Blue Star is also a Pokémon Master!

Chapter 195 Why is it you?

The female fire dragon had eaten enough and was finally able to rest peacefully in her lair.

Seeing that it was raining outside, Su Yi felt a little uncomfortable.

It's enough to enjoy the rain scene for a while. It will be raining, so it's not easy to look for the black horned dragon, and the guide insects will be disturbed to some extent.

Moreover, the mission is limited to 5 days. This is the second day, and we are already preparing for the afternoon. Who knows when the rain will start?

"Is it the rainy season?" Su Yi murmured.

In fact, he had already guessed it when he saw the baby mud fish dragon.

Because the breeding season of Mudichthyosaurus is the rainy season in the wasteland of the large ant mound, they will only mate and lay eggs at this time. The abundant rain provides a favorable environment for eggs and young.

Maybe at this time, deep in the swamp of the Great Ant Mound Wasteland, there is a group of mud fish dragons rolling in the mud, courting and mating with the sound of rain.

"We can't waste our time here, we have to do something." Su Yi touched his chin and returned to the Pokémon world? still

"By the way, let's go back to the Golden Country to dig something. We just don't have any money." Su Yi slapped his palms and decided.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yi only has one camping group left, which happens to be set up in a hidden cave in the cave.

"It's all money." Su Yi sighed.

Every time the adult companion beasts fight, the injured area is very large, and several bottles of wound medicine are used at a time.

If the recovery medicine prepared with herbs could also be used to treat accompanying beasts, then the light damage medicine would account for a large part of the expenditure.

"In the end, you have to mine, but fortunately, mine is a gold mine."

Su Yi did not disturb the female fire dragon family, but teleported to the Golden Land with other accompanying beasts.


Su Yi dug out a piece of "gold" with a pickaxe, held it in his hand and examined it carefully.

"It looks golden at first glance, but if you take a closer look, it seems that the purity is not good enough. Can it be sold? Do you need to refine it yourself?"

The gold attached to the rock not only contains other metals, but is also wrapped with some stones. This appearance cannot be sold directly.

Either find a way to purify it yourself, or sell it as raw ore to a mining company that can extract gold.

Su Yi felt numb: "Who can tell me how to refine gold?"

"Selling it as raw ore by the ton? Am I no longer a part-time worker? Who should I sell it to?"

"Chairman Lotz, who also made his fortune in mining? But no matter how I think about it, I feel very shortchanged."

"Sell it to Dewen Company, which was formerly a steel refining company? Or will Master Dewen accept this thing?"

"It would be great if I could get the gold nugget from the Huihuilong."

Su Yi felt the feeling of guarding the golden mountain without success.

"Or which Pokémon can help me? I only know Pokémon that will eat all these mines."

"Is it possible to dig deeper and get gold with higher purity?" Su Yi said, looking at the entrance of the cave blocked by melted rocks and gold.

"It's definitely impossible to dig through with a hard chisel, but I can dig through the ground." Su Yi took out his move learner and looked for the accompanying beast that could dig holes.

As a result, the two toothed dragon brothers, the Great Jackal Dragon and the Great Evil Jaw Dragon, who have never had a chance to appear, can learn it.

Su Yi was also helpless. Not to mention fighting the female fire dragon, it was useless to go up to the one that couldn't fly. How could Su Yi dare to let them go when fighting the black horned dragon and the Nergigante? He was really afraid that they would be killed.



The ground cracked, and then, the ferocious jackal dragon broke out of the ground, followed by Su Yi and Lu Cao as they climbed out of the hole.

"Oh my God, where does this lead?!"

Rotom turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and shined it forward. What appeared in front of Su Yi was a huge passage diagonally downwards. The light could not reach the end.

"This is different from what I thought."

Su Yi thought it would be another huge space when dug out, but unexpectedly, it was a direct downward passage, which looked like it was going deep into the ground.

"What's going to be down here?" Su Yi looked at the long passage and swallowed.

"Go down and have a look!" Su Yi rode on the ferocious jackal dragon and walked towards the depths of the passage.

The passage does not go straight and diagonally downward, but in the shape of a staircase, step by step.

After walking for five or six minutes, Lucao suddenly said: "It seems to be getting hot, meow."

A thermometer appeared on the screen of Rotom's mobile phone and said: "It's four degrees hotter than before Rotom."

"As the temperature gets higher, are we going to dig into the magma area?" Su Yi said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the smooth passage in front of him slanted downward again. This time, there was a little red light at the end of the passage.

Reaching the end of the passage, which was a cave entrance that was not completely covered, Su Yi put away the ferocious jackal dragon and squeezed out through the gap.

There is a huge space in front of you. The ground is a hot rocky ground, and the surrounding stalagmites are dotted with a little golden color.

A bright red river of lava runs through the middle, and on the opposite side is another cave entrance blocked by melting.

"Did I win the lottery?" Su Yi murmured, looking at the slowly flowing lava.

How does this look like the front hall leading to the BOSS room?

"Then should I go to return the favor or not?"

"What if the Glorious Dragon isn't here? What if it's sleeping?"

Su Yi considered various possible situations, but just couldn't hold back his desire to explore.

"Go and take a look?"

Su Yi released the steel-armored crow, flew across the river of lava, and landed in front of the cave entrance.

"Huh!" Su Yi took a deep breath and released the ferocious jackal dragon.

"dig slowly this time and make less noise." Su Yi specially asked.

The big ferocious jackal dragon nodded and started digging.

Su Yi and Lu Cao walked into the cave, and Rotom was lighting up.

Whether it was because he slowed down his digging speed or because he was excited and nervous, Su Yi felt that a long time had passed.

Finally, with a bang, the ground was dug up, and the red light and high temperature of the magma came in through the hole.

Su Yi took back the ferocious jackal dragon and stuck out his head together with Lu Cao.

In front of you is a huge underground lava area. The magma flows through the rugged terrain and penetrates deeper into the cave. Some of the magma flows down from high places and splashes flowers of magma.

Clusters of exposed mineral veins can be seen on the edge of the magma, reflecting charming light under the light of the magma.

This hot and bright world, with only the sound of flowing magma, is like the legendary hell, like the place where dragons crystallize deep in the New World.

"It was a mistake, I didn't bring ice-cold mushrooms and cold drinks." Su Yi opened the mask and breathed, sweat flowing down his skin.

Lucao hugged the elegant scimitar that exuded cold air tightly, panting.

Judging from the entrance of the cave, there are no traces of gold on the nearby rocks, which shows that Xuanhuisaurus did not stay here and rarely moved here.

Su Yi continued to explore along the rocky ground. When passing by a rock wall, he found some exposed bones.

"Fossil?" Su Yi was surprised, and then tapped it with a pickaxe.

Brush la la.

The brittle rocks fell one after another, and part of the skeleton appeared in that section.

"What kind of monster is this?" Su Yi looked at the twisted huge skeleton and was puzzled.

"The lava dragon's?"

Just when Su Yi was about to release the accompanying beast to dig, a bang, like the sound of magma erupting, came from the deep space.

Su Yi put away the pickaxe and carefully looked around the corner. At that moment, his heart stopped.

A huge monster like a lion folded its wings, walked majestically in its flame country, and walked towards this side.

Su Yi turned around, sweating in his heart: Isn't this the territory of Xuanhui Dragon? Why is there Yanwanglong? !

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