Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 338 sent a spaceship

After a while, 10 probes were released. They became a line, and it was easy to detect more than 40,000 kilometers, but did not find a specific enemy ship in the direction.

After the release of the 11th probe, suddenly saved was wreck, the flying tower had stopped being attacked, and the attacked has always been the first probe that has been released.

Liu Feng is very certain to tell Han in the long saying: "About 40,000 kilometers in this direction, the enemy must be here."

Han Xiang said: "We started to crack down with the shelling, try it, maybe you can hit."

Liu Feng said: "We also need to make a thorough blow, I hope that on the one hand, we should use more probes to explore, on the one hand, we still have to send our real space fleet, Gri's fighter, direct Flying to the probe to give us a position to fight enemy ships. "

The Han Xiang has never won the opinions of Liu Feng, which has been adjusted 10 heavy fighters, and also sent more probes to the suspected enemy ship to do a more careful investigation.

People responsible for radar probes are Zhang Meihua. She is a person under Li Tong, and Li Tong considers that she can not exceed the prestige of the Korean, so I have found a strong ability.

Because the Korean-in-long demand must have three probes, this can avoid enemy ship to destroy a probe, which can not accurately measure the enemy ship, so the other two roads still need two people to lead, one is also Li Tong selected Xu Li. There is also a person who is left, and people who have explored the news for Li Tong.

Liu Feng also saw Li Tong's doing style, although he did not move, but it would want to let himself control.

Liu Feng said to Li Tong: "Xu captain determined to do the work of controlling radar?"

Li Tong said to Liu Feng: "Don't you learn? And say that you will teach her, she will definitely master it quickly."

Liu Feng said to Li Tong: "What about it? If I mean, he is different from usual, I have noticed him, he has been monitoring and peaking with individual people, can do the task of detecting enemy ships ?"

Li Tong said: "Since you tell me, the people choose people are not suitable, then why are you right? Are you just a student coming in, is you learning radar professional? You just have no graduation in high school, even college entrance examination I haven't participated yet? I will organize a high school exam in the flying tower. If you can crossline, you can consider your career on the flying tower. If you haven't traveled, then you can't touch the tower. Any important part of the top. "

Zhou Quanmei said to Li Tong: "What do you mean? Do you want to separate three or nineteen?"

Li Tong said: "That is also you started, Zuo and Xu Li are not suitable for the radar probe. Who is going to say? Is it your Liu Feng and Han in the long say? Do you have any?"

Han Chong long said: "Let Xu Li and Zuo, Li Tong said that it is reasonable."

Liu Feng also felt that after Li Tong said, began to let Xu Lihe Zuo started to control the two probes.

The probe contains several important devices, where the most important is the engine control system, communication control forwarding system and radar system.

Soon Xu Li and Zuo have been laid to Zhang Meihua's address, three roads start laying the eleventh radar, although there is a shot, but there are two other kilometers Layout, very fast three-way probe cable started to lay a probe radar, soon he arrived at 50,000 kilometers, and he was over 60,000 kilometers to detect heavy spacecraft, and the probe radar tagged the enemy's heavy spacecraft. .

Everyone in the No. 53 is very excited, Li Tong said: "The first meritorus is on Zhang Meihua and Xu Li, or if they are, we are afraid that they are killed by the Griens' heavy spaceship."

Han Xiang said: "We need to send yourself a light fighter to attack the enemy. For the sake of insurance, you need 3 boats, I just let Qi Hongbo check the airport on our flying tower, everything above is ready I only need someone to drive. "

Li Tong said: "I have already taken into account this, we have special forces that can drive spacecrafts on the spaceship, and I will listed the list."

Liu Feng listened to the three words of the 'special forces', I feel somewhat strange, the testism asked: "Is these special forces very powerful? Will also open a light fighter of the checker?"

Li Tong said: "Of course, these special forces will be, they have been professional training, which is the soldiers in my hands."

Zhou Quanmei said: "How is their personal efforts? It's great."

Li Tong frowned: "Of course! Hello, what?"

Zhou Quanmei said: "When the Grrians rebellion, how did they appear, now there is now?"

Li Tong said: "Because when he was killed by Gern, there is no more difficult thing to do now, such as open this Gri light fighter?"

Zhou Quanmei shouted: "We are dead, you can sit still right?"

Li Tong said to the Korean pointer: "This is what I need to regulate your place. If you don't understand, you don't have any suggestions."

Han Xiang said to Zhouquan: "You must be at this time, what do you mean, what do you mean, let everyone get messy, your fisherman is profitable, then let everyone listen to you?"

Zhou Quanmei said: "How can I be such a person?"

The Han Xiang said: "Don't be stupid, since you have been in this flying Tower, you have been doing things that don't match your identity, you are not suitable for complex things, but you are unwilling, you want to be this Boss, when you don't become a boss, you will not cooperate, then find the right to get difficult, let everyone think that you say it very reasonable, but trigger all kinds of uneasiness, you dare, do you think so? "

Zhou Ji beautiful steady anger, but calm down, said to the Korean poker: "How much hate I is with you? You said me? You can't catch up with your brain, you can't catch it, do I have this complicated?"

Han Xiang said: "Take it, you go with special forces, open your light fighters, let me see if you don't match the commander."

Zhou Jianmei said: "Too good, I want to go, ensure that the enemy ship that sneaks me into pieces."

Li Tong said to the Han-Chongzhen: "It's almost a lot of jokes, I don't say anything, you are very smart, brave, but the things with the enemy fighter, I really need professional, I am not In order to greet the right in the hands, it is just the things in the universe, too complicated, slightly don't pay attention, all the flying tower will be dead. "

Li Tong began to order commands: "Lei Dao, Wu Qiang, Xun three people listened, you start driving 15173, 15187, 15193 light fighters, reaching the probe designated location, destroying enemy ship."

Leo, Wu Qiang and Xun three people were ordered to open a light fighter, flew out of the flying tower, departing from the enemy's direction.

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