Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 181 Alien in the Quagmire

Su Yi and Lu Cao flew to the east of the large ant mound wasteland on the steel-armored crow.

The land underfoot has completely turned into wasteland, green has become the embellishment, and earthy yellow is the dominant color.

After flying over patches of rocky land composed of undulating rocks, a stream meandered through the earth-yellow curtain.

"Follow the current and you should be able to reach the shallow swamp." Su Yi said.

"Gah." The steel-armored crow looked down and flew along the current.

The wind picked up, getting stronger than before, and the yellow sand rolled up hit Su Yi and his party.

Fine grains of sand blew into the helmet through the gaps in the mask. Su Yi could only tighten his mouth and breathe carefully.

"Is the wind and sand getting louder?" Lucao called, burying his head in Su Yi's back to resist the wind and sand.

"This weather..." Su Yi looked up at the sky, looking at the endless sky in the distance.

The sky seems to be getting cloudy.

"Is it going to rain?"

This is not good news, as it means a lot of traces will be washed away.

"Gah!" The steel-armored crow reminded Su Yi.

Su Yi looked down. On the ground, many streams of water converged into a large swamp, and patches of purple plants grew on the muddy swamp.

"Arrived in the shallow swamp? There's something going on!" Su Yi patted the steel-armored crow on the back and signaled it to land.

Su Yi and Lu Cao jumped off the steel-armored crow and looked at the terrifying scene in front of them.

Above the swamp, several carcass carcasses were lying in random directions.

As soon as Su Yi approached, part of the insect guide flying out from the insect guide tank on his waist turned blue, and then attached to the wound of the Ankylosaurus.

Su Yi was shocked: "!"

"Is it an ancient dragon? Or a battle-hardened individual?" Su Yi suddenly thought of two possibilities in his mind.

The guide bug will only turn blue when it encounters the traces left by these two creatures.

Needless to say, Gu Long, and the so-called battle-experienced individual, from a precise definition, does not refer to an individual who has experienced many battles and has rich combat experience.

This can be explained by the unique leyline energy of the New World.

The dying ancient dragon will migrate to the Miasma Valley and die here.

The huge energy contained in their bodies will enter the earth veins and flow to all parts of the New World through the earth veins covering the entire New World, providing energy for the animals and plants in the New World.

These leyline energies will have a certain impact on monsters, and some monsters will become more powerful under the influence of leyline energy over time.

The surface colors of these individuals become more vivid, their combat effectiveness becomes more powerful, and the crystallization of ancient dragon energy - dragon vein stone - is condensed in their bodies.

And the more battle-experienced an individual is, the larger the Dragon Vein Stone in his body will be, and the stronger his combat power will be.

And because the energy of the earth veins they absorb is essentially ancient dragon energy, when the guide insects discover their aura, they will turn into the same blue color as when they encounter the traces of the ancient dragon.

The Li Zhan King above this is a level that can only be reached by ancient dragons. This is because they have a long lifespan and can accumulate greater energy in their bodies.

Generally speaking, combat-experienced individuals are individuals who contain ancient dragon energy in their bodies and have rich combat experience. They are dangerous beings with powerful bodies and experiences.

Su Yi carefully observed the armored dragon's injuries.

Terrifying piercing damage, a dented body hit hard by something, some hideous holes

These scattered corpses looked as if they had been massacred in panic and fear.

Su Yi first ruled out the possibility that Gu Long was responsible.

First, the injuries caused by the ancient dragon that may haunt the wasteland of the Great Ant Mound are inconsistent with the situation at hand.

Second, ancient dragons are proud creatures, and they generally will not kill creatures that are weak and have no benefit to them, such as armored dragons.

And this trace made Su Yi vaguely guess.

"Ceratopsian..." Su Yi looked at the huge puncture wound and said.

And those dented corpses should have been caused by the impact of the ceratopsian's tail hammer, which was like a double-headed war hammer.

"It's just that the horned dragon probably doesn't like to hang out in swamps. It probably prefers rocky areas and sandy areas, and the traces of those holes and wounds are a little strange..."

"Furthermore, why would a vegetarian Ceratopsaurus take the initiative to kill an Ankylosaurus?"

Just when Su Yi was trying to reconstruct the whole story of the massacre in his mind.

On the other side, Lucao looked at the carcass of the Ankylosaurus curiously.

"There are some strange traces around here, nya." Lucao approached the Ankylosaurus and found some drag marks in the mud next to the body.


"What's that sound? Meow?!" Lucao was startled and looked at the source of the sound.

The belly of the Ankylosaurus suddenly trembled, as if something was wriggling inside.

The next moment, a bloody figure rushed out of the hole and bit into the dew grass.

"Meow!?" Lucao Cat's fur stood upright, and he subconsciously slashed with his knife.

With a bang, the loach-like monster was knocked aside, but then it immediately pounced on it with a "cuck".

"What's wrong aibo?!" Su Yi heard the sound and immediately looked back.

The monster's cry was like a signal, and the abdomens of the surrounding Ankylosaurus corpses began to squirm.

The next moment, several monsters of different sizes but with the same shape burst out of their stomachs and rushed towards Su Yi and Lu Cao.

At that moment, Su Yi could see the flesh and blood between the sharp teeth of those monsters.

"What the hell!"

Su Yi was startled by this scene that looked like an alien had his chest broken.


A monster more than two meters long jumped up and rushed towards Su Yi.

"Get out!" Su Yi used his shield to knock the monster away, then slashed at it with a knife, and more monsters rushed over.

The steel-armored crow descended from the sky, grabbed one and threw it far away.

Su Yi released the bird and shouted: "Get it!"

"Gah!" The bird picked up a stone in the swamp, jumped a few times, and threw it at the monsters one by one.

After several monsters fell to the ground, the remaining monsters retreated and quickly disappeared into the mire.

"Huh! You scared me!"

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then squatted down to carefully observe the monster that was tickled.

"Looks like this, is it a cub of a mud fish dragon?"

Su Yi pulled the large long-legged mudskipper and identified the identities of these little monsters.

These young ichthyosaurs, which look like loaches with legs, like to eat internal organs. They will burrow into the host's body through various "holes" to eat the flesh and blood.

Moreover, their gills also have barb-like spines to grip the host and prevent them from breaking free.

And these armored dragons that were killed by horned dragons in front of them became their buffet.

"The armored dragon has some strange holes and wounds on its body. They should be caused by them." Su Yi nodded, and now the situation was much clearer.

Lucao calmed down and looked at the baby mud fish dragons curiously. Suddenly, a baby mud fish dragon trembled.

"Meow! There is still a living meow!" Lucao shouted.

"Oh? It's alive, then..." Su Yi took out a capture ball.

Mud Ichthyosaur, an ichthyosaur monster, is said to have been in this form a long time ago, and they have been highly adapted to the swamp environment.

This also means that its ability to move on land or in deep water will be greatly reduced.

Su Yi really couldn't think of any more room for it to develop, so he had no idea of ​​​​conquering the adult mud fish dragon.

But Su Yi was a little curious about what abilities Ichthyosaurus would have after becoming a Pokémon.

And this is just a cub, so it won’t be a burden to raise it for the time being. In the worst case, it will be handed over to an ecological researcher to raise.

After returning to Yang, although I was not as weak as the first time, my coughing and runny nose were more serious than last time, and my voice became hoarse.

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