Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 184 The Lingering Demon (3k)

"Captain, your situation seems not to be good."

Su Yi ran into the cave and found the limping captain holding a big sword, and two hunters lying unconscious on the ground.

"Great! It's you here, Su Yi." Seeing Su Yi, the captain of the investigation team finally felt relieved.

There is no doubt that Su Yi and his monster team brought him a sense of security immediately.

"Did you encounter the Black Horned Dragon that roared just now?" the captain asked solemnly.

Su Yi nodded and said in a deep voice: "Not only that, the Nergigant has also appeared."

"Did it really show up? And it's very close to us." The captain frowned.

More importantly, they were blocking the fastest route back to the base.

"We can only go around this area." Su Yi said.

"But my two teammates," the captain said solemnly, they are in urgent need of treatment and should not be bumped anymore.

"I have a way." Su Yi looked at the steel-armored crow on guard outside the cave.

Su Yi took out some bones, vines and cloth, and worked tacitly with Lu Cao and one cat to make three simple stretchers.

"Three people are almost the limit of what the steel-armored crow can carry, so the speed will be affected, and I'm afraid of being attacked by flying monsters."

As Su Yi said that, he took off the heavy and broken armor from the hunter and carried it onto the stretcher. At that moment, Su Yi was frightened by the horrific injuries on their bodies.

"Let the steel-armored crow carry them. My life is not in danger at least," the captain said.

Su Yi nodded and said: "Then you and I can ride on the accompanying beast, so that the steel armored crow can be more flexible."

"Gah!" the steel-armored crow screamed, grabbing two stretchers with the wounded and flying at low altitude.

"Bloody Claw Dragon, I'll leave it to you for the next step!" Su Yi patted the Brutal Claw Dragon and said.

"Ouch!" The Mistyclaw roared in response as it endured the uncomfortable sunlight.

The steel-armored crow flew at low altitude and easily flew over the rugged wasteland, while Su Yi and his party rode the Miscarriage Claw Dragon and followed them over the hills below.

Of course, Su Yi was worried and just let the steel-armored crow fly back with the wounded.

At least he had to escort the Steel Armored Crow around the rocky hills and fly through the shallow swamp before Su Yi could safely let the Steel Armored Crow fly back to his base.

The steel-armored crow was flying steadily at a medium speed while keeping vigilant eyes in the air.

Below, under the command of Su Yi, the Misty Claw Dragon ran and jumped on the undulating rock formations with its flexible and vigorous movements.

"Although the sun is shining brightly, the solemn atmosphere is really depressing," Su Yi said in a low voice.

Although the living environment in the Anthill Wasteland is harsh, many creatures have adapted to this land and survive tenaciously.

Groups of carapace dragons, polygamous crested dragons, hate birds eager for corpses, ant nest lizards crawling in the shade of rocks, Xiawu girls hanging in caves and weaving nets, and noises standing on rock pillars. Pterosaur.

In the past, these creatures that could be seen in the wasteland of the Great Ant Mound have now disappeared due to the arrival of the Nergigante.

There was no sound of fighting in the distance. I wonder how the battle between the Black Horned Dragon and the Nergigante went.

For a while, the Great Ant Mound Wasteland was somewhat quiet.

When the steel dragon descended on the ancient tree forest, a violent storm came instantly. The sight was filled with rain like layers of curtains, and the sound of howling wind and rain was heard in the ears. Su Yi and dew grass were like a lonely boat in the ocean, floating on the waves. Struggling to escape.

When the Corpse Dragon appears in the Valley of Miasma, the miasma spreads and the atmosphere is strange. Creatures infected by the miasma wander like zombies in the miasma. The Corpse Dragon is like the ruler of the underworld. It only needs to spread the miasma to wait for the living. Death made Su Yi and Lu Cao extremely depressed.

Although the Nergigante does not have the ability to change the weather and environment, it exudes an invisible chilling aura, keeping all living creatures at a distance. Now this rocky hill has turned into a truly desolate land in the Nergigant's territory. .

"Captain, tell me about the information you have obtained." Su Yi broke the depressing atmosphere and asked.

"Yes." The captain sitting behind him nodded and said, "As you know, our initial mission was to investigate the abnormal activities of large monsters in the wasteland of the Big Ant Mound."

"At the beginning, we found that the monsters became alert and restless, as if they were avoiding something."

"Then, we found traces of the Nergigante, but these traces were left not long ago, which did not match the time when the monsters' abnormal activities began."

"Because investigating the ancient dragon has a higher priority, we started investigating the traces of the Nergigante instead."

"Until we met that black demon, the Black Horned Dragon!" After saying this, the captain's expression became heavy.

"Those who have encountered it should know that there is something abnormal about that Black Horned Dragon. Of course, it's not just about its appearance, but its behavior."

Su Yi's expression changed and he said: "Behaving abnormally?"

"After encountering the black horned dragon, it immediately attacked us in a rage."

"We were surprised to find that its strength was too strong, and we were already seriously injured after just one fight." The captain said, and the injury on his foot began to hurt.

According to what the captain said, it is obvious that at this time, the members of the investigation team have not yet formally identified and defined the combat individuals.

