were relieved and hurriedly climbed onto the back of the steel-armored crow.

"Gah!" After Maomao sat down, the steel-armored crow flapped its wings and flew towards Su Yi.

"Roar!" The male fire dragon was forced to fall from the sky. He grabbed the back of the thunder wolf dragon with his sharp claws and breathed out in his mouth.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon sensed the danger and leaned hard against the iron mountain, causing the male Fire Dragon's body to sway and the breath from his mouth to hit the rock on the side.

Although the explosion and splashing flames still burned the Thunder Wolf Dragon, it was not a big problem.

The male fire dragon also took advantage of this to fly into the air again, but by chance, the steel-armored crow happened to fly in front of it at this time. The male fire dragon's face showed a fierce light, and flames brewed in its mouth again.


At this moment, a ferocious roar sounded, and a crimson phantom quickly climbed up the tall trees, then leaped high, opened its claws and pounced fiercely at the male fire dragon, and the sharp teeth in its mouth fiercely bit its teeth. neck.

The male fire dragon let out a painful roar, flapped its wings and slammed into the thick tree trunk, intending to knock it down.

"Misery Claw Dragon, jump down!"

The Claw Dragon on the back of the male Fire Dragon immediately obeyed the command, jumped off its back, then clasped the tree with its sharp Claws, penetrated deep into the trunk, firmly clung to the vertical tree trunk, and roared ferociously towards the Male Fire Dragon.

"Ouch?!" The Thunder Wolf Dragon showed vigilance to the sudden appearance of the Misty Claw Dragon.


"Roar!" The sharp claws stepped hard, splashing water, and the thug roared bravely.


The red light flickered, and a dark figure stepped out from the shadow of the woods.

"I think you saw someone having a party and you didn't call me?" Su Yi, wearing a Barbarian jaw dragon suit, walked out slowly. Barbarian jaw dragon and Velociraptor stepped out from both sides of him, ready for battle.


The Misty Claw jumped down from the tree trunk, walked slowly, and also entered a fighting state.

At this moment, three accompanying beasts surrounded the male fire dragon and the thunder wolf dragon.

The steel-armored crow landed smoothly and put down the insect cage cats.

"Roar!" Seeing so many monsters invading his territory, the male fire dragon roared with rage.

"Ouch." The Thunder Wolf Dragon tensed its muscles and looked at the visitor with its wild beast eyes. It was alert to the movements of all the monsters present and let out a low roar with high fighting spirit.

Su Yi spread his hands and said, "What's wrong? Aren't you welcome?"

"It seems there is some missing music, Lucao, music!" Su Yi snapped his fingers and pointed at Lucao.

"Here you go, meow!" Lucao took out the motivational instrument he had prepared, raised his head and played "Certificate of Heroes".

Su Yi opened his arms and said loudly: "Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

"Roar!" As the king of the sky and the pinnacle of the ancient tree forest, the male fire dragon takes the lead in the dance!

Boom boom boom.!

The blazing fireball fell from the sky, and all the monsters moved and tried their best to avoid it.

"Steel-armored crow!" Su Yi called, and the steel-armored crow flew over. Su Yi and Lu Cao quickly climbed onto its back, and then flew high to get a full view of the whole situation.

"The scene has become chaotic, and I'm a little hard to direct. But it doesn't matter. The male fire dragon and the thunder wolf dragon are fighting on their own. We also have buffs here, so the advantage is mine!"

Su Yi's eyes were mainly on the Thunder Wolf Dragon, which was his favorite monster in the Monster Hunter series. Who doesn't like a handsome electric-discharging wolfdog?

The small forest creek and its surroundings ushered in a chaotic melee.

This is a battle that even large monsters with a lower ecological niche cannot intervene.

No matter which monster is present, as long as it launches a fierce attack, the large monster with a low ecological niche will be severely injured or even die in an instant!


The Barbarian Jaws found the Thunder Wolf Dragon, it hates guys who use electricity!

Taking advantage of its physical advantage, the Misty Claw quickly climbed up the tree, and under the cover of the Thousand Thorns thrown by Xun Miao's tail, it bit the male Fire Dragon with the intention of dragging it into the battlefield on the ground.

"Ouch!" Faced with the brutal bite of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, the Thunder Wolf Dragon chose to fight head-on!

The Thunder Wolf Dragon raised its front body, raised its strong front paws filled with lightning, and waited for the right moment to charge up and strike.

With a bang, the Brutal Jaw Dragon took a few steps back in embarrassment, its head feeling dizzy. The Thunder Wolf Dragon felt uncomfortable facing the Pokémon's moves, so it raised its body and took a few steps back to relieve its strength.

But in general, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon can barely compete with the Thunder Wolf Dragon in terms of strength by relying on the attack enhancement of its moves and the buff of the Dew Grass to stimulate musical instruments.

On the side of the male fire dragon, the two speed players of the Misty Claw and the Swift Meow continued to interfere and invade, gradually pulling it down from the sky, causing it to slowly lose its air superiority.

The lively fighting sounds in the forest were transmitted.

In a forest in the distance, in a nest that had been snatched from the poisonous demon bird, the black wolfbird's ears twitched slightly, raised its head sleepily, and then looked around.



The sound of fighting instantly stimulated its nerves and instantly refreshed it.

The black wolf bird's pair of fan-shaped ears turned in one direction to confirm the source of the sound.

"Ouch!" The black wolf bird stood up in high spirits, spread its wings and flew away.

Black Wolf Bird: I heard someone having a party but didn’t call me?

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