"After finally getting rid of its pursuit, we plan to wait for the Black Horned Dragon to leave before investigating this area."

"But we found that it has been hanging around in the rocky hills."

"The rocky hills are connected to wetland oasis, shallow swamps and desert areas, and are also the lairs of many monsters. They are the center of this large area, and many monsters will come here."

"But because this super powerful black horned dragon is wandering here, and it will attack any creature that appears in front of it indiscriminately, many monsters have been driven out."

"We realized that this might be why the monsters were acting strangely."

"But what really makes me wonder is, why does it not go back to its nest to wait for birth when it is pregnant? Instead, it keeps wandering here and attacks all living things?"

"Any monster needs to rest. It's like a lonely ghost, wandering here for at least a few weeks. What is its purpose?"

The leader of the investigation team was extremely confused. Although he found the reason for the abnormal activities of the monsters, another question popped up.

"The black-horned dragon that keeps wandering here," Su Yi murmured in thought.

Generally speaking, Blackhorned Dragons should prefer to build their nests in sandy areas. These rocky hills should be just a feeding ground for Horned Dragons to eat cacti. Their nests should be in some deserts to the east.

After this black-horned dragon has finished eating here, it should return to its lair in the desert to wait for birth.

No matter how territorial the ceratopsian is, it should rest after patrolling its territory.

"After investigating this, we were about to return to the base to report, when we were attacked by the Black Horned Dragon again."

"With limited mobility and severe injuries, we hid in the cave, but we were also trapped by the black horned dragon wandering there."

Then Su Yi arrived.

Su Yi put this information together in his mind and analyzed the current situation in the wasteland of the Big Ant Mound.

The experienced black horned dragon was wandering in the rocky hills for unknown reasons, which caused the abnormal activity of monsters in the giant anthill wasteland a few weeks ago.

A few days ago, the Nergigante visited here. About half an hour ago, it fought the Black Horned Dragon. The specific situation is unknown now.

Snap, snap.

The sharp claws of the Mistyclaw stepped on the rock formations, and it jumped to the ground. There were more plants around it. Not far away, you could see clusters of purple plants in the shallow swamp.

"Finally out of there" Su Yi murmured.

Although they are almost leaving the rocky hills, some creatures begin to appear around them, and it seems that they are far away from the influence of the Nergigante, but don't be careless.

Swish, swish, swish.

The sharp claws of the Mistyclaw clenched onto the sandy ground as it ran forward, raising handfuls of gravel.

Shasha rumbling

"Meow?!" Lucao's ears twitched and shouted: "Su Yi, there's something moving, meow!"

"Huh?!" Su Yi's eyes narrowed, and the rumbling voice gradually became clearer.

Not far away, the khaki ground suddenly bulged, the gravel was blown away, and the bulging earth dragon rumbled towards this side.

"Misery Claw Dragon!" Su Yi shouted.

"Roar!" The strong muscles of the Mistyclaw bulged, and it used its strength to leap high.


The dark figure broke out of the ground, and the flying gravel splashed around like a goddess scattering flowers.


Su Yi waved his shield and knocked away a piece of gravel, looking at the scarred monster with surprise.

"Escaped from the claws of the Nergigante?"

The battle-hardened black horned dragon turned its head and looked at Su Yi with its scarlet eyes. Black smoke was emitted from its mouth as it breathed, and a faint red light emitted from the dense blood vessels in its eyes and forelimbs.

At the same time, Su Yi noticed that the dark carapace was covered with bite and cut scars, and the bone plate on the head that protected the neck was missing a piece.

"Did he escape the Nergigante's attack by hiding?" Su Yi could only think of this possibility at the moment.

"But why drag this scarred body to launch an attack? Why don't you know you are tired and ignore your injuries?" Su Yi frowned.

Su Yi responded with the sharp horn pointed at him by the Black Horned Dragon.

The Mistyclaw jumped away nimbly again, and the Blackhorned Dragon, which missed the attack, used its forelimbs and sharp horns to dig through the sand, and rumbled into the earth.

Su Yi projected a sonic bomb, a high-frequency noise rang out, and with a bang, half of the body of the black-horned dragon that was sneaking underground broke out of the ground, shaking its head dizzily.

Su Yi released the scratching bird and said: "Captain, let the scratching bird take you out of here first. It seems that if we don't solve it, the wasteland of the Big Ant Mound will not be peaceful."

The captain, who was supported by Su Yi and scratched the bird, said solemnly: "I understand, you have to be careful!"

Su Yi nodded and shouted to the sky: "Steel Armored Crow, hurry up and send them back to the stronghold!"

"Gah!" The steel-armored crow chirped, climbed higher, and flapped its wings to speed up.

The scratching bird chirped to Su Yi, then spread its legs and ran quickly towards the shallow swamp.

"Next, it's me and you, Mrs. Blackhorn." Su Yi opened the capture ball and released the Swift Meow and the Barbarian Jaw.

The Black Horned Dragon not far away shook its head, climbed out of the ground, looked at the two monsters that suddenly appeared in front of it, and let out a shocking roar without fear.

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